Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thursday Tune Up of the Heart

The heart always senses, it truly reaches out many times more than our arms reach out.  It feels and it senses it is just a shame that sometimes we don't listen or often how we feel to truly understand what it is telling us.

If only we would listen more with meditation.  Taking that 5 to 10 minutes of true silence in our hearts. Turning off the noise and just listening to what the heart is telling us.

The heart holds so many keys to our being
So many gateways to our mind
Taking time to truly listen and connect with the heart is so important to feeling true gratitude.

Take the time to meditate with the heart in mind
Make the time to listen
To often we think of heart and we hear quotes of a broken heart or 
we hear of a heart aching or a heartless person BUT
These are truly negative phrases that paint a picture that has drama but no real substance.

So harness your heart and tune it up
Harness your gratitude and express it outward
Along the way just smile and love and dream of a better you

Don't worry about the rest of the world
Start with you : )
Smiles sent today and always 

Victor V. Yakin

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday Weeding and Identifying Negative Self Talk

What goes on in your mind when it has time to assess you?  What words are you saying to yourself between those two ears?  Are you lifting yourself up or are you holding yourself back? Try this little exercise, get somewhere quiet and just let your thoughts go and start each thought with the phrase " I AM ".   Go on stop for a few minutes and do this now.

What did you hear? 
How did it make you feel?
What would you like to replace those self thoughts with?

How about this

Laughter truly can be the best medicine.  Try finding yourself in a negative thought state when your laughing at your favorite movie, or your favorite comedian.  Almost impossible to think anything else except the words that are making your laugh.  Now I know its hard to find something to laugh about each and every minute and even if you could you would not be very productive or accepted but, to laugh a little each day can make all those negative feelings become smaller to the point of disappearing from your state of thoughts.
Live well, laugh often and love much, I add this to the bottom of this quote.  Smile always!

Weed out those negative self thoughts and self talk.  Pull them out like you would weeds from a garden you cherish.  Because in fact the garden you possess with in you is much more beautiful than any garden on earth.

Pull those weeds.
Love, Laugh and Live well !!!!  Smile Always !

Smiles sent to you always

Victor V. Yakin

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over Your Control

Every day starts and the clock is already running, time has ticked away and truth be told you allowed it.  Hey we all need sleep but you have the control on how you use your time.  You control it.

Not how many hours you spend, but the way you spend them!

Happiness is in your control.  You should never allow another spirit to dictate or determine your happiness, not now or ever.  You control the thoughts and you control the way that you look at the result.

Stay focused on your end result
Stay calm, breathe and know that you control your outcome.

Strength and control is everything when you put your spirit in motion.
How you control your responses and how you allow your momentum is truly up to you.

 Thoughts become things
Things become results made
Results made are what we can look back with pride or disappointment.
Your choice
Your control

Everyday remind yourself
Everyday treat yourself with kindness
Everyday take control of yourself because if you don't 
someone else will.

Smiles sent today and everyday 

Victor V. Yakin

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday Motivation thinking a new way

Progression of thought on the subject of Mondays, an example:

Step one ---> Thoughts from night before "Oh no not another Monday"
Step two ---> Go to bed with this thought in your mind, and your expecting a great nights sleep
Step three ---> Alarm goes off, you hit snooze or you don't you crawl out of bed and think and speak                                   "I hate Monday"

And you believe that you can suffer through the day and maybe it will get better.  LOL!

A new way of thinking about Monday.

Step one ---->  Enjoy and have gratefulness that you are enjoying your Sunday and have a deep sense of                              gratitude that you have a new week to enjoy with self and those you love.
Step two --->  Go to bed with the above thought in mind and truly expect and know the next day is going to                         be a great one!  Smile on you face and your pillow in place!
Step three --->  You wake up rested and wake up minutes (5 -10) with out the alarm, say your "Thank                                     You" prayer and place your feet on the floor with gratitude.

Which one just might work better?  Just a new way to think about what you think on a Monday.

It all starts with letting go of old ways and being creative enough to change and embrace change!

Today, this day is going to be a great day !
I can and I will handle anything with a smile and gratitude and purpose!
I act and create and I improve upon my day by my actions!

What are you growing in that mind?
Your planting thoughts everyday and until you truly look at those seeds your planting you truly should not be surprise at what grows from your efforts.  You truly reap what you plant and sow in your mind!

Don't be surprised when you get more weeds!
Plan and execute a better thought process!

Inspect your self talk and truly respond with better words that empower you.

What you think and what you say

Its your choice in those thoughts and words

Sending Smiles and Happiness your way : ) Today and everyday : )

Victor V. Yakin

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sunday Restoration and Replenishment

I have always felt this as the last day of the week, instead how the calendar puts it as the first day.  To me its the day of family, rest, faith, and replenishment of what we may have spent from the prior 6 days.

To rest, to restore and replenish the spirit and the mind, this day is for that very thing.

To understand how our beliefs, thoughts and internal dialogue effect our life is key to a better you.
The better you, is essential for the better family, the improved health, and the improved social condition of our society.  Truly when we get the importance of rest, the importance of replenishment of the spirit we will alter our path and the path of those around us.

Indeed, our world is controlled by the minds of many, but the single candle that flickers
 can change the light in a dark room.

I am rested!
I am replenished!
I am well!
I am loved!
I am changing each and every day for the better!
I am a change agent for good!

If you can live these words above, if you can smile at the world, the world will smile back!!

To all of you a smile is sent : )

Victor V. Yakin

Friday, April 25, 2014

Saturday in Your Park

We work, we play and we reflect and perhaps one of the best ways to do this could very well be in a garden or a park.  The social activity that is alive at our city and state parks can be the right place to start.   A row of park benches, waiting to be sat upon, waiting to be used to view the world as it passes.

A single bench calls out, to be used, to be rested upon.  A single bench that could share stories if it spoke about all who have it has share its space with.  What words the bench would speak about its time spent.

What emotions have been shared on this seat.

To rest upon, to reflect upon to enjoy

What stories could you share if you went back and reflected about your kids, your grand kids at the park.

Simple, serene, silent our parks and our life should experience the moment.

To share in the beauty, to relax at the foot of a tree that once was planted for this very moment.

The gratitude that someone took the time so that we can take the time now to rest.

How awesome that gratitude

May you share upon this day, today a simple park with a vision of resting and reflecting souls.

Smiles sent this day and everyday to you.

Victor V. Yakin

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Taking Gratitude In Force (TGIF)

TGIF, we all know this famous acronym for a restaurant chain and best known for Thank God Its Friday but I want you to start taking a strong look at a new thought/idea.

Taking Gratitude In Force 

All Situations.  The Good, the not so good
For if you have Gratitude in your heart, your spirit is always understanding that you have 
so much to be grateful for !

True gratitude from the soul not just resides in quiet contemplation it acts out it gratefulness each and every step that we take.  It reaches out and tells other people through our actions and words that we are grateful!

It speaks with posture, it speaks with a face of calmness, it speaks with a style all its own.

It shines!  It lights and it produces so much good in a world full of so much trouble.

Take nothing for granted, not friends, not family, not health, not life, stay in that gratitude attitude.
Coming weeks we will walk you through tips and thoughts on Taking Gratitude In Force

TGIF Everyone : )

Till the next time we cross on a TGIF day .... keep grateful, stay in that space that says I am here, I belong and I am so grateful that I am surrounded by Gratitude!

Smiles sent your way : )
Victor V. Yakin

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thursday Tune Up of the Soul

Musical Instruments, Automobiles and the Soul what do these have in common?  In development and in refinement and ongoing these three have the need to be tuned up.

So what does it mean to tune up the soul? How does one tune up the soul?

The ordinary and simple acts of kindness will tune the soul.  Sharing laughter and wiping away tears can have much more impact on the soul than we can imagine.  Everyday the practice of being better, improving and listening to the soul and placing our ear next to the soul through meditation.  

The most important gift one can give oneself is a spiritual tune up.   To take the time to be still and be quiet and just listen to the soul speak and explain what it truly is in need of.





These are often so removed from our everyday life.  

Tune up your soul today
Listen to the quiet stillness
Feel the passion flow from the souls soft tender voice

Take time 
Make time
and Spend time with thy self

Smiles sent in hopes that your tune up will be ever growing and improving your soul 

Victor V. Yakin

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wednesday Weeding of Your Garden

I wanted to share a video... well spoken well thought of I stumbled across it and to say that most of life is a stumble with intentions directed by a much higher guidance.

Enjoy : )

Great video with quite a few great suggestions.

Each Wednesday I want to share the importance of taking the "weeds" out of our garden.

Whether it be weeds in our spiritual garden, or clouds in our surroundings the point of the matter remains the same.  Sometimes its best to pull the "weeds" that suffocate our life and direction.  Sometimes its best to get the negative clouds out of our way so that the brighter day becomes part of our life.

Life is like math at times, add the good, subtract the bad and put into fractions those which take up too much time for what truly matters.  Pray more, meditate more and remove the weeds so that your flower, your bloom can flourish.

So will you allow yourself to bloom?
Will you let yourself reach for the sun and face your challenges with strength and not weakness?
Will you weed the bad from your spiritual garden?
Will you water the soil and make it fertile with good and positive thoughts and words that empower.

Its your choice

Its your choice

It's Always Your Choice !

Smiles sent your way!
Today and always

Victor V. Yakin

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over your Spirit

The importance of your spirit is often undervalued.  It is often taken for granted, like the overwhelming power of a camp fire that heats us but when we don't have this fire the cold soon reminds us what we wish we had.

Same with the spirit.

To define the spirit:

  1. 1.
    the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
    "we seek a harmony between body and spirit"
    synonyms:soulpsyche, (inner) self, inner being, inner man/woman, mindegoid;
    "harmony between body and spirit"

    So protect your spirit, protect it with meditation, with the joy and peace found in the quiet times that true meditation can bring you.

    Protect your spirit from the energy vampires, from the negative people who will indeed try to suck the energy out of your spirit.  Limit the time you give them and with what ever cost maintain your spirit at a high level.

    So in summary forgive them, be kind to them, be honest and sincere with them.  Be creative, be happy and do good.  Give your best, and know it was always up to you.  It always is : )  Smiles sent your way!

    Take over your Tuesday and keep your spirit on high octane energy and faith!

    Victor V. Yakin

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Monday Motivation Instead of Trepidation

Stepping into a Monday, we all do it but are we walking with confidence as we step into the day or do we have expectations that are not so high?

It is our choice after all, but some have concerns about "Monday" even before it starts.  Now I am not saying or implying that this is you.  Of course not your head is held high with confidence and you can hardly wait until this day comes your way.  Right?

My intention is to share some thoughts that I have about how I define success, how I choose to live my mantra of daily life and even share my thoughts on failure and learning from it.

First let me say this, I am a work in progress but I understand that in order to progress it takes work and I choose to define my path upfront and carefully monitor my frame of reference so that I can be my own leader instead of someone else's sheep being herded into the day.

Lets start of with a quote:

Indeed we are the student, moving forward, learning, falling and getting back up but even if you fall you need to know your learning from the fall.

How I define success: 

What if you focused and defined success was just being a change agent in someones life that allowed them to breathe easier.  What if you lived by that belief?

How I think about treating each other:

Just imagine if you lived each of your 1440 minutes each day focusing on these three thoughts.

I leave you with this simple question.

What if you did think and focus on these simple beliefs and put them into your action plan each day?

Have a great Monday 

Victor V. Yakin