Sunday, May 31, 2020

May 2020 A Monthly Review

All of the Months Post's all in one place. 

May 2020 a month in Review

(Click on link below image  for post)

Managing the Mind


Truth About Us
A Little UMPH!

Belief and Burning Desire

Energy In The Right Direction

How Do You Define

Grateful I AM
Believe the process and watch it take over your attitude 
So What is Gratitude 
Hope Is Important But Self Love Is More Important

That's Life
Pushing Through

Prayers of Gratitude
Walking Your Line

Values Part of your Core Integrity





Trusting and Moving Forward

Finding Our Way 

Wanting is Not Enough
Hope vs Sadness and Embracing vs Enabling

Driven By Purpose 

Doing It Right 

Standing Alone and Standing Strong

A special thank you for your views, on phone comments, emails, and comments with in my daily shares. I am grateful : ). Please if you wish share these, enjoy these and know that a smile and sincere thank you is shared your way.  I will be posting June 6th, 2020 a monthly newsletter.  Hope you enjoy it and hope you want to send a suggestion or two or three or you get the idea.... LOL

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 31 / 2020

Standing Alone and Standing Strong

Some of your best thinking can be done when you are alone. When your best thoughts come about and listen to our own instincts we stand stronger.

The wolf, a very strong and instinctive animal has a long history of being alone and strong.  We can learn a lot about this animal and their loyalty to the pack and their strengths when alone.  

The wolf has some spiritual traits:

Positive Traits of the Wolf Spirit Animal

With the wolf spirit animal, it just shows that you have a deep connection with your instincts. You can rely on your intuition to deal with tough situations and major challenges.

You possess a keen intelligence that helps you in your life and your relationships. You have sharp instincts that never fail to make you understand the world and how it works.

(source: Wolf Spirit animal)

Learning about standing alone through meditation can help anyone grow.  Meditative thought and time spent listening to our instincts can be a strong focusing tool.

We all will go through things and many with in a "pack" like setting.  The wolf is no follower he leads his own path and so should we.

Listening to our silence, following our instincts and understanding our strengths and our weaknesses that lie within.  The beginning of transformation is to seek first and then understand and learn from that new wisdom.

The wolf has the keen understanding of his or her weaknesses but relies heavily on its strengths and understanding.

Don't perform in anyone's circus leave that to the lions and tigers of the world.

Don't be a sheep either for they will follow who ever and wherever.

Be the very best you that you can be, design every day to be better than the last.
Look at your mistakes and get better but leave them behind as a mistake does not define you they teach you and guide you.

Run to higher ground
Listen to the pulse of your environment.

Does this pulse give you joy or does it give you anxiety.
Always follow the pulse that serves not one that takes away our energies and joy.

Love will always overcome just be patient in your walk and listen to your wolf inside of you.  We have many paths ahead choose wisely but always choose with patient and fervor.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 31 / 2020

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Doing It Right

Take inventory each day of your assets and your liabilities.

Account for the strengths and use them for your favor.  Take any weaknesses and move to work upon them to make them better but always lead with your strengths.

We indeed only live once but once is enough

Just do it, meaning make your life right.

Lead with your strengths. Maybe it is kindness and never give up attitude.

Lead with that.

Maybe it is humor and empathy.

Lead with that.

Maybe it is a work ethic and lifting up another soul.

Lead with that.

We all have gifts, We all have a God given talent to expound on.

Lead with those gifts.

Always remember the most important thing is not things, its people helping people.

Listening to people, caring about people, being patient with people. Helping others.

Open the door more for others, smile more for others, be gracious with and for others.

Lead and be direct.
Care and be kind.
Give and share what you can even it is just a smile or a random act of kindness.

We are all in this together.
Be mindful of that.
Be patient with that.

Be great with that.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 30 / 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020

Driven by Purpose

The question will is, are you the driver of your life or are you going along for the ride?  Driven by design, yours or someone else's.

The vision may not be clear but the desire should be.  The desire to be better, healthier, a better human being, willing to make a difference and make something better for not just ourselves.  But better for others, our family our friends and for our world.

Driven by a passion or driven away from a pain or suffering. It is still about the drive

Driven away from the poison that is driving you further away from your needs and wants.

Driven by a purpose, driven down a better path.

Don't be the rider, be a driver.

Design your path and purpose.

Make your plans and your goals come true.

It will take some effort but all good things will.

Be the change in your life, be the message that you will be driven to and want to share.

Don't worry about the nay sayers or the doubters or especially the "friends"  who want you to be part of the "gang" or "group"  Be your own be what you want for those you love.

But most of all "love yourself"

Always be that 

Choose wisely 
Love always.
Dream Bigger and plan and move and adjust and survive.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 29 / 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hope vs Sadness and Embracing vs Enabling

Bringing about change to someone who needs it.

Enlightening has to take place with a downtrodden spirit.  We can watch and do nothing or we can embrace certain steps along the way.

It can be as simple as sharing a smile, embracing the person with direct and sincere attention.  Giving that person a chance to vent and find hope not just desperation and loss.

When it is a social condition, social attention is needed.
When it is an addiction condition social attention is needed.
When it is a medical condition, social attention is needed. 

It goes with out saying that medical or professional attention is important to be given but this the one on one for those who have a loved one or maybe it is their own being that needs this support.

We are all in this together.  
We are all at one time or another in need of an ear, a kind spirit and soul and the human interaction that we can crave.

Hope vs Sadness.

Sadness is at most a enabler for the depressed.  It is reactive not proactive.

Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen and a feeling of trust. 

Hope is needed when we walk through a problem.  I love the quote and statement that when you are "going through hell in a situation you don't stop, you keep moving forward."

When you stop you linger, you adapt to the situation instead of the solution, or a solution at best.

When you keep moving you move then evaluate your progress and move forward.

Moving is progress, of course it goes with out saying that you have to know what you want and move towards that goal.  Not a dream, a goal with a plan. A goal with a plan with purpose.

What is the purpose?  What is the desired outcome? What hunger do you have to receive and arrive at that desired outcome?  What matters most to you, your family, your children or getting a temporary fix?  

We do things every day for pleasure and to avoid pain.  

But if the thing we do for pleasure commits ourselves or our loved ones to pain that what is the end game?

Loss for sure, sadness you bet and death is possible.

Embracing with the eyes, with the heart, with the words of love not condemnation but love is what will achieve your goal and thiers.

Enabling just gets you into the mad cycle of sadness, feeling sorry and allowing no dream, no goal and no real plan for redemption and success.

Choose wisely 
Love always.
Dream Bigger and plan and move and adjust and survive.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 28 / 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wanting is Not Enough

You have to overcome, you have to need the think you WANT as bad as you would need air to breathe.

Some of us at one part of our life or another want something for ourselves or another so bad it hurts.
It tears at our walls of our inner spirit, it hurts so damn bad that we just can't understand why we can't have it.

Some of it is discipline, some of it is habitual some of it is in our mind so obvious that we don't know why we can't have it.  We know we want it and often we know we need it for substantial life needs.

Discipline is part of this, knowing that we can and we will and we must find and execute a plan or create a new pattern.  The pattern is like a record player and a needle and a scratch on some vinyl of your favorite musical record.  Once that need hits that scratch its stuck in a endless pattern over and over the same pattern plays on.  We must find a way to interrupt that pattern, effort from a hand to lift or bump that needle or just lifting an replacing to a better track. It takes discipline and effort to overcome the bad habit.  It has to come from the person who needs to fix the pattern.  We can't will anyone to do it.  It must come from within.

Habitual errors, be it a food addiction, bad relationship habits learned from parents, or maybe a chemical addiction.  The habit, the bad habit is real and  sometimes we need counseling or maybe a intervention to show how it is destroying our life.  We sometimes need to "hit bottom" as they say, the counselors and the experts and the bottom is different for everyone but we need to love those and help them see the angle of descent.   NOT enable them but help them and often the help is a tough love kind of thing.  Enabling someone only gets them there at a later date, and sometimes with disastrous results.  The habit and the clutch on someone is real, and has a devastating grip on us.  Love and patience and hardline guidance can and will get someone closer to resolution but again they have to see the down hill slide.  They have to see the end game, life is a game of chess not checkers.  The piece of life all have different strengths.

You need to overcome against the feelings and turn the feelings into real and substantial actions.

The hunger, the desire the reason to get better has to be a feeling of need so bad that its like your running out of air.  You need to breathe and get better or the problem will suffocate you.

Be strong
Be diligent 
Be aware of God's and the earths power and energy to awaken. the spirit within you.
Be planning, visualize what you want.

Seek a higher power
Seek a mentor
Seek a support group
Seek a message that motivates not actions or habits that destroy.

Run don't walk to what your want
Run don't walk to what you truly must overcome
Run don't walk to a better day

Avoid sadness
Avoid distress
Avoid bad influences that keep you coming back to the same old song and dance.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 27 / 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Finding our way

We can and we must lead by example

We are not born with hate, we learn it. We are not born with anger we acquire it.

When the easiest lesson to learn is one based on love and joy why do we disembark from it?  Why can't we stay on the simple path of sharing respect and love and acts of kindness along the way.

The last few days we celebrated a holiday based on giving thanks 
and respect to those who serve us.

The service women and men in the military both current and past and respect and honor who gave all and sacrificed all.

We also remember and give thanks to those first responders, police and fire and the Ems who serve and protect our lives, the rule of law and our property.

But can we practice this all year round?

The virus has even complicated this further and put burdens on all families, and those who serve essentially so we can eat and provide the necessary utilities to our homes.

We can and we must lead by example to spread thanks, and love and joy.
We can and we must lead by example with a simple smile and a kind word.

They and we deserve that much.

We can and we must lead by example, today and always.

A simple message yes, but can we deliver?  One person at a time, one smile at a time and one simple act of kindness at a time.

We can and we must lead by example.

We are all in this together and we all we contribute in this together.

Today and always we can and we must lead. by example.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 26 / 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

Trusting and Moving Forward

With simple acts of kindness, faith, hope and love for everyone.

It truly is a different world, a world with less kindness and more division. More anger and less optimistic love.  

Why?  Since when Is being full of vinegar better than sharing small doses of honey.

When does being nice and full of grace for another human being a seldom story.

Since when is having good and evil labeled - having good on both sides.  

If we have a car with a broken tie rod or bad engine it is not a good thing on either side for that part or the car.

  It is bad, you replace it and move forward.

Why is hate ever good?  

What can we do to fix this problem?

Step one:  be kind, it truly is easy.

Step two:  Less hate more love.  Believe it or not it is much easier to love than spew hate. Hate is hard, its hard on your body and is so contradictory to how we were designed by God.

Speaking of God (with a capital G), what happened to loving thy neighbor, not lusting over another person, what happened to these mentions:

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
 (1 Corinthians 13:13)

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” (1 John 4:16)

I could go on, yes there is more,  but truly why do we try to be the judge and jury and executioner over people.

 There is man's law where judgment is in a court by a judge or jury with sentencing.

Then there is God's law, (capital G again) where at the end of life judgment is passed down. Who are we to cast judgment.

 The word love is much more powerful to convert a sinner of God's law that it is to convict with hate.  Hate is truly sin.  Least that is what I have read.

  No where does any religion across the world put hate as a worthy value.

Trust and have faith and share love.

Be kind and put your values in place when moving forward, not regressing into the abyss.

My last posts have been about the following:

Reaching, Sharing, Giving, Capturing and yesterday Thanking.

Reaching out, and sharing and giving and capturing the moment and giving thanks.

Let us all trust and move forward with hope, faith and love.  

Please share this, please take a long look into the windows of your soul, I do every day.

Your eyes are indeed the windows to your soul.
Your smile is a gateway to kindness and joy with a touch of love.
Your words are everything down the path to a better world for all of us.

We are all in this together !  
Let's spread honey not vinegar.

Be nice, Be kind, be sincere, be real and always love and be kind to yourself.

After all it starts there.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 25 / 2020

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Those who serve, we are forever grateful. On the front line and in the middle of things they are remarkable and we would be lost without them.

The military those that have served and gave, those who do serve and give and those who gave all and are remembered.  We thank you.

The EMS and Law enforcement, they respond to trouble and emergency.  They serve with a purpose to protect and save.  They must always be appreciated for what they do with pride and duty.  We thank you.

The Medical responders in hospitals and emergency rooms everywhere. In harms way you serve, unpredictable waves we flow.  We trust our lives in your hands and you deliver and families appreciate your time served and spent day after day.  We thank you.

This holiday we remember and we thank those who serve us and who have served.

May we not just thank for the holiday or just any one day but thankful always for those who give day in and day out.

It should not be hard to be thankful.  It should be easy to act in a manner that protects the very soul and spirit of those who give for our safety.

For safety of country!  For safety of health and who protect us in all ways.

Just saying thank you may not be enough, but its a start.

A smile shared.  A kind word of appreciation.  A deeper love of gratitude for a job done well.

May we all give back by following some rules of health, some rules of law, some rules on nature, some rules of kindness, some rules of love.

It is not that difficult to be any of these.  It can't be, it must not be difficult.

We some give all - we must give back!  We are all in this together.

So thank you for taking the time to read.
Thanks you for taking the time to share.

May we honor each other with kindness and love.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 24 / 2020