Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wanting is Not Enough

You have to overcome, you have to need the think you WANT as bad as you would need air to breathe.

Some of us at one part of our life or another want something for ourselves or another so bad it hurts.
It tears at our walls of our inner spirit, it hurts so damn bad that we just can't understand why we can't have it.

Some of it is discipline, some of it is habitual some of it is in our mind so obvious that we don't know why we can't have it.  We know we want it and often we know we need it for substantial life needs.

Discipline is part of this, knowing that we can and we will and we must find and execute a plan or create a new pattern.  The pattern is like a record player and a needle and a scratch on some vinyl of your favorite musical record.  Once that need hits that scratch its stuck in a endless pattern over and over the same pattern plays on.  We must find a way to interrupt that pattern, effort from a hand to lift or bump that needle or just lifting an replacing to a better track. It takes discipline and effort to overcome the bad habit.  It has to come from the person who needs to fix the pattern.  We can't will anyone to do it.  It must come from within.

Habitual errors, be it a food addiction, bad relationship habits learned from parents, or maybe a chemical addiction.  The habit, the bad habit is real and  sometimes we need counseling or maybe a intervention to show how it is destroying our life.  We sometimes need to "hit bottom" as they say, the counselors and the experts and the bottom is different for everyone but we need to love those and help them see the angle of descent.   NOT enable them but help them and often the help is a tough love kind of thing.  Enabling someone only gets them there at a later date, and sometimes with disastrous results.  The habit and the clutch on someone is real, and has a devastating grip on us.  Love and patience and hardline guidance can and will get someone closer to resolution but again they have to see the down hill slide.  They have to see the end game, life is a game of chess not checkers.  The piece of life all have different strengths.

You need to overcome against the feelings and turn the feelings into real and substantial actions.

The hunger, the desire the reason to get better has to be a feeling of need so bad that its like your running out of air.  You need to breathe and get better or the problem will suffocate you.

Be strong
Be diligent 
Be aware of God's and the earths power and energy to awaken. the spirit within you.
Be planning, visualize what you want.

Seek a higher power
Seek a mentor
Seek a support group
Seek a message that motivates not actions or habits that destroy.

Run don't walk to what your want
Run don't walk to what you truly must overcome
Run don't walk to a better day

Avoid sadness
Avoid distress
Avoid bad influences that keep you coming back to the same old song and dance.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 27 / 2020

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