Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sunday Restoration and Forgiveness

Sometimes the hardest part of restoration is the forgiveness that opens up the doors of our hearts.

Forgiveness allows us to move on, to build that bridge and get over it.  It allows us to move forward, look ahead instead of dwelling in the past.

Many times those we have trouble forgiving have moved on themselves and allow us to dwell in the pain while they truly moved on.  We must accept the past, learn from it and move forward.

Move past the pain
Learn from the victory of moving into a brighter future

Break free
Liberate yourself
Understand that your focus is your thoughts and your actions taking and holding shape!

Truly the fragrance of forgiveness can smell so enriching to our spirit and to our soul

Smiles this day sent your way : )


Victor Yakin

Friday, May 30, 2014

Saturday In the Park with Wisdom

Maybe this Saturday take time to sharpen your wisdom
Consider old ways of thinking as old
Consider a better way 
Love and Acceptance
Patience and Tolerance
Love without expectations

Consider silence instead of speaking
Understanding instead of condemning
Tenderness over manipulation

Dream instead of just accepting the way its always been

Take the time today to reconsider 
Make the time to day to act with newness

Listen to your heart
and as always
Smiles sent from me to you

Victor Yakin

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Taking Gratitude In Force (TGIF)

Three questions to ask yourself:

What do I have Gratitude for?

Have I taken the time to pray one Simple prayer today ?

Have I told anyone how Grateful I am for them ?

Three simple questions to ask yourself today 
before you do anything today
Right now!

Yes you, your reading this
Right now!

Take the time 
This moment 

to say 

As always I thank you the reader

Smiles sent to you as always

Victor Yakin

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thursday Tune Up Of Taking A Chance

We are growing or we are dying there is no staying the same
Status Quo is for social conditions or politics not our existence

It takes courage to look someone in the eye and say hello or smile
So many walk on by looking at no one or just staring at the ground
Take a small chance to say hello or hold open a door
You truly never know how that will make someone feel

The past is in the past
it will never truly dominate your life unless you allow it to
All things whether good or bad that come from the past are an experience and an education
Educations that may have cost a lot more than what you paid

Take that Chance and know that no matter you will rise
Rise with head held high
Rise with gratitude of being there
Rise with the heart and mind of a child
For in life and at any age will are all a child at heart : )

Smile sent this day 
and every day : )

Victor Yakin

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wednesday Weeding of Doubt

Don't let anything get in the way of your faith in self
Don't let fear over work your thoughts into not following through

You need inspired?
Let another soul doubt you
Prove them wrong
You deserve that much
Strive to thrive

Let your heart guide you
Let your heart teach you
Let your heart be your coach

Live ~ Dream ~ Do
But do not doubt


Never Doubt 

What a smile can do

Never Doubt

What love can do

Never Doubt

that you are able 

Because in fact 

You Are 

Smiles sent your way this day and always : )

Victor Yakin

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over Your Individuality

Even at a early age we are taught to fit in.  Not to stray to far away, don't wander, color inside the lines.  The average child gets so many 'No's' before they even get to 1st grade.  Twins, oh the trouble they endure they even have to dress alike, so that individuality even further dissipates.

To be strong minded, full of wonder, full of imagination and to dream big and to plant our own foot steps.

What a wonderful journey that would hold!

Think of Television and radio marketing and even ads on search engines, always trying to tells us how we should be and how we should act and what we should buy.  No wonder self meditation and yoga are becoming so popular in this day and age.

Copies are often forgotten and misplaced, the original will always be cherished.

Stand out, and stand tall and firm in your individuality!
Dream Big
Color and paint as you wish!
Play often and much and above all love deeper than anyone else would expect.

Above all be yourself and know that is is alright to be an individual that
 lives in a big box of crayons called earth. 

Always sending you a smile : )

Victor Yakin

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday Motivation and Respect

To give respect we must understand to respect ourselves but don't allow others to disrespect 

To smile in trouble
To grow from reflection
To give without expecting to get anything


4 words to live with and live by


Smiles sent your way today and everyday :)

Victor Yakin

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sunday Restoration and Remembering

To remember and to give honor to those who serve and deserve so much more.  My salute and my thanks go to all that serve us today and have in the past served and gave all.

Take the time to say a prayer and make the time to care
Remember all that have served our great nation
Take the time to thank them and share your gratitude for them

Hero's we should remember that they served and gave all 

Light a candle, wave a flag, say a prayer and give thanks
Freedom has a cost
They paid it so you could have freedom

As always Smiles sent your way 
and thanks for all who serve each day 
and all that have served 

Victor Yakin

Friday, May 23, 2014

Saturday In Your Zone

We have all experienced moments in our life when everything went right.  We were/are in the zone and progress and growth and success just seem to flow towards us.  But what about those people who always seem to be in the zone.  Surely they have struggles and tribulations but they seem to make it look so easy.

Much of this zone feeling is trust, faith and belief in self.  But much of it is learning how to push outside of our comfort zone and striving to grow to learn to trust and to believe in a high power outside of ourselves.

Faith ~ Trust ~ self belief in ones own abilities 

Trust in moving outside of your comfort zone

Trust in yourself, push yourself to try something new

Dream big, Live with passion and strive to grow

The big word hear is "if" 
It begins and ends with you

Expand ~ Grow ~ Thrive to Strive

Smiles as always sent your way : )

Victor Yakin

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Taking Gratitude In Force (TGIF)

Sometimes we are taken to a place what produces good feelings and vibes and inspires us.  My wish is for this place, my blog, takes you to that feeling.  I truly am grateful to you the reader, the viewer and for the comments here and on Facebook.  Thank you : ) Smiles and gratitude showered your way.

Indeed very wise words, today is here.
Why not make it a good one : )

Each of these statements should be affirmed in your life each day.

Everything will work out and things will get better.

The time is now to share your gratitude, pass on your thanks to those who truly make a difference for you!

Every day and in every way breathe out love.
Each breath
Each moment
Each Day 

Embrace and Love
Be grateful and joyful
Send a Smile and watch what comes back to you

Just like now I share this Smile with you : )

Victor Yakin