Sunday, May 10, 2020

How Do You Define


It will be different for most, we are all different mind you.  But I would like to share some thoughts maybe to stimulate some of you.

First I believe we are in charge of our perception of things and we are in charge of the steps and words we take and give each day.

A great way to look at it is our gratitude attitude begins the narrative that we live and share.

A great poem I would like you to search is named The Dash, by Linda Ellis well worth the read and search on the Internet and maybe read once a month or so.

How do I define success?   A literal work by Ralph Waldo Emerson and his work on defining Success.

To laugh often and much ~. what a concept for each day to try to live a life with laugher, better than hate or tears.

To win the respect of the intelligent people and the affection of children ~ another great thought, notice how he does not ask us to earn the respect of ignorant people. To see and find the curiosity of a child and affection earned.  What a gift.

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends ~. We have all had false, fake friends that would rather impede us that cheer us on.  Honest critics are worth their weight as constructive criticism helps us get better.

To find beauty in others. To leave the world a bit better whether it is a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.  ~. Not much to say here pretty easy to look for beauty in others, or to improve the world with a child raised well, or a garden that makes nutrition or beauty.  

To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived here.  This is to have succeeded. ~

My favorite line, the reason I stay happy and spread a simple smile.  The reason I say Happy Monday tomorrow or Happy Tuesday the next day.  The reason I write each day to share a smile, a positive thought, a well placed point of view so that maybe just one reader will be able to think differently and smile.

How will you define Success?  Comment below or maybe just take Mr Emerson's point of view.  What can it hurt?  Smiles sent as always your way.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

05 / 10 / 2020


  1. Smiles back at you and happy Monday.
    If you can live life and help someone else along life's journey, this is success. To love as Jesus loves is being successful in life.
