Sunday, April 26, 2015

Fallen Saved by Grace

You will as do I fall, fail, flounder, freely with barely and explanation as to the why but the reality is you will stumble.  No my hope is that you stay away from the egregious failures and falls as many times those will happen too but unmistakably harder to recover and heal from but you learn the most from those, you truly do.

We all fall down but its the grace from our creator that helps us rise again from the ashes.

Rise from burnt and used fuel, empty from the pain but yet grace gives us that spark that allows our fire to burn again.

The most common problem with falling down, failing another and stumbling in broad daylight is understanding that truly we need to forgive ourselves, forgive our transgressions but learn from them.

Don't repeat just walk away and learn from the fall.

So to summarize

You will fall
You will learn
You will stumble and create a mess but learn from and allow yourself to heal

Ask for forgivness and let it go

Treat others with love and care as you would want to be treated
The golden rule is always the best.

Move forward and understand that grace will make you whole.

Don't allow yourself to be hard on yourself, you learned from the fall, you scraped and bled a bit, no bandage it up and forgive yourself.

You are meant to be awesome
You are meant to be happy so be happy

You are meant to be a give of smiles and joy and love so give freely to others but by all means please give smiles and joy and love to yourself.

You deserve it and it is so much easier to be kind to others when your kind to self.

Love freely
Live with joy
Dream big

Sharing and caring

Victor Yakin

learn and become whole again
love and forgive

Arise and learn to get back up after your fall
learn from it 
but rise again

Be proud of who you are
be better than what you were
become the best you can be
Love with passion
Live with joy
Smile for yourself
and share with others

Sharing a smile with you this day and everyday

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Acknowledge the Wind

Life at times can indeed be challenging it can push at us, pull at us, make us stop and ponder and it can make us move abruptly.  Life can be hard.

But it is not how hard life can be it is how hard we can harness the lessons life gives us and the wind it sends our way.

Winds can guide us or they can tear us down.

Winds can power a city or flatten a village.

Ask the New England area of the United States what the winds and jet streams can send.  A record snow fall and countless inconviences just because of nature.

The winds of change
The winds of love
The winds of power

The wind can alter our course if we don't set our sails right.  The winds can cut through the power of the ocean but if you don't use the power of your sails the ocean will take your ship for a very unsettling ride.

The wind can be powerful

So our can our thoughts, our fears, our addictions, our emotions be controled by the winds of change.

We over indulge and call it comfort food.
We watch hours of television and call it entertainment and decompression of our nerves.
We smoke, we do drugs, we drink all be cause we  want to feel less stress, less angst.

The wind can be as powerful as an untamed thought.
We all have been there.

So how do we acknowledge the wind and our thoughts and move forward with out taking steps backward.

How indeed.....

A strong sense of values and needs and not just whims of wants.

A want can push you and pull you it has to be measured as to how much you truly need it.

We need air to breathe
We need stable ground to walk on.
We need food to survive and thrive but how much do we truly need?  How much indeed.....

We need water to drink and exist upon.

We need love and happiness and joy as well.

So the next time you share a smile just know you might have... no you did spread a little happiness, a little joy, and to some a little love!

So smile on
Dream on
Meditate on

On the simple notion that we are the captains of our ship and with the sails we can navigate safely through the waters and winds of life.

Sharing and caring and sending positive thoughts your way.

Victor Yakin

embrace your sails and the wind will guide you well

 May you always feel it, love and the wind and always know its there.....

Make the time to send a smile today

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 2010 Repost Enjoy Happy Wednesday : )

Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome to another great day, 86,400 seconds of joy, happiness, challenges sure but face them with a smile. Face each day as a gift, a gift your ready to remove the gift wrapping from to see whats inside.

We all have that ability you know, the ability to start each day with quiet meditation, prayer and a simple affirmation like some of these:

The article that I found gives a great list and some positive ideas about how to start to focus on a more positive thought than the constant negative states that we can fall into with out even knowing.

So my wish for you today is this:

That you take the time to place your self in a still quiet place each morning.

You take that time no matter how brief to meditate and/or pray.

You use some positive affirmations like the few found above to more actively flow good thoughts and ideas into your inner beliefs.

Ok, yeah your right thats three wishes, but hey your worth it! We all are worth three wishes. So take the time to focus on how you start your day. 86,400 seconds and yes its running just as fast for me as it does for you. Make the most of it.

A couple of quotes to ponder today, just don't spend to much time on this alone:

But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day. ~Benjamin Disraeli


Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.

Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~Carl Sandburg

So enjoy today, enjoy your moments and

have a great Wednesday.

Till next time.....Smile and share one with another, and another.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

True Knowledge

A quote worth pondering this morning:

“To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. ”

― Confucius

We all personify intelligence, we believe that we know what we know based on our past experiences, our beliefs and the values we have developed since being a child.

We believe and trust that this knowledge is true until we find out otherwise.  Then we adapt and change our belief system to reflect said ephifany.

The light goes and a new sense of wisdom enlightens us.  How many of us dim the light in disbelief that the knew realization is to be believed?

True knowledge......

The understanding that the world is trying to consipire to give us what we believe.

Believe and embrace and embody joy the world gives you more
Believe and embrace and embody hate and disregard and the world give you more

why because the world understand that your beliefs and thoughts and values will be percieved and realized by your inner being.

So understand that what you believe and embrace and embody will be your driving force along lifes highway.  Like the engine in the car being fueled by your beliefs.  The embracing is your foot on the pedal giving it more fuel and to embody is the hand on the steering wheel driving you to your planned destination.

Take your eye of the road, be distracted for a  moment and your destination becomes altered and maybe even postponed.

Have faith
have a hunger to learn more
have a hunger to give joy
accept and try to understand anothers point of view

Love more
Hate less

Dream big

keep your eyes on the road you have chosen and be flexible to allow the vision of the road and all its beauty to have an impact on your journey.

Sharing and caring and spreading some joy....

Victor Yakin

don't wait 

but always take time to smile

Always make time to share

Monday, April 20, 2015


This day, your day is unfolding.  Imagine this day all 24 hours as a sheet of paper in your book it is folded tightly all 86,400 seconds and it is slowly coming to complete formation.

It is slowly taking shape.  Will you shape it or will the day unfold randomly with you taking it as it comes.

You have that power to shape your day.  To seize the day, make dreams, goals and visions for your day unfold as you want it to.  Sure it takes effort but are you and your loved ones worth it?  That answer should be easy.  You have come this far in life and this day, today is starting to unfold.

Make it work for you, this day.  The energy force, life force is all around you and it indeed will work for your vision and your dreams you just have to speak them to life.

Your the producer and the director of your life.
Your the main star and you have no stunt double.
You choose write the script
You do any editing

Your award comes each and everyday for a day well done.
Your critics will be many
Your fans will be around you loving your efforts

You will be condemed by some and Praised by others

But at the end of the unfolding it matters not who said or did what the only thing that matters is are you happy with your performance.  Do those you love and those that love you appreciate your efforts.

Are you grateful
Are you pleased

If you can answer yes to those questions and you made a difference in some way then this day all 24 hours unfolded as you wished it would.

So on with your day......

Spread some positive energy and love into your day and watch the day unfold as you knew it could.

Sharing positive energy your way

Victor Yakin

Be determinded

Speak life into your decision and watch the universe conspire

and along the way just smile and enjoy your moment

this moment

every moment

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Breathe In and Begin

You won't get very far holding your breath, you have to breathe and I think breathing in all the surrounds you is a good place to start.

Breathe in the good and exhale the bad.
Breathe in with purpose and exhale the doubt.
Breathe in and Begin.

The journey is always the best when you start it and follow through with an adventurous attitude.

Breathe in and Begin.

No fear about running out of air there is an abundant supply. No doubt you can achieve when you believe.

Breathe in and Begin.

Failure you fear ?  Failure is an education and a great teaching lesson

Breathe in and Begin,

Others say you can't or shouldn't?  That is tinder for your fire within to outlast and dodge thier negativity.

Breathe in and Begin

Challenges will come
It won't be easy
Life is not easy
You may fail
You may fall

But if you get back up you will win
If you learn from your mistake you will win

Just always always

Breathe in and Begin

Sending kindness and positive energy your way

Victor Yakin

Don't just try
There is no try just do or do not do 

It always begins with you

and in the end

It always ends with you 

Don't quit

always always share a smile

someone just may need it more than you 


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Forward March

Think back to the warriors of old, when called into battle they heard to things either, "CHARGE!" or "FOWARD MARCH!". Either way they did what they were told.  They didn't say no can't do it, shouldn't do it or thats too dangerous they just did it.  " Forward March "!

follow orders

During the 9/11 terroist attacks 100's and 1000's of the first responders anwsered the call into a burning building to save others.   No real plan just move forward, get it done, charge.  Many perished that day but the did move forward to save lives.

In life we need to answer the call, to have discpline, honor, trust, faith, belief and follow orders that we ourselves have learned to heed.

A quote:

Steve Jobs

You have to trust your faith, your intuition and belief in your values.  How boring life would be if we never took an educated gamble or had faith in our creator and moved forward based on pure trust and faith.

Don't look behind you the past only resides there
Stay in the moment, in the present
thats the gift
look to far ahead you lose how this moment feels
so keep things in perspective and move ahead 
Forward March......

Life is not easy
Stuff will happen, bad stuff and to darn good people
Life is meant to live not to stumble and stay down
So reach for the stars it is indeed hard to keep your feet on the ground
Because jump and leap you may have to do
It is where the most gratification is for you
So walk on and don't look back
the steps you take forward will be full of power and action
Just believe and trust and live your dreams

and always, always, always smile along the journey!

Smiles sent your way!

Victor Yakin

Friday, April 17, 2015

A repost that I chose to share again - Quiet Reflection and Silent Adjustments

Sometimes you just get led to share something from the past. Things that change you, shape you. Things that made you think, made you cry or just made you proud.

This post did all of these things to me and I wanted to share them with you.

Smiles and positive energy sent your way, today and always

Victor Yakin

Please click on link ---- >>>>>>   From May 2013

a time to reflect

always a time to smile

Thursday, April 16, 2015

To be a bit better than yesterday

A quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson to start :

“It is easy to live for others, everybody does. I call on you to live for yourself.” 

To improve and be a bit better than yesterday that is the call to action for you.

To be a better friend
To be a better partner
To be a better lover
To be a better parent
To be a better employee

To be better just for yourself

We have those aspiratons each day to find our own way to happiness, to feel significant and to feel wanted and needed.  That is part of life, part of our psyche that calls out and is part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs found at Simply Psycology 

The original hierarchy of needs five-stage model includes:

1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.
2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom from fear.
3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, affection and love, - from work group, family, friends, romantic relationships.
4. Esteem needs - achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-respect, respect from others.
5. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

To be complete we must understand that we are in control of this goal to be happy, and to reach those
levels of self actualization.

To be a bit better than yesterday.... A noble and simple direction.

To learn more than you knew
To listen more than you did the day before
To talk less
To hug more
To love more
To really strive to be better for the world around us.

You have that control and your in control to do this very thing.

So step up to the plate and make it happen.  Today and everyday

Be a bit better than yesterday

Sending smiles and care your way

Victor Yakin

to be a bit better than yesterday 

Take the challenge

make it work for you

and always always smile along the way


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Walking In The Rain

An image and a quote to discuss and reflect upon

The depth of this painting is quite good but the message is even more powerful.  Imagine the person in this picture the rain falling hard, the feeling of sadness, despair and intense loneliness.

The rain and the tears mix as one but the spirit and body language hurts much more.

During any moment but this one -- everyone walks with purpose and contentment
but not the person in the rain.
Standing alone  watching and trying to fit in 

So what if we choose to dance
to sing
to play
to dream

and to live with a higher standard for ourselves

What if?

What if we found peace in the rain
What if indeed : )

Things will get better
as free as the birds that fly
as abundant as the air that we breathe

Be strong
Good things are coming your way

Be strong
Great things are on their way

until then smiles and laughter are sent your way

Victor Yakin

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

3 H's and 1 L

So many of us watch the news and just shake our head at the needless violence, needless anger and hate put out for all of us to see.

We hate the news and we despise not being able to change the nightly news cast and the doom and gloom it brings to our world.

But in the end we choose how these stories affect us and how the world goes on with its daily business.

However we have some choices on how we look and react to the daily news and the hate we stumble across.

The first H


I love the movie Have a Little Faith and the last line in the movie that is quoted below

- Mitch Albom from Have a little faith

O to be in love with hope, to never give up and never give in.  To always root for the underdog no matter what the odds and not matter what the score.

To always awake in the morning giving thanks and having the faith to carry on and hope for a better day that yesterday.

To have hope that your sickness will leave your body.
To have hope that your loved one will always love you back and always be there when needed.
To have hope that your efforts and knowledge that your children obtained for you was and is enough.
To have hope that your child in the military will make it home safe from a land so far away.

I am indeed also in love with hope.

The second H


A beautiful person is a person with a good heart; if you have a good heart,
there is now way you can ever be ugly.

Not always does the beauty queen win on looks alone, many times it is about their compassion and their heart that matters most.

The heart to carry on when the road gets steep and rocky.
The heart to care about another soul when you hardly even know them.
The heart to do something nice for someone less fortunate and not look for anything in return

Heart a asset like not other.  I would rather have someone with less knowledge and common sense but a ton of heart that a smart and genius heartless spirit.

They seldom win in the long road and long journey but they do win from time to time.

Don't ever play their game, move up to a higher plan and know that the heart and the spirit will always triumph over sadness and deep stress that some carry with them way to often and way to long.

The third H


Surround yourself with those who make you happy

If we could always choose that path and guess what we can.  IF someone is draining your energy and will you need to protect your number one asset and that is you.

Yes you deserve and need to be happy.  Today and tommorrow and always.

Live happily
Dream happily
Walk with happy steps
Love with happy moments that make you feel love in return.

Don't walk away from happiness
Run towards it and embrace the joy and the wonderous oppurtunities every where you look to be happy and grateful!

The One L

I know you probably think it is the obvious and that is love but I think that goes with the heart from above.  So the L what is it?


You can't deny laughter;  when it comes it plops
down in your favorite chair and
stays as long as it wants.

- Stephen King

O to laugh to enjoy the heartiness of it and to have tears roll from your eyes, your stomach hurt and your day just gave you a blessing with laughter as its prime star.

A day with out any laughter is wasted.

To laugh so hard that all your worries are freed and all your illness for that moment are healing.

so there you have it 

3 awesome H's
and one joyous L

May your carry them in your heart today and everyday

Victor Yakin

Choose hope Always

Always choose to express yourself from your heart
nuture your heart
protect your heart
and be grateful that you have the heart 

Choose happiness always

and always always always 

make time to smile along the way

Monday, April 13, 2015

Time is fleeting

A quote:

Ellen DeGeneres

Time flies by ask any parent whose children our grown.  Enjoy the whole day, all 86,400 seconds.

Enjoy the sleep, your needed rest it will help your day become its best
In those first few minutes when you awake be greatful and thankful for all you have
For your alert and ready for the day 
for your heart beats now be on your way
Maybe a stretch or two when your out of bed
Raise those arms above your head
Get the blood pumping through those veins
it will help you be less drained
Now eat something healthy you know its true
breakfast is the best meal for you
Don't be slow and don't be late for your day starts once so don't hesitate

Love your family with all you can let them know where you stand
Tell them how thankful and grateful you are
do it often before you get in your car

No off you go to school or work
don't be sad be glad
for the day has started and you have that chance to make it your best so dance dance dance.
Dance with love within your heart
This day is now off to a great new start.

I hope that rhyme will help this day and many others become a little less mundane and more joyful, and filled with a smile or two.

Time is fleeting take time to smile
Time is fleeting make time to tell those you love how grateful you are to have them 
Time is fleeting breathe in the day, stare at the wonder all around
The beauty and the smells take it all in
Look around you at all the good
Forget the troubles that you have this day is yours make it the best for time is fleeting

Smile and joy sent your way : )

Victor Yakin

use your time so time does not use you

Make every second count the best you can
for ever second does indeed count on by
time flies but love is eternal as is your soul
and the memories and moments you leave behind

Love always
Dream forever
Live in the moment
Leave nothing to chance
Allow your heart to dance
and above all
: )

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The first step and every step there after

Takes you closer to a result, a result hopefully you desire.  That is correct let me type it again for you, the first step and every step there after takes you closer to a result, a result that hopefully you desire.

How many of us take steps forward and feel that we might as well be on a hamster wheel for people.
Seriously we take the stpes but are they steps we dreamed of taking or steps that others have demanded we take?

So why do we do that?  More importantly why don't we see it, and slowly explain it to ourselves?

Good questions indeed.

Maybe its complacency the desire to keep things the same because we hope it might work.
Maybe its comfort and we fear that if we step out we will fail in some way.

Be grateful in what you have but don't satisfied with not being able to improe each step of the way.

Dream big
Act with vision
Plan with purpose
take steps to success
be grateful for progress

Repeat as necessary

The first step is yours to any worthy goal just make sure each step counts.

Best wishes, fully gratified and joy sent your way

Victor Yakin

Dream big
Record the details
Plan the steps
Take action

and as you walk in faith 
heading to the top of the staircase

Don't forget to smile