Thursday, May 21, 2020


Never before have we so much to give

To give thanks, to give appreciation and to give our best efforts. These are tough and uncertain times but never should we ever take things for granted.

Truly we are in challenging and uncertain times.

We should be giving love, kindness and even benefit of the doubt.

So many in pain, so many in uncertainty.

We have unemployment in unheard of numbers and yet we have more concern about the stock market than we do of the local restaurant that has served a community for years.

There is something seriously wrong with that.

We worry about the value of a stock which enriches the board, the company and the shareholders.

Yet we shake our head in shame over the demise of local businesses that sold any shares long time ago just to open its doors and put out a service or a product.

Giving is more than just money or a flower or a gift.

It is giving someone love and attention and your time and raising the flag of freedom for them.

Soldiers who serve our land give much.

Time away from family and putting stress on the family with average at best compensation.

The are not day trading stock or selling shares. 

The are serving our borders and aiding others who need their help.

Flooding and struggling communities.

Out of control nursing homes with over worked and under protected patients and staff.

Yet we worry about the SP 500 or the price of Oil while others worry about the next food bank distribution or how they will get caught up from a mortgage payments behind when the all clear flag is lifted and they are still unemployed.

Please give love and attention and kindness.  If you have more give more. If you can.

But at the very least give love and kindness and attention.

Together we will get through this.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 21 / 2020

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