Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 02/01/2010

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to February 2010!

Somethings that happen this month to name just a few to mention here:

== Events in February ==

* Groundhog Day: February 2 United States and Canada

* Valentine's Day: February 14

* Presidents Day (United States) third Monday

* Dominican Republic Independence: February 27

* Black History Month Canada and United States

Yes I also want to mention today that we have only well just:

Click here for Countdown to Spring 2010.

So now you know a little bit that I hope will warm up your February Monday.

I also want to share with you a quote about February:

"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle ... a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream."

- Barbara Winkler

Enjoy the month and know that spring and the tilling of freshly thawed earth is just around the corner.

Like the dreams of the night that turn into memories for the morning so will our February pass and lead us to warmer times.

An update on my better half, Missy is doing well, stronger each day and still in the hospital for now. Perhaps by the middle of the week I will know more.

Also I want to share with you some changes to the entry/home page of Make ME Smile Online. The ME we like to say is really all about YOU.

Together we can make a difference.

Together we can turn a frown upside down into a shiny smile.

Together we will understand the importance of gratitude in our lives and in the lives of our children.

Join us won't you and share a smile that will cross many miles.

From the world wide web to your living room.

A quote by the David Steindl-Rast:

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.

Till next time...... Smile, share a smile and share the magic of gratitude!

www make me smile online dot com

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 01/31/10

Happy Sunday everyone I hope you have enjoyed January as its almost over. How was your month, how has your gratitude journal come along?

The true value of any plan is how it has been implemented and the journey that follows.

Lead your plan into action and follow the journey along your path.

This month has been a journey for me.

Onward the journey continues.

For over 10 months I have carried the mission of Make Me Smile Online with 31 members in tow I have enjoyed every second of the journey.

So it will continue and I hope you will come along.

The impact that Gather and all of you have had is very important, I have picked up a few facebook friends, and have smiled and been thankful for your comments each day.

Impact is a very important theme of today's post.

When you bake your favorite cake, or cook your favorite dish the ingredients have an impact on another, just the right amount of sugar, spices, and portions help to create and recreate the perfect dish. Too much or too little of something just changes the taste for better or worse but the impact is lasting to our taste.

So goes impact on life of good friends, and strong relationships.

A quote from an author unknown:

“If you wish to make an impact for one year, plant corn; if you wish to make an impact for a generation, plant a tree; if you wish to make an impact for an eternity, educate a child”

The goal of any society is to leave it a bit better than we found it. For our children, and children's children. That is truly a wish for many of us and I hope many of you.

The gratitude journal will have such an impact.

The gratitude journal will leave a mark on your child long after your gone.

True memories are born with every mark or message laid within.

I know that when time passes on and as my family grows they will be able to read my messages, my mark of hope and joy of sharing the power of a smile. And so it will go and so it will grow if not within the life of others at least, at the very least with in the life of them.

May you have a blessed day. One filled with joy, and a plan and vision reborn.

Till next time .... Smile and share one along the way!

www make me smile online dot com

An update on Missy, she continues to gain strength and has walked around the floor of the hospital. I will be visiting again today and I thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! May your February be a great one.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 01/30/10

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the last Saturday of January 2010! I hope your month was a great one. I hope you make some plans to make the next even better.

First off an update from yesterday regarding my partner/better half Missy. She is out of ICU as of 8pm last night.


When I visited her yesterday she was sitting up in a chair at her bedside.

That was a great sign.

It has been a rough 3 days and I do appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. She is eating as of last night, the first solid food of any kind and she is able to walk to the bathroom something she was not able to do earlier in the day since Wednesday. So next step is some physical therapy and insurance that her sugars remain under control and the treatment of her bladder infection. Thanks again for all your kind words.

I wanted to take today's post and republish a post from last year. I hope you enjoy it. The view count was low from April of 2009 and I hope you enjoy this post.

What makes you smile from April 29, 2009

What makes you smile? This is our question to you our reader. Send us the top 5 things that make you smile. We’ll post the best in the coming days and share them.

It’s ok if you don’t have 5 but the list is for more than just us. It’s for you. The more things that we know can put a smile on us an instant the better chance we have of enjoying each moment that we have. The list is something we want to share with you and have you share back. Enjoy your day and here is our top 5.

1. The smile of a child. Especially ours but any child’s smile is a gift.

2. Puppies and kittens at play.

3. A Hug from a dear friend

4. Sunshine on a day off!

5. A great song one that makes you smile with ease, just because its playing. ( This is a list on its own, more to come I promise)

Ok everyone its your turn send your Top 5 things that make you smile to

Then we will post them and share for those who may need them.

Power Action Thought for today —

Number 141 What makes you smile?

Make a list, study upon it and use it as needed.

Today and everyday, keep it simple and smile. Remember when the smile is on your face others will follow.

A smile, simple and powerful and a healer for all.

Till then Smile :)

www make me smile online dot com

Friday, January 29, 2010

Flowing Into Friday ~ 01/29/10

Happy Friday everyone! The weekend is almost here and yes the end of the month is at the doorstep.

First off, I want to thank everyone for your comments and views yesterday. I do appreciate the prayers and kind words.

Both me and Missy appreciate your lifting us up in your thoughts and sense your concern. An update, Missy is still in ICU and still is very groggy and quiet. She is aware of what happened, not sure how it happened at this point from her perspective. The sugars spiked quickly and the causes could be either the pump malfunction, bladder infection that she had, the steroid shot that she took 4 weeks ago that started the sugar to flux. Could be all three. But she is in good hands. Spent time with her yesterday, she was very thirsty. Will go to see her again today and see how she is progressing. Potassium is normal now, they are doing some blood cultures as she may have some bacteria in her blood that they will review. Once again thanks and please continue your prayers and kind thoughts.

My will, my deep sense of gratitude and the joy that I carry in my heart keeps me from the very lows that sometimes lift can bring us. I know that she is in God's hands as well as skilled doctor's and nurses. I know that we all have a time we have to leave and when your looking in a hurting / expressionless look you suddenly know that we all must pass sometime during our stay here. I just prayed that this was not her time. But for a time on Wednesday I was not sure. What a eye opening experience for both of us I am sure.

Always take time to share the love you have for another.

Always take time to listen to your gut tell you what is needed during any situation of unease.

Take time to develop a close relationship with nature, the ebb and flow of what is truly real.

Often when we look back at situations we felt something coming or new something was not right. Look deep into your spirit and act when you feel something is just not right.

The gratitude journal, joy, a smile, a laugh here and there in life, not sweating the small stuff. These things all take our spirits to a level playing field that gives us a better sense to understand and act with the right actions when needed.

When we are grumpy, angry, sad, depressed, unsure, doubtful. you have to at the very least acknowledge that are senses are far away from the normal playing field that we can act with quickness and complete understanding.

We all need to understand the power of a smile.

The power of doing kind things with randomness.

The power of laughter and joy to a room.

The power of living a life with a sense of gratitude for what we all have.

Make a difference in your life, so that when the time comes to make a real difference in another's you are truly there and ready to perform.

Life goes fast my friend. Last year was indeed a quick blur. This year one month is almost gone. Ground Hog day, Valentines day and ST. Patrick's day are just around the corner.

Make the most out of each day you have.

Take time to smile, laugh, sing, dance a little each day! Live you life with gratitude.

The rest will fall into place with style.

Till next time..... Smile, share your life with joy and make a difference in someone's life!

Even if it is just yours. But it is so nice to share! : )

www make me smile online dot com

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Giving Thanks on Thursday ~ 01/28/2010

Happy Thursday everyone! I hope your day is a blessed one and most of the east coast I think the best advice is to dress warm.

A scary moment here yesterday and a request from me today.

Missy my partner of 7 years had a diabetic spike of unusual proportions. She was not acting her self and seemed a little disoriented Wednesday and promised me that she was alright and was taking the necessary steps to get her sugar under control.

She is a type 1 and when I called her around 10 her speech and orientation got worse so I drove home and called the paramedic's along the way back to the house.

Luckily it was the best thing I did as upon arrival at the hospital she had a blood glucose level of 1400.

She quickly became unresponsive with normal vitals such as BP and pulse etc. Her potassium level was also very high.

She is still in ICU and I am going back this morning to follow up with Dr's and staff as to if her pump malfunctioned or she just did not have it connected right. I also will be by her side to see how she is doing. Tori, my daughter has been very strong and she is very thankful that I made that call and listened to that feeling with in.

So I ask for prayers for Missy and keep us lifted in your thoughts. I will keep you updated as I learn more.

I pray every morning for guidance, wisdom, safety. I felt uneasy leaving the house and got even more unease as the early morning progressed. Follow your instincts, listen to the heart and that little voice.

Giving thanks to the Doctor's, paramedic's and staff and I give thanks to God for his gentle touch and prodding to make a difference in Missy's life.

I give thanks for my faith and belief and for the timing each step that was made that made an impact in so many lives within my family. She is not out of the woods completely led but I feel she is in the best hands.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your friendship and prayers.

May God bless you and keep you safe in your travels.

Till next time.....Smile and stay focused on the positive!

www make me smile online dot com

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday ~ 1/27/10

Happy Wednesday everyone! First thanks for all your comments yesterday, I am glad you enjoyed the poem on gratitude.

I really believe and truly know that we, ourselves make the difference in our own life.

As the quote from the childhood movie put it so well;

“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams”

~Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

We are the music makers, we control our beat and tempo. When we awake each morning with tasks at hand, we control our ebb and flow down life's river. The pace, the accuracy of our movement or do we just drift down life's river with no control or direction. I can't answer that for you, you need to take a closer and insightful look into your own navigational systems.

We are destined to be the dreamer of dreams. Innovation, speculation of what will improve our life, our families and enhance our success.

Today we have two events that paint our destiny. We all know that tonight the State of the Union will be delivered in front of congress by the president. He will outline what has worked, what has not worked and what his plans our for the next year of his 4 year term. If we don't truly take the time to watch and really listen, straight from his mouth and not the talking heads of the press alone we will be destined to not understand the whole story. As citizens and tax payers, fathers and mothers we owe it to ourselves to really listen and understand.

The other event has less to do with our destination but it has much to do with our culture albeit technologically. Apple CEO Steve Jobs delivers the next new and improved product at todays 1pm meeting in San Francisco, CA. A few years back the IPOD and IPhone changed the way we listen to music and talk on the phone. A whole new business the IPHONE/ITouch applications has launched since this product launch. What is in store for our next 3 to 5 years. What new products and innovations?

Two events both important to our future. Now if only our country was run more like a business than on a short term popularity vote. We as Americans run our life by design, we go to work to earn a living and go to school to design our future.

My wish is that we not only design our companies with a bottom line in mind but we design our country with real facts and hard choices that will direct our lives into a much better long term destination.

The current party both Republican and Democrat system leaves many questions over the past 40+ years of my life. Maybe it is time for a new more conventional party, one that will run our country like a profitable company, filled with innovation and a real sense on what Americans need not on what the lobby's need for their next check to be written.

My wish is that we all take some time tonight to listen with an open mind, and open heart and understand how our national government system truly works. The Biggest Loser and American Idol are great shows but when we understand how our leaders are really running our future maybe we will care less about who gets to the next round on the latest TV reality show.

Just a wish .....

Till next time... Smile, and learn to design your next creation.

www make me smile online dot com

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 01/26/10

Happy Tuesday everyone I wish you all the very best today. May your day be filled with the spirit of gratitude.

I hope you have started your gratitude journal.

It is never to late to start and the rewards for your gratefulness will be great.

Giving Thanks

~ A Poem Shared ~

When we do this little task the art of giving thanks

we start to know all we have to do is ask

to fill up our own internal joy banks.

The joy and thankfulness of health

The joy and thankfulness of self.

We all have the same chance to understand the power of thanks.

Thanks to God for all he has shared

developed and created, and with love and care.

So today as you go on your journey

don't forget to pray to God and thank him for the many gifts we are given.

Given the opportunity to grow

we all have the ability to indeed sow.

Sow gratitude and reap the joy.

Understand our thoughts will empower us so.

We have two paths we can travel.

Grumble and stumble down one path.

Causing havoc with internal wrath.

The other has so much thanks as we travel

the power of gratitude and joy our grief and sorrow will indeed unravel.

So bow your head in prayer today.

Open that gratitude journal and give thanks in your own way.

May God Bless and keep you filled with joy today.

~ Victor Yakin 1/26/10 ~ (journal entry)


Till next time....Share a smile or two!

www make me smile online dot com

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 01/25/2010

Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to a new week! First off Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints and their victory yesterday. A super game filled with many unexpected moments.

New Orleans a town and a team that has gone through so much in the past 10 years. Once the Saints were called the New Orleans Ain'ts, the fans wore bags over their heads in shame and now they are in Super Bowl 44!

Congrats also goes out the the Indianapolis Colts, they have been to the Super Bowl before and they indeed will be the favorites. Super Bowl 44 in Miami a little less than 2 weeks away.

I hope everyone understands the power of belief, belief in yourself and others over a common goal. What do you believe in? Do you understand the power of a positive attitude? Do you understand the power of belief that this nation, this world has much good in it.

Some quotes on belief. The first by Mahatma Gandhi:

“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.”


“Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as you can change your beliefs.” ~ unknown

You have the power to do anything you believe. The only key is to believe in yourself.

The following video I hope you dwell on this week. The power to believe is in us all!

Enjoy and have a great Monday!

Till next time.... Smile and believe

www make me smile online dot com

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 01/24/10

Happy Sunday everyone, yes I slept in a bit, it is so nice to sleep in. Yes I know its one in the afternoon. Ok, I am grateful that I was able to sleep in and still have half the day left. Stayed up a bit late last night just relaxing, reading and watching a little of the comedy network. Laughing yourself to sleep on the sofa is not a bad way to fall asleep. True?

Today on this rainy day in Pittsburgh I wanted to share with you a video and our mission statement at Make ME Smile Online.

We have only 31 members but countless others who visit from around the globe. Membership is indeed free and I hope you stop and visit this week.

If you feel so lead to sign in and register please do, You can post some thoughts, some pictures, submit a joke or two. A quote that has inspired you what ever you would like to share that might bring upon a smile.

The mission statement for Make ME Smile Online:

Provide a place on the Internet to promote, share, develop, entertain and educate its visitors and members that the simple yet powerful result of happiness the "Smile' can change the broken hearted, the lonely, the sad and help to change not only their world but the world of others.

One Smile at a Time!

Our goal to develop an online community to help and conquer the stress that this imperfect world produces.

The human spirit that we know can and will produce idea's, inspiration and energy that will carry it through these tough times.

One Smile at a Time!

Our belief and our focus of Success

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

--- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Something to think about and the video on what really matters when our clock indeed comes to the end of our time here in earth:

Share your life with joy and find your passion.

Share your life with someone.

Make a difference.

Till next time......Smile and pass it on!

www make me smile online dot com

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 01/23/10

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the 55th day before spring. Yes I can't wait and look forward to waking up with birds singing and crickets chirping. Where I can sit on the porch with my coffee without a winter coat.

So did you watch the Hope for Haiti last night? Where you inspired? Yesterday on my Facebook page I posted a story from CNN.

I want to share it with you here:

A mother's futile effort to keep her daughter alive ~via

We all can admire and wonder but for the grace of God we all can't not imagine the pain and yet strong faith this woman had as she watched her daughter slip away into God's arms.

We reflect often about the days in our lives where we struggled, slipped, fell and rose again. But to go through what this nation is going through, individual stories and yet they have church in the street, singing to God with faith and prayers. Inspiration beyond belief.

So the next time you struggle lets pull up our boots, sharpen our pencil, bow are heads and thank God that we have so much to cling to that will indeed carry us through.

For the grace of God go I...... words to listen to, remind ourselves and live by.

Have a great Saturday everyone and if you have an extra dollar to give to Haiti or maybe skip the next gourmet coffee or pass on that extra dessert at the local diner think of Haiti and think of how lucky we truly have. Give, and be grateful that you could.

Till next time......Share that smile, share the gratitude and say a prayer today for all that suffer.

www make me smile online dot com

Friday, January 22, 2010

Flowing Into Friday ~ 01/22/10

Happy Friday everyone! Welcome to the weekend! Welcome to the fact that we have only 56 days till the first day of spring 2010.

Hows that for some inspiration.

I hope your weekend is a pleasant one and full of fun!

So how many of you saw that picture of KIKI in Haiti here is the video:

The story is awesome it shows what many of you already know about. Our mission brought in a picture. The power of a simple smile, a breath of fresh air! Pure energy!

So thats what I wanted to share with you this Friday! I hope you find a burst of energy from it. Imagine the burst of energy those rescue workers had, the power of finding that little boy with the great big smile!

You have that smile, yes you the one reading this little post. I hope you use it first with yourself and then with another. What if? What if you used it on another, and they used it on another and so on and so on how much of a impact could that smile chain have.

How much? Wow think about the impact of a simple shared smile!

I hope your Friday flows with love, joy and I hope you share a few smiles today. Ask someone to pass a smile on and watch the magic flow.

Till next time.... Smile and share one with another!

www make me smile online dot com

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Giving Thanks on Thursday ~ 01/21/2010

Happy Thursday everyone and I am very grateful to be alive today. Life is a gift make sure you enjoy and unwrap your day in a big way today.

Giving thanks should be automatic, I mean if you have to push yourself to be thankful you should evaluate and take a deep audit on your gratitude list.

Focus on what is good in your life.

Focus is the key to allowing other paths and direction to open up.

Think of it this way, when your depressed you have certain limitations programmed into that state. Your eyes and head are down, you probably sleep many hours of the day, you breathe very shallow not deep. I know it is not easy but it is possible to lift your spirits.

Focus on what is good, focus on what can be good. Lift those eyes to the sky. Breathe deeply inhale for 4 exhale for 7 seconds in through the nose and out through the mouth. Try it. This will get your spirits flowing a little faster.

Depression is very hard on everyone, been there, done that. But there is help, seek medical treatment and or medicine if needed from your family doctor but always know there is help out there. If you need more information or suggestions the one good source is:

It all begins with you. Your the captain of your vessel, steer wisely.

So what are you thankful for today? What keeps your motor running on your vessel at a high RPM?

Here is my RPM accelerators for me:

My family who I love and try to do my best for.

People, kind people I love people who love life. I feed off of that energy too.

My Pets, Bear and Bella. Two great dogs that no matter what they have a wagging tail, a jump or two and a kind lick of the tongue.

Adventure, what is around that next corner of life, how can I get there? Adventure for me is a great boost for life.

Your turn? What keeps you running at a

higher speed?

Enjoy your day friends..... stop by and visit me at and remember membership is free. We are 31 and strong can you become 32 or 33?

Thanks for stopping by and Till next time..... Smile and take the wonderful things this world has to offer in to your spirit.

www make me smile online dot com

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday ~ 1/20/10

Welcome to Wednesday everyone, a wish coming from me that your week has been special, joyous and free of any angst.

It's ok to be wishful I think. I mean there is so much the we can control in our lives so we don't really have to wish for what we can control we just have to do something about that.

No, today these wishes are for the things that are around us all and we need to collectively find solutions.

Haiti is such a strong story, highlighted by strong images and heartfelt sounds. Hard to imagine the pain these people are suffering through. I don't argue for a minute for the efforts put into helping this country and I know there is a multi nation effort going on. My prayers are going out to those who suffer for their lost loved ones and for a controlled effort to fix that land.

I wish for a more controlled situation in Haiti.

We are such a strong and resilient nation, America. We have climbed over so much for other lands and nations. We have help to free so many who suffer and done many good things. Have you ever walked down streets in Detroit, past rows of abandoned buildings? How many cities have crack or drug houses filled with pain and suffering for those caught within that bondage?

I wish for more attention to the poor and deplorable neighborhoods in our cities.

Everyone should have their basic needs fulfilled, things like food, shelter should be a right for those who seek it. In a nation with so much to offer those without for not fault of their own show not go unnoticed. If we just shaved 5% from our homeless population is year in each state would that really be enough?

I wish for a focus on the American dream to be not only for the up and coming but focus on the homeless, the hungry here in our streets. Push that camera and lights into the eyes of our needy and lost.

The growth of our youth, no child left behind and other noble laws have placed attention to fixing our education system. But truly with all the technology in our country and the brains to develop a tool like the Kindle, the Ipod, the smart phones why don't we as Americans push that technology into the hands of our teachers who end up using their paychecks and coin to make sure their kids have school supplies.

I wish for all with the knowledge of technology and high minded idea's to band towards helping our children and their teachers grow instead of just passing through the system. I mean why should any child have a book bag dragging them down full of textbooks when we have the resources to digitize our education system.

Just a few wishes today. Things that we collectively can start to ponder, pray for, dream on.

I wish for more of course, world tolerance, acceptance, peace, a world that cares and shares its resources instead of keeping them all to themselves.

I leave you with a legend and a song that expresses many dreamers I hope you enjoy it.

Just imagine the journey we could look back on years from now.

Till next time....Smile and wish and strive for more!

www make me smile online dot com

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 01/19/10

Happy Tuesday everyone and yes I hope you take the time to share a couple things today that you are grateful for. The gratitude journal is a perfect place to write a few things down a couple days of the week.

Gratitude fills our tank, and fuels our spirit to be more tolerant of the minor set backs in life.

Gratitude delivers to our soul a better way to deal with set backs and allows us to arrive at our destination of joy with ease.

A quote from Cicero about gratitude:

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,

but the parent of all the others.

So today take the time to focus on what your grateful for. It may just be the start of something special.

When we have the spirit of gratefulness deep within our spirit we rise up from any despair with a quickness and ease that defies reality. The reason we focus on what is good within our life and not what we lack.

Today I am grateful for others, who along the way carry with them a spirit of team work, hope, faith and kindness.

Yes there are those who lack these traits but to minimize these people so that they have little or no impact and focus only on those who are willing to share in positive traits is the better path.

Today I am also grateful for the grace of God that allows us to share in our spirit of health and prosperity and give to a charity who helps those in need in Haiti. May we all give something no matter how big or small to allow this troubled country to regain a foothold to better days.

What are you grateful for today? What is stirring in your spirit that can make a difference in another's life?

Take the time to share your gratitude, you will be grateful that you did.

Till next time.... Smile, share the great news of gratitude.

www make me smile online dot com

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 01/18/2010

Happy Monday everyone and here is wishing you the very best this week has to offer!

So how is your gratitude journal? Have you set it up? It is never too late and trust me on this one it should not be a chore.

Remember it is a gratitude journal not something to grumble over.

Think how sad that could be if someone grumbled over setting up a journal which sole purpose would be to post gratitude thoughts. Now that would be sad.

Today is Martin Luther King Jr day and my daughter has the day off. I do not have the day off however. Which is ok I am not complaining however I do miss those days of staying home from school as my dad went off to work. Good days indeed.

Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying:

“The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.”

I thought this quote is fitting for this day. There is still so much hate in the world over differences. Religion, race, gender and even social status discrimination still exists. We have so much to offer as a human race yet we still find it hard to just get along and work among each other to combine forces over evil.

We all have so much to offer each other. We all have so many talents that go wasted because we just can't seem to get it together.

Why? You have to ask yourself that question from time to time? Why can't we just get along, stop the hatred, the prejudice that we always seem to give out and then deny when its noticed. How childish and sad.

No one is better than another because of religion, race, gender, and just because you have more social status or money does that really make it ok to down trod another.

“To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” author unknown.

We all have differences, we all have unique contributions to make to this world that we live in. The fact is when we all put aside petty differences and work towards solving some of the worlds crisis we will all live better lives for it.

I know probably a little to unrealistic huh, a bit of a dreamer am I . Probably so but if we all just take a second this day, today and look into our eyes, into the windows of the soul as they are called and call upon yourself to say Why should I care about the (fill in the blank) of another man or women's (fill in the blank). Then maybe we can start to heal ourselves first and then expand into our family. Expand into our circle of influence. Expand into our neighborhood, our churches, our work place and our community. The true meaning of respect, tolerance over differences and maybe just maybe the words - acceptance and love.

The last quote I leave you with by C. Everett Kopp, former United States Surgeon General:

"The American ideal is not that we all agree with each other, or even like each other, every minute of the day. It is rather that we will respect each other's rights, especially the right to be different, and that, at the end of the day, we will understand that we are one people, one country, and one community, and that our well-being is inextricably bound up with the well-being of each and every one of our fellow citizens."

I wish you the best today and may your week be a great one!

Till next time... Share that smile and make a difference in someone's life.

www make me smile online dot com

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 01/17/10

Happy Sunday everyone and here is wishing you a great day filled with fun with family and or friends. My daughter today is going out to watch the new chipmunk movie with her 'big sister' today and then an afternoon snack. So she has her afternoon planned.

Big Brother/Big Sisters is an excellent program and it has given her another person to model and get another perspective to view and develop from. She has been part of the program over 6 years now and it has been very rewarding. Great stuff!

My thoughts for this Sunday is on the word perspective. Some quotes first from Alexandre Dumas:

There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state to another, nothing more.

He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.

The next quote from Baruch Spinoza:

Peace is not the absence of war; it is a virtue; a state of mind; a disposition for benevolence; confidence; and justice.

The truth about life is we all have a different perspective of it. We can see a image and describe two or more different descriptors about it and still be right. Our state of mind changes these views to a large extent. Our views from past events and relationships can also alter our views on present and future events.

Facts have shown over and over again that we all view things differently.

When we start to take the time and look at the world from different possibilities, different view points we will begin to enlighten and liberate our life.

We all want more in our life, more money, more comfort, more joy, more happiness but many times what we already need is right at our finger tips. Our world has limitless resources. Our world has so many outcomes that we each can control and grasp for ourselves like grasping a flower for the vase upon our table.

We choose, we design and we all have the power to shape our perspective into a more empowering state that will not only life our awareness but improve our possibilities for what we really want.

Shape your perspective and design your life to make a difference for so many more.

Enjoy the day friends and until next time...... Smile!

www make me smile online dot com

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 01/16/10

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the weekend. Some really nice comments yesterday as I am very grateful that you took the time to stop by and focus on what can be done for Haiti. All of play a role however large or small. We are one human race and when we take time to look after each other, whether it be a donation or a act of kindness we all benefit.

Often we fear taking action, getting involved, what will they think or say. What if I do something nice but they take it the wrong way.

I don't want them to think badly about my kind deed, etc etc and on the excuses come and go.

In reflection back to my older posts I wanted to share one that I thought would fit with this theme.

From April 28 the topic Will Power

Often we all face challenges and obstacles that at times seem formidable.

We all need to simplify each and every problem we face and break them down to what is real and what is unreal.

Everyone has read about the acronym of

FEAR which is

False Evidence Appearing Real.

Many times we are wary of situations where we need not be. A couple of quotes worthy at this point.

The oldest & strongest emotion of mankind is fear.

H.P. Lovecraft

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows

- Japanese proverb

Both of these speak to us in clear terms. Focus on what is real and on what you can do yourself. Believe in your own power and the power of human spirit to overcome fear. The strongest weapon we all have against fear is our conscientious thoughts and our beliefs.

The human mind is the most powerful organ in our body. Here is an interesting article about the mystery's of the mind, click here.

All of us have heard of stories where in the depths of third world countries, 'Witch-doctors' or Shamans as they are called can through the power of the mind and the belief of their followers. can will or convince the mind to behave a certain way with physical reactions.

The smile and laughter have also been proven to heal the sick and improve the overall health of many. The human spirit is and will always have the most power to overcome the evil in the world.

Another quote here:

"Human potential is the same for all. Your feeling, "I am of no value", is wrong. Absolutely wrong. You are deceiving yourself. We all have the power of thought - so what are you lacking? If you have will power then you can change anything. It is usually siad that you are your own master."

Dalai Lama b 1935, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize

Face your fears with a smile, understand and focus on what is real. We all face challenges everyday, but understand we are one and we need not face them alone.

Power Action Thought Number 159 - - Believe and understand what a smile can do to conquer challenges, fears and worry.

Worry not, tomorrow is another day and above all Smile. :)

www make me smile online dot com

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flowing Into Friday ~ 01/15/10

Happy Friday everyone! The weekend is upon us and better weather has knocked upon are door. Yeah I know there will be more snow and sleet to come. It is only January but enjoy this weather while you can. Oh yeah there is only 66 days till the first day of spring.

So how is the gratitude journal coming? Have you started one? Yesterday I had someone comment and suggest a family 'gratitude board'. I think that is a great idea that she had.

A gratitude board to list what the family, your family is indeed grateful for.

Things like health, a pantry with food, a roof, the ability to speak freely, a computer or at the very least access to one. A great idea that the whole family can share in.

Thats what its all about and I think this weekend could be a great weekend for you and your loved ones to sit down and maybe even discuss what you are all truly grateful for.

Last night on CNN I watched as 1000's of Haitians pray for order, pray for their loved ones to return. They also pray for the basics like water, food, safety from the elements. Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. Please keep the positive thoughts and love flowing freely to those who are sent to rescue and provide relief efforts to this poor nation.

It is almost unfathomable to listen to some of the talking pundits who are trying to use this tragedy to gain political favor against our nations President.

Like him or not, we have a nation of free speech but we don't have to use the suffering of another country to try to gain a foothold against our nation's leadership. You know who they are, won't go name dropping here. Shame on them and shame on anyone who does not realize what is at stake the lives and safety of human lives in Haiti.

So flow freely into this weekend.

Flow safely with a smile and a prayer for your fellow man.

Take time to show love, share love and join the human need to have the basic needs.

Shelter, food, certainty, joy, peace, love and it can all start with a simple smile and a act of kindness.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Till next time.... Smile and share that smile with another!

www make me smile online dot com

Giving Thanks on Thursday ~ 01/14/10

Happy Thursday everyone. A day here in Pittsburgh, PA were we should see a high temp of 40 degrees which will be a nice change of pace. The next 10 days look good as far as weather here.

As you know by now I set aside Tuesday and Thursday to share with you what I feel is a very important step in our own personal development and growth. The step is feeling a sense of gratitude and taking time to record it in a journal or blog and share it with others if possible.

So with out further delay here are my 3 for today.

First I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the privileges that we have by living in America. We have so many freedoms and so many rights that we not only need to understand but as always stay focused on protecting these rights and freedoms. Knowledge is power and knowledge about your local and state and federal politics is essential in protecting these freedoms.

My heart goes out to those in Haiti with the destruction and sense of uncertainty that they as a collective nation must feel now. Please include them in your prayers. The difference that we make to aid and assist in any way will go a long way to helping this country get back on their feet.

Secondly my respect and admiration of any law enforcement officer. Every morning they kiss their kids and family and leave with a sense of duty and go out into a battle zone with the only purpose to protect and serve our local communities and go home safely at the end of their shift.

The tragic loss of PA. State Police officer yesterday who leaves behind a wife and children should never be forgotten. State Trooper Paul Richey a veteran of 16 years dedicated service should be included in the same prayers for his family and young children.

Lastly I give thanks for the information age that we live in. Some 20 years ago we had very little connectivity now we have Facebook, Google, Farmville and so many tools that allow us to research, confirm and acquire knowledge and control our finance, shopping experience, confirm product information, and other various tools that the Internet can deliver to our daily lives. Enjoy this tool and use it to make a difference and enhance life and not take away from it.

So many times I read other blogs or new items and find an very strong sense of hatred towards the author and comments. For what ever reason we take the freedom of speech to task anytime we show hatred. If you don't like the article say so with objectivity not hatred or malice.

A quote that I always come back to that I will share here by Eric Hoffer he stated that

The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbor as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves.

We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves.

We forgive others when we forgive ourselves.

We are prone to sacrifice others when

we are ready to sacrifice ourselves.


Enjoy your day everyone! Share that gratitude with yourself today and above all make a difference in someones life today!

Till next time... Smile and start with a smile

meant for you.

www make me smile online dot com

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Wish and Prayers on Wednesday ~ 1/13/10

Happy Wednesday everyone! The weather will be turning a little warmer here in the Pittsburgh area later this week so that is something to look towards indeed. Above freezing is warmer by the way.

I want to thank you for all the comments that you shared regarding the video about the life of Eliot Hartman Mooney, of course it was a tearful story but if you listened to the message at the end. How the message from God about life, devotion and unconditional love by his parents. This story about what truly matters in life, our life, your life it was all summed up in that short video. It puts our lives into perspective. I shared that video with some co workers last night, I don't know how it came up but I felt led. Much like I feel led when my fingers glide about the keyboard as I type my post each morning. But everyone felt impacted by the video and I am glad that I was able to share it.

Late last night I saw a comment on my post from Bertha Mullin who asked for prayers for a couple of families in Pike County, KY. She asked for prayers from this site regarding how a family with children was escorted from a homeless shelter. I don't know the rest of the story but in my prayers I lifted them up to God and I encourage you as well to life them up in your prayers.

Thank you for that.

Each Wednesday I want to title this post 'A Wish and Prayers on Wednesday'. Meaning I want to turn our wishes into prayers, or a prayer chain if you will.

If you know of someone or want prayers for yourself please list them here.

My goal is here for you to list them, review them and pray on them.

We often wish on our Birthday over Candles. We often throw a coin into a fountain and wish. The first star we wish upon at night. We wish for that winning lottery number to play and win those millions. But wishes often come up empty.

We all know the power of a single prayer, and when two or more pray the power of prayer turns into real energy. God hears your prayers, God listens and the energy of those prayers often leads to real answers from God.

So today I turn my wishes into prayers.

Won't you share your prayer requests today.

The Bible states:

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (NIV)

and in

Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (NIV)

and within

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (NIV)


I hope you share your prayers here. I hope you review the prayer requests of others and may the confidence that prayer truly works give you more power than any wish on a candle.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Till next time.... Smile, share and believe!

www make me smile online dot com

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 01/12/10

Happy Tuesday everyone I hope your Monday set the tone for the week. Today is a day that I like to share what I am grateful for my online gratitude journal entry if you will.

I encourage you to start a journal built around the idea of gratitude.

I know you will see a difference in your spirit when you begin to focus on what you have instead of what you lack.

At the top of my screen I see an ad for a book called The New Frugality by Chris Farrell. In reading the explanation of the book he talks about how we need to be more frugal in these times and start to enjoy what we have and spend less.

My take is we also need to spiritually and mentally take stock and inventory on what we have to be grateful for. Become more frugal in what we think we need and be happy and supportive and protective of what we all possess.

Things that i am grateful for today:

My family. They inspire me everyday to be the best that I can be. My family includes my daughter and son, my partner of 7 years now Missy, and my two dogs, Bear and Bella. You are the greatest and give me much, Thanks!

My inspiration to keep this daily blog alive and growing. You the readers who keep that inspirational fire stoked and burning. Thanks for the comments, the emails and the views here and also on MMSO. Yes 31 members and 21 more to go before March 18, the one year anniversary.

If your not a member it is easy,join at the sign in and join link (click here),enjoy the site, its free and pass along virtually and verbally the nature and purpose of the site.

Click here for the mission statement.

Lastly I thank who ever it was that clicked and watched the 99balloon linkyesterday. I can view in the stats pages what links are getting viewed and that one came up.

You inspired me to watch it again and to share it with all of you.

The story is was shared last year here and on MMSO and I thought I would share it again.

The video :

The video has so much inspiration in it, true love, real faith, dedication so much. To the creator/producer, the family and to God above, thanks for sharing and we can all learn from it.

Is there more to be thankful for in my life.... You bet! Thats what I think on each morning.

Now its your turn, take time to be grateful.

Take time to share your stories.

Take time to share your smile!

Till next time......Smile and make a difference today!

www make me smile online dot com