Saturday, May 16, 2020

Pushing Through

Tough times never last forever but tough people do

No one ever said life would be full of butterflies and rainbows.  There will be rain and storms and they will reconstruct even the best of plans.  Guaranteed. 

Keep Smiling even through the tough times

You will climb out of any depression you may feel you are in.  But you have to climb and you have to do the work.

Words and music can inspire you and yes they can bring sadness.

You have the choice to make the most of your time.

Read and listen to inspiration

Take the time to meditate in the morning 

A great quote 

If your going through hell don't stop keep moving through it.

You have got the power, the knowledge, the ability

Do it and never look back on the rough times only to admire and adulate how far you have come

You have the power
You have the muscle
You have the mental fortitude 

So just pick up and get up and rise from any ashes you feel you are in.

This one won't either 

Keep moving ... Keep moving .... Keep moving!

Life is hard and no one ever said it would be easy 

Smile and postive vibes and energy sent your way

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

05 / 16 / 2020

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