Sunday, July 31, 2011

Staying in Focus on Sunday *New* 07/31/11

Happy Sunday to you all and the very last day of July 2011 is here.  Staying in focus on today but taking the time to have a quick review of your month is important to real growth.

Real growth of spirit and soul.

Today take the time and make the time to look at your growth.
How did you do with your goals, your dreams and did your Gratitude Attitude grow inside or did it drift along with out real direction

A quote that fits nicely:

“Concentrated attention is the collection of units of power
on a chosen point of intention.”

~ James Arthur Ray

Focus and concentrate on what you want.

Write down what you want.

Review how it aligns with your core values and needs, not just wants but needs.

Take the time today to review how the month, your month went.

The  fact is if you ask better questions you will get much better answers

Better answers = Better results

Questions like these listed here.

How did my plan of action for this past month turn my goals into results?

What worked against me and did I let it overcome my thoughts at key moments?

What can I do better to align my core values and needs to develop a stronger plan of action 
that I can turn into real results to improve my life?

When is the best time of the day to feed your spirit in soul?

The answer is every time and anytime.

Start each day with quiet prayer.

Start each day with silent meditation.

Begin each day with enough rest.

Begin each day with nutrients and fuel that will help your mind and body.

End each day with reflection on what was great express your gratitude for what went right.

End each day and put the past failures where they belong, in the lesson note book of life but please don't forget to turn the page.

Just a few things to focus on as our month comes to a close.

Enjoy your day everyone and have a great month ahead full of dreams, a plan and a promise to execute that plan.  For the good of you, your  loved ones and for the good of all!

Smiles sent your way across the miles : )


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU!

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Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sizzling Saturday *New* July 30, 2011

Happy Saturday and may you find this day not only a happy and joyful day but a day that sizzles.  A day of memories made, love shared and smiles all around.

Here is my question for you today.

Do you allow your self to have
this kind of day?

There is the question but the fact is many hold their emotions back.

They criticize their value and disable the ability to enjoy the moment much less the day.
A quote about this:

True love brings up everything - you're allowing
a mirror to be held up to you daily.
~Jennifer Aniston
You have to love yourself first.

You have to have that passion that you want that person in your mirror to enjoy life, to succeed, to find joy, to forgive and forget.

The past is history, today is the first step to the rest of your life.  Take it and allow your love to begin with you.

Give yourself permission to sizzle today and everyday.

This day is yours to start if you have not before to appreciate your ability.  To believe that life can be joyful and full of energy.

Don't stumble through another day, make the day bow down before you.  Your in charge of this moment, and the next, and the next one after that.  Sieze it and savor it with a smile.

Thats what my daily posts are all about.  I want you to sizzle with a smile, stay in the moment and take one step at a time towards giving and making a difference with not just another but yourself.
Simple things to think about today?

My friend it is all simple.  Life is not demanding you to get a college degree in it,
 everyday your in class.

You just have to allow yourself to participate.

Stay smiling today and enjoy yourself each and every smile!

: )

Smiles to you across the miles and around and over any obstacle.


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU!


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun Filled Friday *New* July 22, 2011

Happy Friday the weekend is almost here, and the last two days of the month are just in front of us.  August 2011 is upon us.

So much of us are just standing or sitting and disgusted at our government and how they are handling this debate on whether to allow our country to default.

Why ?   Because big money is at stake right?  Ego's our at stake?

The next election is at stake?

Who is the leader of this country?  We are about to enter a phase and we seem to have no leader and not many followers and we are the experimental lab subjects.

So enough of the political banter I know you have not come to a Fun Filled Friday post to talk politics.  There are enough of the political posts out there that we stumble upon by accident. LOL.

No this post is our Friday Fun Filled post of the week.

This post every Friday will try to add a little fun, some humor, a fun song, a picture or too and today some video that we hope will make you laugh, make you think and maybe even share the power of laughter.

: )

Today we are sharing some video made just for laughs.  Some slap stick comedy that people walk into a situation with some funny outcomes.

Some funny stuff right ......

Funny stuff.... have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend : )

Smiles to you and yours enjoy your day : )


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday *New* July 28, 2011

Happy Thursday to you and may your day be filled with love and joy!
Smiles sent your way, this day and everyday.

A nine year old girls birthday wish
and her tragic death helps a charity far
beyond anyones imagination.

The Story of Rachel Beckwith and her wish for a world with clean water.
Thoughtful and now an angel, this Seattle area girl took to heart a spokespersons explanation how billions of people have to drink unclean water. Water that makes them sick, and kills young children daily.  This nine year old girl took that message to heart and put it into action a plan.
Her story will unfold in the links below but I will do my best to at the very least present it so that you want to hear and learn more.
Her request to her family and friends that on her June 11th her birthday wish is that no presents be given the only gift a donation of $9 so that she can raise $300 for Charity Water to help 15 people have clean drinking water.
The request and goal raised $220, a awesome selfless goal to help others in need.
On July 23, 2011 she died from an auto accident just 3 days prior.
The pastor of her church takes time to not only give care and prayer and words to lift up the family and church body but he takes the reigns and spreads the story through social media, the Internet and anyone who would listen.
The affect?
A young girls heart and passion to help others.
A family who grieves but understands the impact their little girl had and still has on others.
The world has many inspirational moments like these but heaven has another angel.
An angel that smiles down upon us all!
Some video and some links to learn more.
May your day be filled with love and may your day be inspired to make a difference in some way.

If you liked this story pass it on
: )
This day and everyday make it special for you and others. Take the time to care and show concern for gratitude and love.  For to me love is the key to so many of life troubles. Gratitude is the cure for so much impatience and lack.
A quote from last week shared again today:
"We are the music makers,
We are the dreamers of dreams"
~Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Smile on and share one along your journey today : )


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Walking Through Wednesday *New* ~July 27, 2011

Happy Wednesday everyone, July is coming to an end and August is at our doorstep.  How was your month, do you have memories made, it is great to be able to look back but always live life in the present.

Remember, the past is history and tomorrow is the mystery so lets just live for today. Stay hungry for sure, stay foolish sure ok but always live life as if it was all play.

Easy enough? It can be for sure.
So as part of Wednesdays new format for this post I want to share how we can and should handle any adversity that may come up in our life. How we can turn it around and learn to feel inspiration instead of desperation. On this day I have set it aside to inspire you and to help you overcome and focus on a more positive outcome.
This quote will start us out on the subject of living for today:

You must live in the present
launch yourself on every wave
find your eternity in each moment

~Henry David Thoreau

Awesome thought, not easy to live by of course. Some of us are very fearful of waves, and living with eternity for each moment.
We fear the moment that seems uncertain.  Not all of us but many do.  That wave that is about to crash the surf seems harmless of course, unless your the shore and some of your sand goes back to the sea.
We fear the unknown and unlike the small child we lack imagination of a positive outcome, change for who me?  It worries us but we say its ok for the other guy. Let him handle the change for me I like the warm water.
Some of the best things in life come from those moments of uncertainty and the best memories are from spontaneous actions.
Live life, dance and sing like no one is watching, and who really cares if they are.
Live in the moment.
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
~Oprah Winfrey
Let go of preconceived outcomes and dream and have wonder like that of a young child.
Walk through the experience. Don't be tepid, don't stop short of your finest moment.
Walk on and look back only to see how far you have come.
For the person who looks back and sees no progress is certainly the person who has stood frozen in fear.
Fear - False - Evidence - Appearing - Real and it often is just a fable.
No truth just lots of hype.
Enjoy your dreams
Live your day
Live for right now and let your mind dance in the morning light.
Smiles to you and yours today and everyday!  : )

Enjoy the day ...

Enjoy the day ...


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Take Charge Tuesday *New* ~July 26, 2011

A very happy Tuesday to you all !  A wet day here in Pittsburgh and a much cooler day as well.  I have to say we needed the rain and it was good for the garden and the ground to get a soaking.  I hope you had such pleasant weather as well.

Todays post is about taking charge in the area of your life, your thoughts and your actions. The area to continue with this weeks theme of sort is keeping your ego in check and giving value to humility.

First a quote shared:

Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts.  It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.
~William Temple

Humility and kindness not just to others but to yourself.  Humility does not mean having a lack of pride in ones work or taking down our ego but it to me is having a watchful eye for others.
To have the open eyes, ears and heart to look out for family, friends and even total strangers and give a compliment , a kind gesture and even a smile can have profound effects on both.
Being humble.
Being kind.
Being in touch with the importance of life instead of ones own accomplishment.
Having a giving heart and looking close at another persons point of view.
That is putting a much stronger effort into the world instead of self consuming thoughts of ones self.
Another quote:

It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe,
with one trifling exception, is composed of others.
~Andrew J. Holmes, Wisdom in Small Doses
To know that I am that trifling exception and the greater source of outcome is from community and working together towards and for the greater good.
Would we indeed have our government in the shape it is today if they even considered many years ago that statement.
Our government is full of egos.
Full of people that make decisions on not what is right but what is fashionable and profitable for its own purpose.
We need as a society to become more aware of a government for the people not of the people.
Enough of that political stuff, they will do as they will until we sent a much stronger message.
Our message to our agenda is to stay humble even with success and all the gratitude that we have.
Stay kind in a world that is sometimes not kind first or last.
Stay hungry for the right of love and joy to prosper in our life and the lives of those who are important in our life.
What a world it could be if we all practiced humility and kindness to each other.
That is todays thoughts, wish and hope for one and all : )
Smiles to you this day and every day .


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

True enough!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Motivational Moment *New* 07/25/11

Happy Monday to you all!  Are you ready for it?  The last week of July 2011.  Yeah, another day closer to back to school, and all the kids go...booooo. LOL No just kidding summer has been a warm one has it not?  Wow like it is almost to hot to even go outside at times.  But you put your best face forward and onward you go.
I hope you had the chance to enjoy the weekend and hopefully share a kind word and a smile.
Thanks for all the kind words and the feedback from yesterdays post.  Many of you liked the story I shared about the two wolves inside all of us.  If you did not have a chance please go back to Sundays post. You will enjoy it.
Yesterday I spoke about taking care of those wolves inside all of us and being careful which wolf to feed.
Today I want to continue with that train of thought and ask all of us to be careful of our ego and how and what we say to another spirit.
A quote to start us out on this thought:

Apologizing does not always mean
that you are wrong and the
other person is right.
It just means that you value
your relationship more than your ego.
~ Unknown quotes
Some of us know that at one time or another someone stepped on our toes, they said something meaning well but in the end it hurt us beyond belief.  We may have lashed out or cowered but the effect is seldom good or better than the cause of the hurt.
How are we to react?
The story from yesterday is that both reactive forces are inside of us and have the power and the energy to come out and make a show of power.  But the choice should always be thought out.
Can I save hurting another just because I was hurt.
Can I explain my point of view to the other person.
The most important question, does it even really matter.
Some things in life do matter, our honor, our values, our convictions in life.  So at times you may need to take a few moments and decide your response.
However the outcome you may need to reach out in a way that does no real harm but gets your point across.
If we truly live with gratitude in our spirit for those things that we come in contact with, then we should and must appreciate the things that we wish we would not come in contact with.
The good and bad are merely a perception to the person who perceives the good and bad event.
One persons day at the beach is another persons sand covered aggravation.
Some of us love the rain and the storms that roll through and yet another just had a picnic or ball game rained out.
It is not if we will have a wave come upon us it is only when it will happen. Just as some of us will ride the wave and enjoy it and others will have the wave occupy time in a not so joyous way.
But in the end its how we react to each wave.
What we learn, there is no true failure. Just a lesson in life.
So the next time your space is intruded by another persons comment take time to step back and try to understand their motive.
It is not always wise to react. Sometimes just consider the source.

Smiles to you this day and everyday! : )

Enjoy your day and have a great week.


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Staying in Focus on Sunday *New* 07/24/11

Good day everyone and welcome to another great day to share, to care, to dream and to focus on making a difference in the lives of yourself and others.

What a plan huh?  To share in your joy and gratitude.  To care about the other persons feelings and perception.  To dream that the rest of the world wold love and hold each other in the highest esteem.  To focus on making a difference with such a small amount of effort such as sharing a kind word, a random act of  kindness or a simple sincere smile.

Yesterday I had the pleasure to chat with someone and they asked me what is Make Me Smile Online.  I explained that it is a web site and a blog filled with content that is placed on the Internet some  2 and 1/2 years ago to share and care and dream and focus on making a difference.

To share the power of the simple smile and gratitude in ones life.

To care about others and hopefully have them laugh or smile when visiting.

To dream that they will tell 2 people to visit and push it forward
into something bigger than even I could imagine.

It is free, content and all I post daily. Membership is free as well.  I do pay for the hosting and domain name out of my pocket each year.  I do spend at the very least 2 hours per day, usually out of my sleep time.  So yes I am invested for the last 880+ posts.  I enjoy it.

Now I don't ask much of course but if you do feel like passing along a small donation to pay pal you can do that . My pay pal address is or you can send me a donation to my address at  the following:

Victor Yakin  c/o Make ME Smile Online
11595 Wilshire Drive
Irwin, PA. 15642

It would be appreciated any amount to help in the cause.

I start everyday with a first step of gratitude and passion for the day that awaits me.
I start each morning with prayers of thanks to God above for letting me have another day in the beauty of nature and life.

My focus today will be on how we view others when they hurt us, willfully or not.

A quote about dealing with hurtful people:

“You will know that forgiveness has begun
when you recall those who hurt you and
feel the power to wish them well.”

~Lewis B. Smedes
Yes you knew deep down the answer to dealing with people who hurt you.

The answer is forgive them.

Accept you must that the pain is real.

Acknowledge you must that the event is over, don't let it linger on.

Address your heart and spirit that to forgive and move on is the answer.

The triple A's to getting over a hurt and the ache that goes with it.
Revenge is never the answer because you are now digging a hole for two.

You both will get to share in the pain of hurt but now it gets to be more serious it can turn to hate and bitterness.

So a message to the person who has placed the hurt inside of another and yes we are all human and this quote fits perfectly here before I go on.

The quote:

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
~ African Proverb
So you may ask what is that enemy within.

The spirit of envy.
The spirit of jealousy.
The spirit of  greed.

Before I go much further a good friend shared this with me and I wanted to post it here.  Thanks Tony B. for sharing this.

An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there's a battle between two wolves inside us all.
One is Evil.  It's anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other is Good.  It's joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth."
The grandson thought about it and asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Don't  feed your wolf that hungers for more anger, jealousy, greed, don't feed your ego.
Feed the wolf inside that is hungry to be loved, to find peace, kindness in the world.
Feed the wolf inside that is hungry to have empathy and find truth.
With focus we can choose the right wolf to feed.
With action we can place before the creator above and the angels around us the sense of pride that we had free will and chose the right path.
Dream on and may your dreams become real.
The most grandiose outcome began with a simple dream and some effort.
Stay hungry and stay foolish but don't feed the wrong wolf inside you.
Enjoy your day !

Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU!

Join today !

Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference