Saturday, May 23, 2015

Living with Power

For now lets define:

  1. 1.
    the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

We live in an age with countless choices, incredible tools to communicate and instant information at our fingertips.   

Indeed that is powerful, so much to use or harness at a moments notice and yet with all this power some harness it for good, some for bad and some just let it slide through thier fingers and it goes on its way.

Power without usage is just a spice in an unopened bottle but open that bottle and add it in the right portion to a meal and now you have powerful flavor.

Power added in the right portion.

The power of an ocean, the waves cut away at the beach taking a little and many times put it back.  The roar of the ocean draws so many of us and with good reason.  The waves call us, soothe us, speak to us as the roll into the shore.  What beauty in the power of an ocean surf.

So when I suggest that we live with power I don't mean a blindless power like a mighty hurricane or a tornado of energy, I propose a power defined by careful analysis, choice and purpose.

To help another
To share with the needy
To empower and direct not just another but to place that power upon your own life, your own goals.

Living with power

Stretching in the morning 
Thanking the universe for all the good in your life
Eating healthy to start your day in the right manner
Using words that make the world a brighter place when we speak
Listen more than we speak
Walk with confidence, with shoulders back, a clear direction and purpose and our head high 
A smile on the face even when we may rather cry
A laughter that is contagious, that will spawn anothers soul to join in

Living with power

Easier than you think

May this day, today and any day you choose be one lived with power

Sending this out to you with a smile 

Victor Yakin

Smiles sent ----- Enjoy your day : )

When your feeling powerful you should live with powerful
When your feeling weak you should find your power
When your feeling anything why not choose the energy to empower another

choose the right ones
words to enlighten
words to make another smile
words to give hope when none seems present
words to give not take away

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Futures

First to start off with a cartoon....

The future cares little what we think of it... it will still come to you in its due time.  It is on its way right now.  So embrace it, love it and show it and speak to it what you want from it.

The path is ahead of you not behind you.  Show your future some love and give it in detail what you want from it.


So speak what you want
Live what you want

The energy that surrounds you wants to give you what you want


Take the first step and reach out... 

Reach out with your voice
Reach out with your heart
Reach out with your spirit

The most of all are more important than the arms and the feet

To reach out with success you must first start with your mind.....

Listen to your gut
Follow your instincts 

Live with a heart full of love and hope


So there it is

Speak to your future from your heart and your lips

as the future is on its way and will come one way or another

Allow your heart your instincts to reach out to it

Fill your heart and your world with Gratitude and Curiosity

Have a spirit full of peace and calmness

Be generous with others but always be kind and generous to self as well

When we are are best we enable ourselves to be the best for others....

For our family and our loved ones

Speak softly and listen intently

Love always

Be happy

Spread Joy


As I do with you today and always

Victor Yakin

hands full of love

because the spirit is filled with love

along the way share your smile

as i share with you this one

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The 3 P's that can move mountains

Find yourself in front of a mountainous problem?  There are many ways around the mountain, tunnel through it, climb it or go around it.  None of them are easy but life is not easy.

Sometimes you just have to dig deep in your spirit and mind and ask the mountain to move, to move your spirit to become enlightened by the shear size of the problem.

We learn from struggles, if we had no struggle we could never appreciate our success's.

So let the problem and the mountain move you to find a way past it and find your path.

P #1 Perseverance

To have a steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

To never give up or give in.... to keep going and find a way to succeed no matter what.

Delays happen

Difficulties happen

But with them come an education, and the feeling of a job well done when we succeed.

P#2  Patience

To have and allow the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Stay strong

Stay happy and grateful

With all patience comes the truth and the way.

P#3  Power

To have the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

To have the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.

The power within you to direct, influence and alter our behavior to push on 

The power within to persevere and keep pushing on
The power to be patient no matter the delay or the struggle but to keep pushing and moving forward.

Three p's none better than the other, none more important.

May this day be filled with power

May this day be filled with patience
May this day you become filled with perseverance.

Push on -- dream on -- find a way to make a way 

and don't forge to love along the journey

Sharing good energy for you and others

Victor Yakin

love what you do
dream what you dream
push on and find the way

don't give up
keep going

Stay focused on your gratitude and love 

and above all 

Keep smiling and sharing them along the way 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Day Before

The sun rises in the eastern sky and for about 12 hours or so shines and warms our day.  It does it job as it was created to do, the moon who rules the other 12 hours or so does its job and on it goes with no designed changes and on and on it goes.  Day after day..... no day better than the day before.

We rise each day with 86,400 seconds in the day, we have the choices to be better than the day before.

Be better.

To choose happiness instead of sadness.
To choose design of your day instead of just allowing another to design it for you.

Choose to be better

To choose to spread joy instead of misery
To choose to send out love instead of hate

Choose to be better

We all have the same amount of time, so time is not the problem.  What is the challenge in life is what we do with that time.  So to design your day to be better than the day before is perhaps the single most focus we can begin each day with aside from waking up with gratitude.

With gratitude as the frame work of our morning and day and the desire and choice to become better than the day before what indeed could become of you with those to pillars of change in your new day.

So choose to be better
Choose to share a smile
Choose to laugh when you stumble.
Choose to learn from a failure
Choose to trust and have hope

Choose love, you do that how can you deprive yourself of a chance to be better than the day before.

So on with your day this is it!

Be better than the day before, the clock is running, seize the moment

Sharing positive energy and sending some your way

Victor Yakin

It is possible and it is a choice

Be better than yesterday

Don't waste your life 

time is precious

Choose to be grateful

focus on today

trust in yourself to be better

better than the day before

and always choose to smile
and share a smile