Saturday, May 9, 2020

Energy In the Right Directions

Energy is all around us, the universe is energy. The vibration we attract is always called upon by the vibration we send out!

Send out the spirit of gratitude and joy.
Share a smile, a smile comes back

Share the can do attitude and the world listens to you.

Make the most of each moment.

Share love not hate.

Share joy not stress.

Share the power of belief not doubt.

I enjoy sales and I know many who state they could never sell anything.  I believe we have been selling since birth. Selling for attention from our mom, our parents and selling our energy to our friends, best friends.  Its all sales my friend and its all energy that invites the buyer to the table.

The first date is a sales presentation and attitude check from the moment you say hello to the moment you say goodbye.

The sale begins when you share your opinions to another.

The sale begins when you show up for a job interview, or even a college course and an discussion with the professor.

Sales is all energy and positive energy.  

Negative energy will dispell most constructive connections and you don't want to sent that out into the universe.

Share love, joy and gratitude!  Today and the next day!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

05 / 09 / 2020

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