Sunday, January 8, 2017

Winter Winds demand attention when they blow ~01/08/17

Truly the wind of any season does not get our attention like the wind of a bitter cold day.  It alerts the senses, stings the face and makes the air we breathe thinner and sharp to the nose and lungs.

No truly the winter wind can get our attention.  We will turn our back on a strong winter wind its force will push us back.  But a summer wind how we will invite.

That should be a strong reason why a warm crackling fire or a blanket on our body will enhance any winter season.

So easy spring into summer the slow and steady thaw the freshness of the ground to till and plant the flowers how they bloom with colors warm and fragrant.  Spring it does a mind and body good.

But winter has it's place.  It feeds the soil with snow and ice. Without the brutal winters how as mear mortals would we appreciate and be so grateful for spring and summer.

The wind it blows but spring will blow in soon enough.

For now a mug with hot chocolate and mini marshmallows shall attract my attention.

Maybe a swift shot of brandy.

Truly a blanket and a warm family kitten or loyal dog at our side.

Winter will pass but the time with loved ones and the simple things of solitude and a flickering candle, how they will comfort and fill in for now.

Smiles to you this winter night

May your candle burn bright

Victor V. Yakin

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Seven days in ....... ~01/07/17

Seven days in, how are you doing?  This year have you been kinder to yourself?  This year have you been more grateful?  This year have you loved one another and treated others the way you would like?  This year have you defined success and what it would feel like when you reached it?  This year have you promised to be living in the now and forget yesterday and tomorrow be patient for?

Why not?

Seven questions above and they are there to read again if you wish.

Why not be kinder to yourself?
Why not be more grateful?
Why not love one another?
Why not treat others they way you want to be treated?
Why not define success so that you can reach it and live a life like Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote?
Why not live in the now?
Why no forget about yesterday's slip ups and tomorrow's worries?

This is day seven after all and there is a quote that says there are seven days and "someday" is not one of them.

So your new year is one week old, maybe just maybe you gave yourself seven YES's that would be awesome

But even four would be over 50%!

But if you said no to all seven maybe just maybe you should ponder the next question.

What if,  I could say yes to all seven?

Just a thought and some questions

Have a smile on me and have a great week number 2!

Victor V Yakin

Friday, January 6, 2017

Warmth from the heart, kind words from the start ~ 01/06/2017

Warmth from the heart, kind words from the start

To start each day with kindness to walk along with no hate, no envy, not sadness.  Why not start each day this way? Why not walk the road to joy and gratitude.  Why not indeed.......

Life is short and even if the winter nights are long there is not reason not to walk around with a warm heart. You might make a difference in someones life for the better.  Maybe even your own.

Laughter at mistakes made.  An education gained for sure.
A song in the heart even if you feel deserted and alone.  For happiness of the spirit will always keep you in a better place than discouragement of the soul will ever take you.

So laugh
live with a skip in your step
A glide in your stride
a song in your heart
and joy that bounds from every step you take.

Live with gratitude
Share a good attitude
Care less what others think of you and more about what you think of yourself

Self talk that builds you up instead of self talk that tears you down

A belief system that says can and I will instead of maybe one day I will try.

There is no try only do or not do say Yoda from Star Wars

So try no just do

Sending a smile and a hug to you : )

Victor V. Yakin

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Stillness is the flower of winter, all..... ~01/05/17

Stillness is the flower of winter, all hope waits beneath a blanket of white.

It is snowing here, light fluffy wet snow. Beautiful when you don't have to drive in it. Awesome when your winter sport means to skillfully navigate it.  

Used to build snowmans as a kid, snow banks to dive in, some made snow angels as well.  The blessings of youth.

The soil gets it nutrition from the winter blanket.  The budding flower of spring brings us hope of warmer days just around the corner.

Every season has its purpose and if you can enjoy just a little of each you have found the gratitude that will empower your daily walk and chores.

Gratitude for the crunch on a winter walk.  The stillness of winter, the passing car crushing snow under its wheels and the distinctive sound when a car tries to climb an icy hill.  You root for the car and the friction of the tire went it finds some grip.

Spring and Summer will come again. But for now enjoy the sounds, the stillness, the time to bundle up and stay warm. The chance to drink some hot chocolate with those tiny marshmallows.

The hot water is boiling now so I am heading for my hot mug of cocoa now.

Enjoy the winter and stay warm

Smiles sent to warm your soul
Hugs sent to keep you warm

Victor V. Yakin

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Start each and everyday as if what you do matters because ~ 01/04/17

Start each and everyday as if what you do matters because it does, always has, always will.

Every day matters....yesterday matters less because it is the past. We can learn from the past, we can reflect on the past but to relive it matters less.

What matters most is today and in fact more precisely right now.

You, yes you are the CEO of your life.  The captain of your ship.  The driver of your life is you.

You make the difference in your results, all the difference.

Your smile can make another smile.
Your laugh can be contagious.
Your walk can be full of confidence or like a walk on the green mile.

Make a difference in your life.
Make a difference in another's life.

shake off your rust
Dance and laugh 
Even if your laughing at your dance
and above all
Smile like everyone may be watching 
because maybe just one person is 
and it may make all the difference

Have a wonderful night

Victor V Yakin

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

When you can't ~ 01/03/17

When you can't, indeed you must move forward. There are times in all of our lives when we are tired and we have no idea how we got where we are now.

The emotional now
The physical now
The financial now
Even the spiritual now

We just know that we are in that "now" and we feel burdened by the weight of the present status we are in.

That moment is when you don't just stay put you move forward.

Step one

Step two 

Step three

Believe and trust in your direction
Let go of the past
Live and enjoy today
Be grateful for the future
Smile and move forward

Victor V. Yakin

Monday, January 2, 2017

Stepping forward ~ 01/02/17

Stepping forward and living past mistakes behind.  Why is it so many live with their mistakes.  Ponder on them, cry on them and dwell on them that many times they relive them.

Mistakes and failures should be treated as educational material.  A reference point not to be completely forgotten but a point to be labeled as history.  As Steve Jobs was quoted once you can't connect the dots going forward.

So learn from your mistakes and failures it is indeed an education if you will.  But dwell on them and you will soon find your living in quicksand or even deep mud which disables your future and enables frustration, anger, dismay.

We are soul's in body an energy created by our creator.  The source created us for purpose and perfection so if we are created in perfection why then are we disarrayed?

When a tire goes bald and winter comes only the careless continue on driving waiting for that disaster to happen.  Even a used snow tire is better than a bald snow tire.

However a person who lives with purpose plans and protect and executes a desired outcome that will keep them safe and moving forward.

Step forward into your purpose and even if you doubt you have a purpose it truly is not to be sad, miserable, downtrodden and regretful.

Step forward with a smile, with a positive  thought with a defined plan for success.  Like from yesterday's post that even one ... just one person's life has breathed easier because you have lived.

Stay happy, stay smiling and may your steps be defined for success today : )

Victor V Yakin

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A place to start ~ 01/01/2017

A place to start and a plan to formulate with small steps of action will indeed create a result.

This is my passion, to make a difference, to make you think, to give your mind a peaceful place to go and either ponder, or comment, or dismiss  My goal is to make you smile, here online.

That is indeed my intention.

I wake up each morning with intent to make this day the best it can be for me, and for others.

With gratitude I step out each morning with a tune in my heart, a smile in my mind and gratefulness in my spirit.  My only prayer each day to the creator above is a few simple words the most important of them... Thank You!

My words that I live with in my spirit I will share with you in the coming days and weeks but let me start with how I describe success.  It is a quote that I have lived with in my spirit for years.

From Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What is success?

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate the beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch Or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!”

What a simple way to define success!  In a world full of pressure and anxiety and stress we should all be able to define success in the terms above.  How little we stress if we wrapped these words around our intentions.

Daily we should embrace this
Monthly we should read it
Yearly we would reap the benefits from it.

Happy New to all who pass through this post and I hope you return

Victor V. Yakin