Sunday, March 26, 2017

We are... ~ March 26, 2017

We are what we believe we are  

~ C.S. Lewis

We are all here to help, lift, rejoice 

with each other as we try to 

become our very best selves

~ Linda K. Burton

Let that sink in this morning.  Ready it often because it is true only if you believe it to be true.  So let it flow through your brain, your veins and your being.  

We are energy designed with perfection by our creator.

We are love and deep inside all of us it flows and no matter how much of a cynic you have become or deflowered by another person's hate or misguided by the world to want more.  We all have the power to be grateful and to explode our love first for ourselves and then others.

We are able.  To do what we desire, what we choose, what we take action upon, we are able.

We are what we believe we are and truly we are here to help, to lift another up, to rejoice in our ability to recognize the beauty of love and the misguided energy towards hatred.

So love
So believe
So take action
So choose 

So make another smile by smiling first. 
So make another feel love by giving love first

Give respect with out the need to get it back
Give positive energy 
Give your best no matter what

Do with intention, with love, with power

But do

Smiles and positive energy sent your way !

Victor V. Yakin

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Spring has arrived and so should you ~ March 23, 2017

A new season is here new weather is in the air and yes new beginnings for so many things.  You may as well be one of these many things.  Your fresh and spirited awakening is here just like the buds of new flowers and leaves all around us.

Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall.

 Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone.
Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.

 ~William Alexander

The earth described in this quote is all around you, It can and will teach many lessons should you take the time to sense and look for them.  But will we take the time.

Do we take the time to watch the snow slowly melt away in the shade.  It says good bye but promises to return one day.

Do we take the time to look at the leaves that we rake and bag away?  The colors we enjoy on that weekend drive but do we pause to hear them crackle under foot and leave their own promise to return one day.

Do we take the time as we prune the tree, pick the apple, and enjoy its fruits.  Do we sense the beauty of the forest and its majestic filter of the sunshine as it shines through or the break in the sky that allows the stars to twinkle overhead.  We walk past these trees that give so much and they stand alone strong and defiant to the summer winds.

Do we plant the garden, til the ground and weed the lawn and garden with attention to the seasons and how they have prepared the landscapes and soil with such care.  We can learn much from nature and the passing of each season we just need to be attentive and take note and heed that this spring has lessons to be learned and fancy to be explored.

Enjoy this spring get dirty in the soil and take note of the life that streams and crawls and burrows all around you.  They are enjoying the moment and so should you.

Stay happy
Stay strong
Share a smile
and be grateful

The world laughs and smiles with you : )

Victor Yakin