Monday, September 29, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over Your Insecurities

Insecurity can grind us to a halt in life.  We can live with it our walk away from it. It is your choice.
It is your belief that creates insecurity.  So let it go, move forward and trust and believe that you truly will do the right thing.

believe and achieve
trust in yourself is a must
do what you love
and grow 
don't hate back
don't listen to the haters
love and let it go

We are indeed so much more
an infinite amount of variations
we are indeed created by our own thoughts and emotions
Choose well

let it go
be yourself
what others think of you is really none of your business anyway
it is there problem not yours

be happy always

love always

and smile forever 

Just as this smile is shared with you : )

Victor Yakin

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday Motivation and Becoming Fearless

To go through the woods with out fear.  Not fear of the dark, the owl, the wolves and just stride through as if you own the woods.  For truly with out the fear breaking out of your aura, you truly do own the woods.  The dark is just a blanket that protects the night from the day.

nothing but an obstacle 
remove it
respect fear but remove it from your will to more forward

the only person that can save you is yourself
not another
not the past it will only tear you down or hold you back
you are in control of you now and future

always be ready
never fear

Stay Hungry
Stay Foolish

Never give in

Never give up

Fear only that you will allow fear to control you


Just live your life and smile

Just as this smile is shared with you : )

Victor Yakin

Sunday Restoration with Oscar Wilde

Irish writer and poet who established himself in the late 1800's.   A playwright and one of London's most popular he passed way at the age of 46, destitute.

Note: We are all Artist's, everyday in everyway.

we learn by doing
by failure
by success
by working things out
and having passion along the way 

dream big and dream often

make your dreams real 

love big and love often

always share your love and make it real

learn about yourself
be patient with yourself
learn and dream 

love always
smile always

just as this smile is shared with you : )

Victor Yakin

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday In Your Park May You Seize The Day

Today is your day and it starts the first day of the rest of your dreams.  Your desires are manifested today, they start here, right now if you wish.

So wish .... dream big.....act today..

appreciate this moment 
savor it 
taste it
use it
make it real

feel the warmth of your moment
your dreams are about to become real
seize it 

What are you waiting for
every single moment
Make it count

Love and be loved
realize it is truly that simple
you deserve it
make it real
and don't forget to smile

as this smile is sent your way : )

Victor Yakin

Friday, September 26, 2014

Taking Gratitude In Force ( T. G. I. F. )

Gratitude a way to start your day 
A way to end your day
Go through your day and walk that way
With Gratitude
With love
With joy
Now that truly is they way to stay in focus and walk through life
In Gratitude

Thankful for all
For what your truly have

Confusion to Clarity
Chaos to order
and so much more


Live it and see if you won't be more at peace

May you find your gratitude
may your find your joy
may you find your smile

Like this one I share with you now ; )

Victor Yakin

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday Tune Up of Laughter

We all need to laugh more, we need to enhance our attitude so that we find even the not so funny downright hilarious. Because everything in life that does not effect our emotion of sadness or grief can be overturned quickly with laughter.

Oh we must at times grieve and there will be sadness but in the end may we all turn around and quickly find our laugh again.

Not bad and pretty inexpensive as well

How true

Dreams are forever
Imagination truly shows no age
and laughter should always have a place in our day 

May you laugh much
May you love always
May you live in health
May your laughter bring you wealth

May you truly have the wisdom to make your laughter and love last 

May you smile and enjoy the journey along lifes path

and may always find your smile

even as I share this smile with you : )

Victor Yakin

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday Weeding of Hesitation

Hesitation, a pause that misses out often on opportunity.  A hesitation moment can change your life forever.  Hesitation in sharing a kind word, in lending a helping hand or sharing a moment of gratitude, can and will alter a moment of promise and hope for the one who needed the most.

Share --- Care --- Love and always act upon your instincts without hesitation.

Forget your past
Listen to your heart
Follow it
Live it with forward motion

Less Greed
Lest Hesitation
More leading with love and joy

Live with the willingness to take bold risks
without a pause
with preparation
with a spirit of ableness

Do not be one of the millions that said not now
if not now 


Share your love
Share your hope
Share your smile

As this smile is shared with you : )

Victor Yakin

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over Your Comfort Zone

Move forward but move forward and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.  That truly is where the magic is. The growth you desire demands it and you are worth it.

set yourself free
move out of your comfort zone

set yourself free
get out where the magic dwells

try something new
move forward
set yourself free

words to dwell on 

words to believe in

Challenge yourself to set yourself free

live, love, dream

and smile 

Just as this smile is sent to you : )

Victor Yakin

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday Motivation and Respecting Others Opinions

We are all part of the human race.  We work, we play and we dream and we all try to move forward.  I know some are thin, some fat, some are conservative and some liberal but yet we all want to live and love in some fashion.

So why do some have trouble allowing another person to have a different opinion.  Their opinion is there's alone.  So why not just  trust that love and happiness will find a way for all, no matter what.

Allow the world to be full of love, wisdom and understanding

live with happiness and just give respect to others

It could mean everything to them

Love and spread good energy

show respect and just allow another opinion to manifest 
in the end that manifestation only effects you if you allow it

Understanding this sheds a whole lot of in insight on opinions 

So stand back, listen, give respect and smile 

As this smile is shared with you : )

Sunday Restoration with Steve Jobs

A modern day designer, creator and implementation whose life was cut short.  May we learn from his passion to dream big.

 don't wast your life living someone else's life
live your own
dream your own
follow your heart 
listen to your inner voice


believe in your talent
produce great work

When your a professional 
and you are
don't take short cuts
don't sell another short
don't leave another disappointed in the lack of your quality

What's your excuse again?


Just as this smile is shared with you : )

Victor Yakin