Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Finding our way

We can and we must lead by example

We are not born with hate, we learn it. We are not born with anger we acquire it.

When the easiest lesson to learn is one based on love and joy why do we disembark from it?  Why can't we stay on the simple path of sharing respect and love and acts of kindness along the way.

The last few days we celebrated a holiday based on giving thanks 
and respect to those who serve us.

The service women and men in the military both current and past and respect and honor who gave all and sacrificed all.

We also remember and give thanks to those first responders, police and fire and the Ems who serve and protect our lives, the rule of law and our property.

But can we practice this all year round?

The virus has even complicated this further and put burdens on all families, and those who serve essentially so we can eat and provide the necessary utilities to our homes.

We can and we must lead by example to spread thanks, and love and joy.
We can and we must lead by example with a simple smile and a kind word.

They and we deserve that much.

We can and we must lead by example, today and always.

A simple message yes, but can we deliver?  One person at a time, one smile at a time and one simple act of kindness at a time.

We can and we must lead by example.

We are all in this together and we all we contribute in this together.

Today and always we can and we must lead. by example.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin


05 / 26 / 2020

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