Thursday, June 16, 2016

Saturday in the park with Leo Tolstoy

Happy Saturday !  These sentiments of gratitude and joy are for you today. This day and everyday do you awaken with joy and peace or are you more misery and stressed?

May these choices that we make each morning be easier for by far it is your choice.

Choose wisely!

Joy and peace or misery and stressed... seems like an easy choice.

Seek first to understand yourself and begin with the end in mind.

All else is folly.  Your choice becomes your reality.

 It truly is in your hands, in your mind and thoughts, in the words that you speak to yourself.

Happiness is in your grasp and my only question is are you still enough to feel it and still enough to hear it?

it starts with you
it continues with you

with your thoughts
with your beliefs
with your actions

these bring your results

sounds easy huh?


Now will you?

Not try to mind you... as Yoda once since there is no Try there is do or not do....

You can and you should

Choose happiness 

Start now

Share you joy



Hum a tune

Love more and more

Laugh til it hurts

cry only in joy

Have a super Saturday and may your walk in the park be filled with happiness and gratitude !

Victor V. Yakin

Smiles sent 
today and always 

: )

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

National Smile Power Day ~ so what does it mean exactly?

The smile often used by those who want to share joy or amusment.  

It is defined the smile on Google as 

  1. 1.
    form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
    "she was smiling"
    synonyms:beam, grin (from ear to ear), dimpletwinkleMore
  1. 1.
    a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
    "he flashed his most winning smile"
  2. I like the verb the most it shows action.  It shows intention and encourages usage.

Some quotes about the power of a simple smile:


A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is
 a caring, sharing person inside.
 Denis Waitley


After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, 
and the soul's indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer.

 William R. Alger



Just a few to focus on today but keep in mind today is about sharing a face to face smile.

Not an emoj

Not a drawing

But you

Start in the mirror with yourself

Share it with those who need one

Share it with those who use them often

Just share it

Care about the smile, your smile 

Don't let it fade

Just make sure its made

Today and tonight

Don't forget there is not a smile in sight

For if you use yours chances are it will be returned

So try it with all your might

Do it for yourself first 

Do it for the rest 

A smile sent your way 

Through this post 

its on its way 

Til next time 

Victor Yakin