Monday, October 31, 2011

Dream, let your magic and genius bring your actions and dreams to life

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius and power and magic in it."


How fast a month comes to and end.  The seasons in the northeast where I live come pretty fast, the nice thing about Pittsburgh is we get all the seasons.

Fall came and went pretty fast.  But the magic in leaves turning to bronze, gold and yellow.  It is a painting when you drive past our mountains and hills and see the trees in all their glory.

But alas that is gone.  Now the leaves cling to the trees just waiting for the next strong wind to release them from the tree.

Soon the canvas of the ground will become white with snow on a long term basis and the rolling hills will have that blanket of snow covering them where green and fall leaves once rolled.

That is the northeast seasons.  Now in Florida and in the southwest you have more heat, possibility one season and sometimes people yearn for that.  They get the car and they travel to those climates because it feels good to be warm, to stay warm.  Perhaps that will be me one day.

I do love the northeast though and I do love the seasons as they change.

Does winter dream of fall?  Does it cherish the cold, knowing that its time shall soon come.

Does spring enjoy the path of the sun and know that the warmer temperatures will help the spring flowers and grass to grow.  Does spring dream?

Everyone dreams of something better, a passion comes forth and grows inside for something new and something better to come out of those dreams.

With genius, and power and magic creates that boldness that says 'yes I can and I will, I do so that this dream becomes closer.

How many people dream but don't allow the magic to come and quit just before they had that breakthrough.

How many fall short because they feel powerless or lack understanding and they also quit much to early.

Dreaming is just thoughts and day dreams that idle our magic and genius, if we do not allow them to flow with energy and passion for its development.

Dream big, I often close with that and share with you the video that asks you to laugh your cares away, to see the beauty in all around yourself.

It asks you to pray, because troubles do come our way.

But dream big and take your passion and lift it up.

With boldness, with power and with genius.

Dream Big



Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Don't allow another to lead you into mediocrity, don't let them say your not good enough, or it won't happen.

Stay hungry for that dream to come true.

Stay foolish to see your dream through no matter how many people doubt you.

Dreams come true everday.

Let your dream find its day with you.


Dream Big ~ Laugh Often ~ Smile and Love Always.

Smiles from me sent your way.... today and always : )


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

New days arisen ~ Making a Difference with what we have

A wise woman who was traveling in the

mountains found a precious stone in a stream.

The next day she met another traveler who was hungry,

and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food.

The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and

asked the woman to give it to him.

She did so without hesitation.

The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune.

He knew the stone was worth enough to give him

security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back

to return the stone to the wise woman.

"I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the

stone is, but I give it back in the hope that

you can give me something even more precious.

Give me what you have within you that

enabled you to give me the stone."

'The Wise Woman's Stone'

Author Unknown

How often do we think that our possessions of external nature are above the value of our internal possessions.

No its not what you have on the outside that matters most to others sometimes, no most of the time its the inside stuff that matters most.

The kindness we can give.  The love we can show.  The laughter we can share. These are the things that can give true value to another persons life.

So give that smile to another they will indeed appreciate it.

Give that kind word or compliment to that mother handling her obstacles that arise and still makes time to love her children and keep a roof with just her efforts.

Give that encouragement to the hurting soul that maybe lost a loved, as they passed on, or struggles to provide for his family in a world of uncertainty.

Give whats on the inside and share with those on the outside.

It costs little.  It is just your time, your effort that your spending, but like the 'Woman with the Stone' it can be life changing.

A month is coming to a close.  A new day is coming to light, a new set of hours, of minutes, of  seconds to make a difference.

Its yours.....this new day....of what will you do with it?

I close with this quote:

Every morning is a fresh beginning.

Every day is the world made new.

Today is a new day. Today is my world made new.

I have lived all my life up to this moment, to come to this day.

This moment--this day--is as good as any moment in all eternity.

I shall make of this day--each moment of this day--a heaven on earth.

This is my day of opportunity.

~Dan Custer

This new day - its all yours.  What will you choose to share?

What do you have on the inside that costs little or nothing but can empower a spirit far beyond your dreams.

Your up, its your turn now.   : )

You are a legend.  Just one like you.  Your dreams, goals and aspirations await the future.  The history of your life will be written.

Dream Big ~ Laugh Often ~ Smile and Love Always.

Smiles from me sent your way.... today and always : )


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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dreams inspire and goals brings those dreams to life

“The unreal is more powerful than the real,

because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it.

because its only intangible ideas,

concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last.

stone crumbles. wood rots. people, well, they die. but

things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.”

~Chuck Palahniuk

Starting to listen to the latest biography written by Walter Isaacson titled simply 'Steve Jobs'.  A great listen or read thus far.  The story of a dreamer and a doer that thought different and dreamed and did.  I strongly recommend getting a copy of the hard copy or audio book at

Steve had magic in what he created.  He was a master at getting others to believe in the doing.  In working towards a goal and completing it when they thought the could not get it down in time.  He made them work harder, faster and have pride in the product they created.

Adopted his parents trained him to believe that he was special and chosen by them.   A feeling and sense of greatness that he had early on that would define his belief system that he could become successful and he did.

Make the time to dream each day.  Make those dreams into goals and write your story.  Choose the words with care that will define your dream into a reality.

Choose words that will enhance your dream and help reframe it into real action and watch that dream turn into a goal and a plan.  Watch it come to life.

Steve Jobs indeed was a legend.  As was Edison, the Wright brothers and Einstein. They made things come to life from the dreams they dreamt.  They made our lives better because the knew their ideas would make life better.

And their ideas and actions and inventions did make our life easier.

We light up our world, we fly across and around the world.  We understand our world better.  We have been enhanced because of these legends.

You are a legend.  Just one like you.  Your dreams, goals and aspirations await the future.  The history of your life will be written.

Dream Big ~ Laugh Often ~ Smile and Love Always.

Smiles from me sent your way.... today and always : )


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Friday, October 28, 2011

Sharing my art, my dreams and smiles to you this day : )

Every artist was first an amateur

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

So this is day two of my 49th year around the sun.  LOL  : )

First off, thank you for all the kind wishes on Gather, and FB.  I appreciate them and wish you the very best during your trip around the sun.

From Facebook last night my status update sums up my day .....

Well guys and gals and those in between.... Thank you for making these birthday wishes flow onto FB. I appreciate them all. My last trip around the sun was an interesting one and no doubt I have to take some blame for much of it.

But my heart and my gut tell me that outstanding things lay ahead. Sometimes things are removed or taken away for a reason. I believe that.

But my kids, stepped up to the plate for me, as they often do They made my birthday special. No they didn't buy anything for me, they don't work but what they gave me today is priceless, they game me their love.

Smiles to all of you and may your trip around the sun be full of love and gratitude and plenty of smiles that will shine the way.

Good night, friends

My kids indeed did a great job.

So writing this post everyday is a passion of mine, along with my family and sharing my smile and gratitude.  Ok, so I have a lot of passion stored...... No but I write to inspire and maybe just maybe one person who reads this finds an easier thought, a new way of looking at things.

Do I make spelling and gramatical errors....sure.  But I try to let my thoughts flow freely and I do try to catch them on the reread.

I post this to Redgage, Triond, Blogger and Make Me Smile Online.  Copy and Paste.  I do that to get readers from other sites and to protect my content.  For the future.

Do I want to publish a book or Ebook, sure I do and that is my next goal.

I currently have started a Online Devotional of sort called

Smiles and Inspiration 2012.

Smiles and Inspiration will be free for November and December and you can see if you care to subscribe to it.  I will be adding to it these months and want your feedback.

The month subscription will be $4.35 period. 14 cents per day.

Or you can do 3 months for  $12.25 or about 13 cents per day.

Smiles and Inspiration will have a daily devotion, a daily recipe for the home/kitchen/cook in all of us and a daily prayer.  Other content that hopefully will make you smile, think, laugh and brighten your day and week ahead.

It will be found here on Gather at no cost for Nov/Dec 2011 and I welcome your comments.

Any questions or comments please connect with me.

This will not have any impact on these posts that I hope will keep you up to date with me and share a smile or some thoughts along the way.

So yes, we are all artists.  Some take photographs, some write, some draw, some paint, some reach out by lending a hand.

They are artists too as they touch another and help them breathe easier as much as anyone.  They also are the artist on the canvas of life.

We are all amateurs of life as well.  I like that, the word amateur but I am fine with that. Gives me something to aim for that classic and professional writer that has honed his craft and published not just one book but several.

Thats my goal.  But my goal this day.......

Sharing a smile with you  : o )

Always sending you a smile.......


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another trip around the sun and a smile shared : o )

Success is not final, failure is not fatal:

it is the courage to continue that counts.”

~ Winston Churchill quotes

Great quote, is it not?

So for me another trip around the sun, yep going into my 49th year today.

I look at birthday's as a 'new years day' of sorts.  It very much is like that.  A new beginning of sorts. Out with the old year and in with the new.

For me, much of my life I have looked at as 16 year increments.  This is the start of my fourth '16' year increments.

What lies ahead I wonder?

Went back over the blessings I have received in my last 365 days.

The list I come up with speaks much gratitude but here it is.

The blessing of faith in God, in life itself, in my 2 beautiful children Tori and Troy both awesome kids.

Troy moved up here in March of this year and I give much thanks to God that I have him with me.

The blessing of laughter and the knowledge in its power.

The blessing of my posts that I write, how it flows each morning no matter how tired I am, how stressed life can push in on me, it still flows.

You the reader for stopping by each day to read and share your comments.

Thank You.

It has been a challenging year my 48th.  Full of joy and yes some unexpected sorrow that I still deal with from time to time.

I do have much love in my heart, much gratitude in my attitude and I always try to think of others even before myself..... It just works for me, not saying it works for all.  But it works for me.

You see, for me - giving of a smile, a kind word, a gentle expression of laughter can truly brighten a day.  Our spirit, our karma if you will flows out and touches others when we are happy, sad, angry or frustrated.

Why would you not want to send out joy and happiness.

Because when you do.... it comes back .. it rebounds back to the spirit that sent it out.  True nuf, it comes back often in a larger reaction that even was sent.

Why?  Because one sent out the expression and perhaps all day, all week, all of your life, the expression comes back by many.

I am glad to share kindness and a smile in the words I type.

I am glad to know that one day my children can fall back on these words for wisdom, perhaps... for comfort and joy, I am sure.

God Bless you in your current trip around the sun.  May your birthday when comes be full of joy, laughter and love.

Smiles sent to you this day.

Smiles sent to you .... everyday.  : )


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Worry less about the mountains in your path

“Nobody trips over mountains.

It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.

Pass all the pebbles in your path and

you will find you have crossed the mountain.”

~ Author Unknown

It is how we handle those small steps to any real challenge that makes all the difference.

Think of all the challenges in your life and you can roll back to the beginning of that and see that you either ignored a step, or thought it would all work out ..... just because.

Life has a pattern and when we alter that pattern and try to wing it without participation things go wrong.

A basketball player can't just make free throws with out practicing for a long period of time to be consistent at their task.

Go back even farther and a small toddler does not keep trying to walk just because he falls a couple times.  No he gets back up and puts his legs underneath him and finds their center to balance themselves then comes the first step.

They don't quit.

They push, and try harder. They keep giving and doing instead of waiting for things to get better.

The basics to a better day.

More rest and sleep.

Breakfast to fuel the body and mind.

Prayer to fuel the spirit and soul.

Gratitude spoke to acknowledge the gifts in your life that are working.

Being that person in the mirror that takes time to do affirmations and smile and acknowledge the greatness in you.

A review of your goals for the day.

A plan - steps and review of those steps to ensure your on the path to success for your daily goal.

Focus on whats working and whats not working and adjust

Taking time to smile, taking time to laugh and taking time to make a difference.

You get to that and your day will improve, it will be better.

You have the power. You have the ability.  Take the time to stay out of those pebbles way.

Prepare to get out of their way.

It is not the mountain you have to worry about or think about.

It is indeed the small pebbles that we often stumble over.

Dream big, Smile often and Love always!

A smile sent your way : )

Always smiles sent your way : )


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Acceptance is good

Acceptance of what has happened is the

first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

~William James

Life happens.  Heard that one before?  Ok, maybe the first word began with an 'S' - - ended with a 'T'... LOL But we have heard it ... probably said it an hundred times as well.

That is a form of acceptance and it helps to let it go.  That event or misfortune that happens to us.  Sure it is easier to say to the person that this happened to but how many times have you said it to the reflection in your mirror?

Life happens.  Think about it, we say it to others so easily but when its us we tend to dwell on the negative event.

A misfortune that has consequences is never easy to get over.  It annoys us at best and it overwhelms us at worst.  Plain and simple it tries to derail us for an extended period of time.

But wait who defines how much time is enough?

Is there a rule book any where?

So we lose our favorite (fill in the blank)....  who defines how much we grieve?

Plain and simple answer here... we do.  We choose how long.  We say we want closure but we choose.

The classic is the damage we feel early in life from our family.  You know the dysfunctional family.  Those that feel the pain long after they leave home.

They instead of accepting the consequences and move on they blame everything on the past.  Those people you know.

It reminds me of the quote in the movie 'The Breakfast Club' (1985) when Andrew tells Allison played by Ally Sheedy:

Everyone's home life is unsatisfying.

If it wasn't, people would live with their parents forever.

Ok, some can say life was the Brady bunch I am sure but if it truly was it was still necessary to move on and get a life of their own.  True?

Yes we need to move on from things that hurt us, try to derail us and even stop us.  We need to move on....

But first we must accept.. acceptance is key.  For if we don't accept we will blame others and others will never give us final closure.  Only we can do that.

We must do that.  Acceptance that life happens and we can't change the past on the present and we are in control of that.

The art of acceptance is the art of making

someone who has just done you a

small favor wish that he

might have done you a greater one.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

That is the focus on something good, sure bad things will befall us.

But even then we need to accept it and move on.

Accept it and move on and understand bad does not always happen and we truly do decide how quickly we look for that next gem that makes us smile, makes us laugh, makes us understand that good does triumph over evil.

We decide how to perceive the world.

Always have had that power, always will.

Move on to that simple act of prayer.  Giving thanks to the one who created it all.

Move on to that simple act of love.  That look in the mirror with the affirmation that you do love that reflection and that reflection is going places.

Move on to that simple act of sharing a sincere smile. Be random, look for that person who just seems like they need it the most. They may have ran out of their smiles temporarily and they so need one of yours.  Share it!  Watch the magic of that share happen.

Acceptance is very good.  We need to practice it more often with more speed.

Smiles sent your way and everyday..... Oh yeah this smiles is for you  : o )


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Monday, October 24, 2011

Letting go and using two hands to keep a grip on the gift and embracing the good

We postpone the finality of heartbreak by clinging to hope.

Though this might be acceptable during early or

transitional stages of grief, ultimately it is no way to live.

We need both hands free to embrace life and accept love, and

that's impossible if one hand has a death grip on the past.


O Magazine,

Feb. 2007

It's hard letting go.  It could be a death of a loved on, a death of a relationship or just letting go of a job because of the economy.  It is painful no doubt about and above all you have to go through the pain, you need to transition to a higher plane to be able to move forward.

Not saying you should not remember the good and the great of the things you passed.  You need to remember the good and the great of that person, or job.

But when we grip to tight on the past, ultimately we have less control of our present and the future.  We can not get a firm grip of the present with one hand still holding onto the past.

Remember the past, you bet.

Let the past effect your future relationships, your future trust factor's.

No that is not the way we should live.

Today is a gift.  The 86,400 seconds we get everyday we can't stop.

They move on.  They are not in our control.  They are a resource that is a gift and we need to search for the joy and happiness in each moment.

We need to look up and forward and take time to enjoy 'the moment'.

It is hard, to focus on the now when the past is to fresh in our heart.  Our spirit aches but after 48 trips around the sun I have learned through those years that we are in control, of our thoughts, our emotions and our reactions.

Live your life with love in it.  With laughter and joy.  Share your smile first with you in that mirror and use your affirmations that I shared with you yesterday or you created for yourself and march on into your day.

The seconds in your life tick on.  Tick, tick, tick ---- three more seconds fall away but as long as you understand the importance of each second and the importance of living your life for the good of the cause.

The cause you ask --- to be happy of course.  To serve another.  To love and be loved and to make a difference to another.

Smile on my friend let those burdens be carried away by God.

Let those tears wash away the pain and give gratitude not for what you lost, but for what you got to share in.

Those things, those bright colored memories, let them shine over the dark.

Let them help to brighten your day, lighten your load and let your light shine on for another.  For one day your light will dim and it will go out but the memories you left behind will keep someone else's day a bit brighter for them.

Shine on!

Smiles for you this day : )

Love and laughter sent your way ............


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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Affirmations and the Subconscious Mind

You will be a failure, until you impress the

subconscious with the conviction you are a success.

This is done by making an affirmation which "clicks."

~Florence Scovel Shinn

The power of the subconscious mind, it does so much for our actions and beliefs that are 'behind the scenes' of our actual knowledge.

Affirmations can prove to be your best friend for the subconscious mind.

I will share a few at the end, I use them and I feel them play into my life.  That is my personal testimony on the power of the affirmations.

Everything happens for a reason.  Cause and effect. Actions made and reactions played.  There is no pause button in life when we hit play the world records our actions and the energy that we cause to flow both positive and negative will flow back to us.

"The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what

you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if

you are helpful, the world will prove loving and

friendly and helpful to you.

The world is what you are."

~Thomas Dreier

This year has been very good to me and I will continue to praise God for the good in my life and the world that he surrounds me with.  The love, the kindness and the blessings that I have received are many and I thank him daily.

I thank him for the gift of my children who even now sit with laughter and a smile as they watch a movie or play a game.  I hear that laughter, I see that smile and I rejoice and give thanks to God.

I give thanks to God above for my dogs, Bear and Bella Mia, pictures of these two awesome pets are on my Make ME Smile Online web site and I have great pleasure from seeing them, hearing them greet me and acknowledge their loyalty to the family everyday not just somedays.  They are awesome.

I give thanks to you the reader.  The comments you send to me and the encouragement you have give me each and every day.

They warm my soul and the love and kindness I truly feel.

Thank You All.

I write with a passion, a passion and a mission to make a difference.  To share the knowledge and power of gratitude, the power of a simple smile, and the knowledge of allowing prayer and meditation to flow in your life every day and how it will make a difference.

The game of life is a game of boomerangs.

Our thoughts, deeds and words return to

us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.

~Florence Scovel Shinn

The game of life is playing everyday in your life and in mine.

Play with power, play with passion, play with laughter, play with that sincere smile that can make such a difference in the life of others.

Make a difference, Today!

Affirmation that I trust, and use:

Opportunities and advantages come

with each door that I open.


I AM here for a reason and I live my Life

with deliberate purpose.


I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday


The two words of wisdom are --- pay attention.


Just four affirmations for you to try.  Say them 40x each day. Get these, cut them out and hang them where you get ready for your day, the car, the desk at work.  Use them, embed them in your subconscious and try this for lets say 30 days.

See what happens to you attitude and beliefs.

Add prayer and spoken gratitude and watch out you just may have a better you.  A kinder you, a more successful you, a more loving you, and maybe just a bit more wisdom.

To the last affirmation I think very highly on this one.

Everything happens for a reason, I truly understand and believe that.

Pay attention - Take time and make time to listen - Fuel your subconscious mind with affirmation that will empower your life.

Empower your life to love, to laugh, to experience joy everyday and to become everything you truly want to be.

Dream Big ~  Love Always and know that I send you smiles : )

Today and Everyday!

I send you Smiles.  : o )


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Saturday, October 22, 2011

The journey is often much better than the destination

“All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost.”

~J.R.R. Tolkien

Thank you Mr. Tolkien, for sharing this quote. Much wisdom found within these words thats for sure.

How often we run after the golden ring, we reach out, even stretch for it and when all the hours are put in often the ring is placed out farther or another that we think will glitter more is put before us.

The gold when we capture it does not have that glitter that we thought it would.

Life is like that, we chase what we think will make our lives more profitable.  We live to work at times instead of working to live.

We evade our true passion and love for the small times instead of using our passion and love for the majority of the time.

If you love what you do for work you will never work another day in your life.... You have heard that right?

So those that wander the world, that look at the world with possibility and promise instead of limitations and denial are indeed the benefactors of creativity and invention.

Look at those who wandered the earth in search of more.

Those back in the times of Jesus that followed him on his journey.

Those who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in search of America.

Those who dared to find a way to fly.

Those who searched the heavens for stars that took the time to map them out so we may navigate.

Those who tried time after time to use materials to make a light bulb.

Those who invented a talking box we call radio.

Those who invented a pocket size mp3 player we call the Ipod.

The wandered..... They searched for answers and failed and learned until they succeeded.

We can do that, can't we?

When the troubles seem great and the footing seems unsure we can wander through it .... can't we?

They did and we can and we will.

The power of laughter shared even when it is just with ourselves.

The power of a simple sincere smile to light up another's spirit.

The power of prayer, giving thanks to God for all placed in our life, the resource of life, the angels that protect, the wisdom we listen to in those quiet moments.

The power of gratitude, understanding it and embracing it.

We must all start to look at gold as a result of hard work, not the work that we resolve to live our life over and over missing out on the simple and grand things of life.

We must all use the power of prayer, gratitude, laughter and the smile.  Use for all that come in contact with us. Use for good and for the future of our existence.

So another quote from Mr. Tolkien sure I leave you with this one:

“The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

Today and tomorrow are yet to be said.

The chances, the changes are all yours to make.

The mold of your life is in your hands to break.”

~ J.R.R. Tolkien

With that I send you on your way.  To wander and to play.  May your day be filled with joy and may happiness and laughter stay.

May your smiles be full and bright, may they give others light.

May your day be filled with joy and share that joy with all your might.

So smiles I send to you right now.

Smiles that will warm your day even when troubles are in your way.

The prayer that they will leave when you wander from them and find the better path on the road less taken.

Dream big, love always, smile forever! : )

Make a difference today and as always Smiles sent your way : o )


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Friday, October 21, 2011

So what of this word Virtue?

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so

virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from

a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of

human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.


Maybe we should define this word virtue. From

vir·tue   [vur-choo] noun

1. moral excellence; goodness; righteousness.

2. conformity of one's life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness;

3. chastity; virginity: to lose one's virtue.

4. a particular moral excellence. Compare cardinal virtues, natural virtue, theological virtue.

5. a good or admirable quality or property: the virtue of knowing one's weaknesses.


I for this like to look at the first, second and last definition to work with and strive for.

To have in our hearts a virtue of moral goodness, righteousness sounds so high and mighty but if you tone it down a bit moral goodness sounds so direct and front of the line it goes.

We also must understand our values and what we place in order, our love for the soul and spirit.  Values should help us stand upright in this world that seems to thrive on putting others down.

Why do you think so many worry about the 1% that have so much?

They feel smothered, overwhelmed and feel less in control.

We need a leader with values and the desire to stand on those values and not be lead by special interest groups or lobby's.

That leader is not just the President but all of Congress and our Statewide leadership.

Knowing thine weaknesses.  Working on them, sharpening the saw but using that skill to improve upon said weakness.

Sharing that smile.

Caring for another.

Even when your light may not be at its brightest.

The uncommon individual the person that strives to care and share their love and kindness.

The value of virtue.  Has a great value indeed.

So today..... establish that list of values, and apply them to making a difference in this world.

Sharing laughter

Sharing a kind word

Sharing love

Sharing comfort

Sharing a Smile


Make a difference today and as always Smiles sent your way : o )


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We encourage - We want to entertain - We share -

Believe and make a difference.





Thursday, October 20, 2011

Change in the air and in our time

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned

citizens can change the world.

Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

— Margaret Mead

I believe with all my heart and spirit in this quote. Apparently the Occupy Wall Street movement does as well.  Apparently those in Egypt, Libya did also.

The Tank Man in June of 1989 believed in this thought.
The video shares the images and some thoughts:

The change that this world is looking for now is very real.

Our founding fathers of the Republic did not invision what we have now.  They served in the government they did not seek this position as a career.

We need to rework our country.  We need to stand up and explain to our leaders what we truly want.  What we need from them.

The only way we do this is to get involved.

Not to be led around in a maze and conformed but to be an active participant in the way our voice is heard.

Does this take effort and work?


Does this take standing up for what your believe in?

Of course

"Every generation needs a new revolution."

~ Thomas Jefferson


"The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to

the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with

difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion.

As our case is new, so we must think

anew, and act anew.

We must disenthrall ourselves,

and then we shall save our country."

~ Abraham Lincoln


in a Message to Congress

We must Rise.....



The voice of change is in the air.

We must rise.

We must speak out and stand.  Nothing will come easy mind you but change never is.  Change never is.

I took some time last night and watched some video that can be found on  The video was some interaction with those in the Occupy Pittsburgh demonstration going on day 5 as of today.  The movement at this point is people of all ages, all different race, all different coming together and having a conversation.

A conversation and a togetherness for change.  That to me is the start of change the coming together and forming a more a more improved way to implement change.

Change for our children, and their children.

The next step is to start some type of reform, a reorganization of ideas and placing them within our own individual lives.  Change that will make a difference for those who seek it.

We must rise........

Become the voice of change. If not the voice at the very least listen to the conversation that these groups are trying to have.

Are some of the conversations beyond real possibility?

Maybe but back in the day we didn't think we could ever fly in a plane.

We never thought we could watch images on a box in our living room that we would plug in.

We could not imagine getting rid of our vinyl for our music and replace it with an MP3 player or an Ipod.

The world changed, over time it always does.

But never will the power of a simple, sincere smile...... unless we stop using it. least not from me to you.

Smiles sent your way today and everyday : )



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We encourage - We want to entertain - We share -

Believe and make a difference.