Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 2020 A Monthly Review

All the Months Posts All in One Place



(Click on link below image  for post)

Real Change 
When the Lion and the Lamb Lie Down

Listen With Your Eyes
It is Indeed Time for Change

What If ?

Happy Flag Day USA

Motivation Mastery on a Monday 


Pleasure and Pain


Power Words

Motivation Mastery on a Monday 





Perhaps to reflect upon days and weeks and years gone by is a double edge sword.  To have reflection is not to relive, or dwell upon the past but to briefly revisit.  To reflect to look at what went well and expand and what did not and discard.  Reflection that shiny shimmering image off a still waters on a summer day.

To look into the recent past, to take the time to embrace the good.  Any failures after all are educations, never forget that.  We live we learn.

“Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things – then better yourself.”
~ Sonya Teclai

To reflect upon a moment 

To remember a kind smile shared

A good deed given or received

A simple word of compassion or love placed just well in the evening sun

Amazing what these deeds can warm the soul.

With penetrating impact they reflect our needs of the basic human soul.

Love and community

Significance and a place in lifes history and amazing future

“Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. If you want love, give love. If you want truth, be truthful. What you give out will always return.”
~ Kristen Butler

Give and it will be given back.  Karma is indeed like this, it always has been.

What are you giving out?

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  30  /  2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

Motivation Mastery on a Monday


My Attitude Generating Intelligent Choices

That is truly what it comes down to Our Attitude generating better choices.

You can have a great attitude but not making anything come forth from that attitude.

Make your magic happen for you.

Stay in a positive zone.

Put your blinders on just like a race horse

Focus on your target

Aim and execute your plan derived from your goals

Recourse your direction if your not on line with your target.

Re-aim and execute your new plan.

Repeat and smile along the way.




Practice your MAGIC


Smile along the way.

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  29  /  2020


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Day Dreaming

Everyday just for personal growth day dream a little, little by little let your mind wander.  Kindle your fire and let the flame start to grow.

Day dream often, more often maybe, don't escape reality or the present but wander your thoughts to a better way. A better river of hope, a better wind that presses more positive past your mind, into your thoughts and out your mouth into words.

Make those words count and make this day, no everyday just a bit better.

Wander away from status quo

Enable your own way of thinking 

Dream, day dream often

Make your thoughts count

We are needing the same basic things


Substance to survive

Certainty along with some uncertainty 

Community albeit socially distant, phone calls and face times work well.

Growth of the mind to improve and make this word better

Embrace our creative side and yes we all have it.

Sanity on solid ground allow your day dreams to take you there

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  28  /  2020

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Eyes Wide Open

We always drive with eyes wide open, not just sometimes but always.  We live life with eyes diverted, or maybe even closed, why?

Yes with each passing day there are some who hate the news, despise the news, look the other way. Why?  Are we truly disgusted, are our minds all made up?  Do we claim to know the "real" truth already.  Are we truly that smart?  Truly?

This reality does not just come with the news in the paper or the media, often this news is in our own lives.

Do we truly live the life we want?  At home? At work?  Do we close our eyes to the reality of our own potential?  Do we live with lies from our relationships? Do we close our eyes to our health needs?


The truth resides in the sunlight, not the corners of the closet or down a dark hallway.

The truth lives in the sunlight, whether we believe it or not.  It can be sharp as a knife or dull as a lonely heart.

Do not be fooled, the truth loves the sunshine and is seen and felt with eyes wide open.

Do your dreaming with eyes wide open and then if you can, no, if you will, no you must open your eyes and see what you are missing.  

The open eyes, and open heart and open mind will engage your gears so they are just not spinning wildly.

Make the cog's of your gears in your heart and life mesh so your moving forward.

Of course look back with your eyes closed, that part of your life is over now.  Over in your current state of mind and in your future.  Keep it that way closed on a shelf of your heart and mind and put aways.

It belongs that way.  The past has not power, the past is powerless unless you empower it.  Why now would you ever want or need to do that?  Why indeed.

As always smile often and much : )

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  27  /  2020

Friday, June 26, 2020


To act upon one's intuition and challenge the status quo of life.  To decide to resolve and find a way to find a way.

Whether to decide to be far away from an addiction.

Whether to decide to be far away from a negative partner or spouse.

Whether to decide to eliminate frustration from your life.

Whether to decide to no longer be sad and depressed.

To become resolved that this must change and to act in a manner that is firm, planned and over abundance of determination this is how positive change happens.

The why is the most important reason

The What, the how comes next.

The when is resolved when you finally say enough.

You know the who, it is you!

Small plans executed in a timely manner and precise way becomes a huge result getter.

Small parts make easy work.





Inspect the progress


Follow the why to the end.

When is the end, never it just keeps getting better and better.

Just decide.

We are all in this together.

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  26  /  2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020


You're never truly alone when you have the universe around you, cheering you on.  You are never alone when you love yourself.

Growth comes from inner strength.

Inner strength comes from working the muscles of loving oneself.

Loving oneself comes from looking in the mirror and into the windows of your soul and expressing love for what you see.

What you see is everything to how you believe in the true you.

You are a child of the creator.

You are unique

There is only one like you

Respect that

Own that

Fight with the gusto your creation deserves

Actions speak louder than love songs

~John Legend

Sadly recently a famous producer/creator in California jumped 27 stories to his death.

All reports were he suffered from depression and extreme loneliness especially during the pandemic.

Never in the history have so many people been feeling alone during this event in history.

I urge you if look at all the accomplishments in your life.

Count your blessings

Focus on what you have given the contributions and the efforts made to lighten the load for another.

You will never feel alone.

Live with what you have, what you have given and what you still have to give.

Live everyday with love for yourself and most importantly, pay it forward.

Your smile may just be what IS needed for another soul.

We are all in this together.

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  25 /  2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


That still soft sense, a whisper of sorts an inclination to act upon your silent whisper.  Do it, act, listen harder and become more.

Knowing without really knowing

Trusting your gut some call it.

Mediation at its finest can deliver that whisper

For some it is a feeling

For some it is their spirit trying to cry out.

Trust it 

Listen harder to it.

Empower your ability with that still soft voice.

Believe and achieve what you are meant to.

The whisper of the soul

Your soul

Your inner spirit

My blog is truly meant to inspire.
To uplift a spirit of anyone who read and partakes of it.

I truly pray that at least one fines peace and empowerment.

Just a reminder if you want to receive this I need your personal email.

Just sent it to victoryakin@gmail.com

After June 30, I will no longer text them out.

Thanks for your readership, your comments and your kindness.  We are truly all in this together.  Today, tomorrow and always. : )

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


06  /  24  /  2020