Friday, July 31, 2020

July 2020 a Monthly Review

All of the Months Post's all in one place.

July 2020 a month in Review


(Click on link below image  for post)

Self Confidence ~. Review for You

It begins with your attitude and how you rise and start your day.  How you awaken, your walk and your talk. In short It begins with you, no one else.

Believe and Achieve

Have faith in a positive outcome

Your rate of return in life is based on how you invest in yourself and your time

Dreams to Goals to Written plans to simple small to tasks which you take action upon.

Failure is an education, don't fear failure embrace the knowledge gained from it.

Everything begins with you

No one can impact your attitude unless you give them permission

Be the CEO of your life

Your 'voice' is not just the spoken word it is everything you put out

I leave you with this, believe in yourself and everything you do matters



I hope you share and care your new found focus on Self Confidence 

Have a great moment, today and everyday 

Great moments makes a great life

Smiles shared 


Dream big, love always and rise up forever.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  31   /  2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Self Confidence ~ The Sun will come up Tomorrow

The sun will rise and so will your confidence one you don't have to allow or ask for it the later it truly is up to you.

The facts are indisputable, the sun rises at dawn and your attitude should as well.

Tomorrow will be a better day if you ask for it to be better

The universe will conspire to give you what you seek 

But give the negative energy and you will see it flow

Seek with power and passion what you wish 

We will have storms that make it more difficult to soar

But soar we can if we choose to 

Smile we will if we allow it to flow

Life happens and roads will be uneven and road blocks and wrong terms may happen

But attention to self and allowing confidence to flow freely will guide us 

Feel free to be happy

Feel free to bring kindness to others

Smile your better day is ahead 

Choose it 

Grasp it 

With confidence you will achieve 

Just believe 


Dream big, love always and rise up forever.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  30   /  2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Self Confidence ~. Faith

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  ~ Hebrews 11:1

A great quote for today and everyday.  Faith, a must have word for daily self confidence and improvement of ourselves.

It is faith that gets us through the unknown.

Faith in our ability to balance the hard times because our self confidence in our strength.

All the ability and qualities you need to grow are inside, 
from birth we have obtained them

Unlock them by faith and push forward with the knowledge that you can and will.

Be Great, Be Strong

Faith and integrity to follow through

Everyone has doubt and fears and worries. That is natural 

Its the faith in a creator, in yourself and your fortitude to follow your faith

Those are the steps to higher ground and away from the valley of despair.

Be Happy

Smile at the wind

You Got This !!


Dream big, love always and rise up forever.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  29  /  2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Self Confidence ~ Finish Line Stretch

First we start and become aware, align our values and design goals, implement the plans and mindfully take action.  Then we stretch towards the finish line, knowing this is not the end.

The whole month has been about laying out the why, the what, the how and so it continues this journey. The journey to a better you, a better way of thinking.  We do not live for others thoughts of us, of the world of intelligent design.  We live for our values, our wishes and our needs and stretch for improvement.  

It is not enough to start we must indeed finish strong

For then not only are we effected we have a profound impact on others

Those we care about and share our light

Design your race not to be ending 

Design and finish your race based on achievement 

Achievement for self is not just improving the now 

It improves your future and the future of those we share our light with 

Finish your race

Improve your impact on the world

One smile, on kind act at a time

Start today

Believe in yourself always

Achieve what you believe 

Your worth the effort and the finish line product will be so appreciated

By you and for others

Share your flame

The world may never be the same


Dream big, love always and rise up forever.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  28  /  2020