Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~07/31/10

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the last day of July!

How many smiles did you share this month? What if you shared 20 sincere warm smiles a day? 600 a month that could change the day of another, change their state and improve their direction.

What if you shared 40 smiles that just got the reflective power of another smiles back.

Thats 80 smiles you created a day or 2400 smiles you had a part in. Do you get the picture, you and I can create change just by a simple smile or a warm sincere smile directed with intent and purpose.

Now ask this question, what if 50 people went out in the world with this intent?

To share a smile: 20 warm smiles with sincere intent.

To share a smile: 40 smiles just to get one back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What if? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What if we all became an advocate of the smile?

What if we all shared our gratitude daily with ourselves and with our loved ones with purpose and intent.

How could that change our day, our month, our year?

Something to think about for today and the weekend.

Today as I do on every Saturday I share a post from the past.

Today the post is from May 01, 2009

Have a great May ~~~~~~~~~~>August 2010 everyone Sending Smiles your Way!

What does a smile do?


S = Sets you free

M = Makes you special

I = Increases your value

L = Lifts up your spirit

E = Erases all your tensions

So don't forget to smile!

Just something to hang on your fridge or desk at work.

Below a video that always makes us smile here.

Have a great day!

Have a great month!

Till next time Smile!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Friday, July 30, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~07/30/10

Happy Friday everyone and welcome to the last 2 days of July 2010. How fast this month flew by. My son is in from Houston, Texas and it has been great 14 years old and 6' 1". Wow, they do grow bigger in Texas I guess, with a big grin on my face.

So what do you have planned for this weekend?

How are you going to close out the month?

August a month of football, the last month of summer and back to school shopping. Will this month be hotter than July? Always hard to predict but truly August is the hottest month as so the trend goes.

Football, the sound of cheering crowds, the smell of outdoor tailgating, the feel of the crisp autumn wind on a Friday night at the local high school or college game. All the senses are in order not to mention the visual expression as a wide receiver or tight end lays out to grab a pass. The running back bursts through the line and cuts into the open field and out runs the defense for 6 points. The linebacker makes a bone crushing tackle that sends the crowd into the eewws, and ahhhh's . That is football and I am sure by now you can tell I can't wait for the first game of the season.

Everything in life has a rhythm to its flow. Friday has its flow, most likely because we all anticipate the weekend that follows this day. Some places even enhance this day with a dress down or casual day. Everyone is looking for the day to end so that they can share magical moments with loved ones or friends.

A smile has a rhythm to it as well. Almost always when we smile at ourselves or at any given situation we feel the harmony of the situation or the flow before we even spread that smile across our face. Music of course has a natural rhythm to it and than can be very emotional depending on the tone and beat, etc. A happy upbeat tune can send you into a very good state and start your day out just right. So today, this day the last day of Friday I send you out into your Friday Flow with a song and a video to go with it. I hope you enjoy its flow and rhythm and I hope it sends out many smiles.

May you all be blessed today! Smiles sent your way! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday Theory 07/29/10

A terrific Thursday to you, July is winding down, quickly winding down. This summer without a doubt has to be the hottest, have to research that one and August is yet to come. So how did you do with the 200 smiles yesterday, did you pass out a 100, 50, 25?

Even if you slept for 6 hours and that left you with 18 hours to go one a hour would be 18.

So why do we forget to lead with a smile?

First impressions are everything in sales and in interpersonal relationships. When your in a group and your not smiling, some people will actually start to isolate you.

Some will try to reach out and see if they can be an ear and those who do be grateful for that gentle reminder that life is for the living and living in happiness.

So why do we forget to lead with a smile? My theory is that we have so much on our plate, errands to run, maybe we didn't get enough sleep, maybe we are caring what others are thinking of us. So many reasons why we don't lead with the smile but once we know the reason we can focus on getting to an alternative lead.

Lead with a smile! Lead with your best face forward! Lead with an expression that states your in love with today! This day and all that is about to unfold.

Life is for living!

Life is for dreaming and dreaming big!

Life is for loving and sharing!

The easiest way to share that expression that internal expression is with a smile!

A smile can improve another's day and their smile back will improve yours.

Some people will wonder what your up to with that smile and let me ask you this one simple question. Wouldn't you like to share what your up to? They fact that you have so much gratitude in your heart that your thoughts, your positive thoughts do really become things.

Smile, live a life of gratitude and think with the notion that thoughts become things!

Thats my message here in one way or another. Thats what I try to share on my home site

The simple power of a smile. The power of gratitude in ones life. The notion that what we think we become.

Visit us at MAKE ME SMILE ONLINE. We have 54 members now and growing, pass the web site along to others and beyond that Smile!

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday 07/28/10

A wonderful Wednesday to you all! Did you ever wake up just wishing you could sleep just a little longer? Did you ever wish that you could just go back to sleep, just roll over and not worry about the morning? Sometimes I bet you even wonder what it would be like to be a millionaire or just have so much money that waking up would be for fun and work would be well not really that necessary today. Not a bad wish huh?

Just follow along with me here on this little Wednesday Wish. If you had a million dollars and only spent 500 dollars a day it would last about 2000 days or about 5 1/2 years. How much would you give away of that 1,000,000 dollars? I am sure some, to your kids, family and very close charities to your heart. You would give some away. Yeah, I know you would.

What if you gave away 1,000,000 smiles?

If you gave away 200 smiles a day it would take you 13 and 1/2 years to give away a million smiles. But here is the great part of this wish smiles, that is if you had a million you would not mind giving them away to kids, family and close charities of the heart. You would give them all the way and then go back to your smile bank and give more of them away. Wouldn't you?

You bet you would. Now just understand this, when was the last time you gave away 200 smiles? We have 86, 400 seconds in a day and of that we sleep for about 21,600 seconds or 6 hours.

Some more some less I am sure, we all have different needs.

But that leaves us all with about 50,000 to 60,000 seconds to share a smile. The average smile I would say lasts about well lets see 30 seconds so you could give away about a 1000 smiles in a day.

So to give away 200 you would have to smile lets say every 10 minutes but what do you think your rewards would be? How much better would you feel? How many people would smile back? How many lives would you touch? How many smiles would be shared ever 10 minutes if 100 of us gave away 200 smiles and someone smiled back? Do the math how much power a simple smile has.

Would you mind giving away a million smiles?

Probably not.

200 smiles a day.

What if you just gave away 100.

What if?

The simple yet powerful effect of a smile.

Smiles are free.

Thoughts of sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday 07/27/2010

Happy Tuesday to you all and first off I want to give thanks to you the reader. I appreciate many of you who take the time to comment and send warm wishes my way. A heartfelt smile warm and wide is sent your way with much gratitude and appreciation.

Thank You!

Often in life and I mean often in life we get so rushed, hurried and we lose sight of how truly blessed we are. To understand what good things we have in life we need to only look around and slow way down our moment. Take time to meditate and list out on paper what we truly are grateful for. Take the time right now. Stop whatever your doing now and just get quiet and be at peace with your spirit.

Here is my list:

I am grateful for the view out my window right now as I type this. The sound of the birds in the trees as they exist with out effort and sing and share their song.

I am appreciative for my children both Tori and Troy who I am very proud of. They are different yet they are the same in so many ways. They are so full of energy, so full of spirit and they can light up any room in our home just by walking in. Two very great kids, and they are loved.

I am grateful for the love of my life, Janice for following her heart and moving some 300+ miles to share her life with me. We dated back in the late 80's and just moved in 2 different directions for 20+ years and behold on Facebook I found her again and the power of love and a much bigger force than I can understand brings us together again. She has treated me and my family better than I can ever imagined and I love her for that and so much more. My friend, my partner and my love I thank you.

I am grateful for my home, the memories I get to make within these walls and floors and the nature that just flows with out much from us. It just is!

God has been good to me, he has been good to my family and he is probably good to you as well. We really just have to listen, to slow down and just take a few moments to understand what we really have at our fingertips. We have so very much that we sometimes just scurry on by it all.

Slow down, Stop if you must.

Look around and take in what is all around you.

Dream big, realize what we have now even more.

Listen, Love, Laugh and Smile.

All around you is greatness, right at your fingertips.

Be grateful, appreciate it all.

You are loved, love it all back.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 07/26/10

Happy Monday everyone and you are the author of your own day and at the very least the author of your own happiness.  Today use your smile as the instrument to write express your joy for life and gratitude for everything that is good in the world.


Take a moment to author you day by acknowledging God in your prayers and start your day with a preface of what you want for your day through meditation just take a few minutes this morning to pray a little and meditate a little.  Then wear your smile with pride.

If you did not read yesterday's post here on Gather please take the time to do so.

It will build upon my post today and help with your understanding.

The most important person in your happiness is not anyone else but you.  You must be able to look in that mirror every morning and explain to yourself that you feel great and that today you are going to author a day filled with happiness and gratitude.  Share that smile as you would the air that surrounds you.  There is more than enough air to share and the smile has plenty of staying power to change not only the lives of others but your life as well.

Yesterday I shared a smilie about the actions we take when driving such as steering between the lines on the highway and the simple action of steering your moods between the lines of happiness and joy.  It is much the same.  Too far to the left or right and your in the path of something bad that can hurt you and others.

I also mentioned that life has its twist and turns and speed bumps and pot holes along its way.  But when you hit these you don't stop you keep moving and if something gets broke you fix it.  You can' t ignore it, the problem will not just go away with time.  It may just get bigger and cause other parts of the car/body-spirit-soul to break down.

Life is like that you have to acknowledge the problem, face it head on and fix it.

When you fix the problem, it is much easier to fix it with a smile than with an attitude of despair and woe.  Attack each step in your journey with joy, with harmonious temper and with a smile and watch how much easier it is to move along.

Some quotes to think on today:

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony.”

~Mahatma Gandhi quotes; Indian Philosopher


“My temper leads me to peace and harmony with all men; and it is peculiarly my wish to avoid any personal feuds or dissensions with those, who are embarked in the same great national interest with myself,

as every difference of this kind in its consequence”

~George Washington


“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.”

~ Marcus Aurelius

So today, this day live with the knowledge that you are the author of your next moment, decision and action.  You are the keeper of your smile and any other tool that you can use to maintain gratitude, joy and happiness with in your boundaries of your spirit and soul.  You and no one else have the key to the door of enlightenment and harmony with those around you.

Wear that smile today, think of what you are grateful for this day.  Outside the window of your home stands today, make the most of it.  Some of your 86,400 seconds have passed and you have the rest of your unspent energy and idea's to make the most of the day.  Use it wisely, use it to make a difference.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 07/25/10

Happy Sunday everyone, yes the heat still resides here in Pittsburgh but that does not stop pure gratitude, or joy or even a smile. Only if we let it does the smile fade from our spirit. Only if we allow the soul to steer away from happiness and joy.


This week I want you to recognize your driving, the way you stay within the roads lines, too far to the right your off the road, (only if your driving in America) and too far to the left your heading into oncoming traffic.


We drive within the lines to stay safe and secure for us and our loved ones.  Drive outside the lines and your heading for trouble.

The same can be said for our moods.

Too far to the left side we are allowing others to dictate their moods to us.  Maybe they want to drag us into their way of thinking, the aches and pains, the depression and mood swings or maybe misery just likes company as the old saying goes.

Take our moods too far to the right and we become fixated by the nature of things that are not good for us.

Maybe we allow substance abuse to steer us, or maybe we fix our mood on hate or anger because outside influences push us that way.

Our moods are controlled by us. Just like we would not let the wind push us off the road we must drive our soul and our spirit down the single lane highway of our feelings and we must dictate how and why we should feel the way we do.

We drive between the lines of our happiness and gratitude.  We control our attitude. We take the bumps that life deals us and we roll over them just as if we hit a speed bump in our car.

Yes if we hit a hard enough bump or hole we can blow a tire and ruin a wheel or more but we don't allow that to stop us.  We fix it.

So as we should always fix our problems not hide them away.

So the next time you drive down that winding road of life, try and focus on our driving and our steering down life's twist and turns.

If we stay close to center and stay focused on where we truly want to be left of where we really don't want us to be or right of where others are trying to take us then we will stay happier longer, grateful more deeply and cheerful for others and ourselves.

Smile or others, smile for yourself and smile to make a difference in the world.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 07/24/10

Happy Saturday everyone the weekend is here!  I hope you get to enjoy it, very hot and humid weather here in the Pittsburgh area today. It will be in the 90's once again with high humidity. But the good news is there is no blizzard or back breaking snow to shovel this morning like there was in Jan/Feb this year. So there you have it, enjoy the day with lots of water, hopefully a pool and your A/C.

As usual I like to reflect back to a post from days gone by.


Today's post is from the month of July the 17th of 2009.  A poem I share with you then and one year later I share with you now.

Enjoy your day and stay cool!

If not now, when

~ Vic Yakin

Morning sun starts to rise, another day comes to life

Eyes so weary, tears that have dried,

feet so heavy

A slow trip down the path to another day

You in your not so best form,  ponder there must be a better way

You behind on your schedule, seconds slipping by

often we scurry and in a glance the early morning time does it fly

Look in the mirror understand your pain

Life never was to be so mundane

Awake and crawling toward yet another day

stop this madness and smile at your reflection

Your worth it, you deserve it


If not now, when

Take time out to start a little early

breathe deep and exhale slowly

Enjoy your morning and know this day is yours

Your start will be better

and you'll welcome the chores

So now is the time, today is at hand

Make your plans with a smile and joy in your heart

no need to delay this is your part

If not now when will you take control

Today is your day

Love is always the goal

So lighten your load, unpack all your burdens

Pray at this moment and be grateful for it all

Your alive, you are loved so stand on your wall

If not now when will you take the charge

repack your luggage we all carry within

Wrap it with love and a smile

Now on with your day

stay on your new course

of Love and Gratitude for all

because ...  If not now, when?

Hope you have a blessed day, a better weekend and enjoy life today!

Enjoy your life's moments,  because.... If not now ..... When?

Till next time..... Share that smile!!   :  )

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Friday, July 23, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~07/23/10

Happy Friday everyone!  Welcome to the end of the work week, these weeks seem to fly by or is it that as we all get older, (47 years old here) the time goes quicker.  Time, 86,400 seconds in the day just keeps rolling along it seldom is your ally, but we all need to use it like it was a  precious resource, which it is.  We don't realize what value a resource has until we have little left or its gone.  Time, don't waste it.

This weekend spend an extra second or two hugging or loving your children, spouse, mom, dad just because.


Because you love them, because they just may need your attention.  Get to know them all over again, put down the paper, the remote, the favorite beverage and just get to hear their side of things and tell them, and show them how much you love them.

I tell my daughter all the time this dating advice:

Listen to what they say but watch what they do.

You get to see more of the real person and their real motives.

Some people talk a good game, but are they bringing it to the table of life.

Some of us even talk a good game to ourselves, to that reflection in the mirror.

Before you can commit to doing anything the WHY

Must be strong enough to get to the NOW of getting it down.

The why of things is everything.  Why is everything it is the key to progress.  The why must be strong enough and real enough for real action to take place.

Goals need to be written and clear of course but to understand  the why of any goal and the importance and consequences of its achievement or failure is the key to unlocking the door to its progress.

Think of it this way, when we look at our watch and we know what time we have to be at work or any other important scheduled even we understand the pressure of getting ready, getting everything in gear and moving towards that goal.

We understand what could happen if we are late, we know the why.

The how flows naturally and it gets done.

Now to another example.  When we want something to get done, like lets say breaking a bad habit, biting ones nails, drinking too much, binge eating, smoking the list can go on, it can be a little fuzzy as to the why and when we do complete our goal.

The pleasure of that bad habit has a strong rope around us and it pulls us physically and emotionally and makes it even harder to break that habit.  The way to break that cycle, get that huge WHY in place.  Understand what could happen if you don't break that habit, set a reward for little steps and successes along the way of your planned completion.  Reward yourself for little steps completed.  The WHY is everything and understanding that fact will help you and your loved ones get what they really want.

Enjoy the time as it flows by.  Like a river it flows and we can't stop the impact time has less than we can stop the river as it flows by.  We truly don't want to stop time, what real fun would that be anyway.  That happens only once in our lives and we are not there yet.

Thank God for that as well.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday Theory 07/22/10

A terrific Thursday to you all!  I hope your day is full of love and joy, we are all born to be loved and to love.  We are born to smile and to be smiled at and today those who read these words know that I am sending smiles out to you as I type this.

Life is meant to be lived with joy in it and you deserve to be happy. Settle for nothing less than that.  If you are settling for less start now, right now and say my days of sadness, depression, disgust are over, now.  Right this very minute.

So do I believe that, really do I.  You bet I do. If you can imagine or go back to a time were you truly felt happy, your smiles went for miles and love filled the air.  Then yes you can repeat history.  It starts with are mind and the dreams that we dream.

Don't ever give up on finding that one true love.

So what else do I believe?  This quote by Robert Fulghum:

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge

- myth is more potent than history

- dreams are more powerful than facts

- hope always triumphs over experience

- laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death”


I believe this is more than theory, that laughter is a cure for grief and yes I know that dreams are much more powerful than facts. Thoughts become things is much more than just a phrase, it is in fact reality.

What we think about, and focus on generates into reality, even if the perception is just ours.

So today stand back and enjoy the birds singing in the trees.

Take a very close look at nature and how it all exists in harmony.

Take a deep breath of the air that flows so effortlessly all around.

These very sensory facts are just outside your front door or right down in any local or state park.  Enjoy them for the show that they produce right now is not only free but they free the spirit to dream, to think, to enjoy and smile with.

Enjoy your day my friends and know that your day and they way that you perceive it starts with the way that you think about it.

Right from the very start, from the very second you open your eyes to greet the new day.  May you all be richly blessed and may your face carry a beautiful loving smile to be shared by many.


Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday ~ 07/21/10

A Happy Wednesday to all of you.  July is quickly coming to a close and soon the August heat will be upon us.  August heat huh? We all had June and July heat, you have hope that the early cooler temps may be upon us.  It really is all how you look at it though, a positive attitude can keep you cool or warm, it just how we keep our head about it all.

Wednesday Wish that is what I want you think about today.

What is the one thing you wish for, dream for?

What is that one thing that if you focused your energy on it may come true or at the very least get you closer to it becoming a reality?

Perhaps you want to quit something?

Perhaps you want to keep cool even in the hottest of climates.

Do you want to spend more ME time with God and quiet time with nature?

What ever it is it all can be accomplished with a simple act.  Decide!

“The truth of the matter is that there's nothing you can't accomplish if:

(1) You clearly decide what it is that you're absolutely committed to achieving, (2) You're willing to take massive action,

(3) You notice what's working or not, and

(4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way.”

~Anthony Robbins


“Build this day on a foundation of pleasant thoughts. Never fret at any imperfections that you fear may impede your progress. Remind yourself, as often as necessary, that you are a creature of God and have the power to achieve any dream by lifting up your thoughts. You can fly when you decide that you can. Never consider yourself defeated again.

Let the vision in your heart be in your life's blueprint. Smile!”

~Og Mandino

It really is that simple.  Never consider your defeated again.  Your mind is the most powerful tool in your body.  However the heart and spirit keep it focused on what your goals truly are.

What you believe you can achieve!

Never give up!  Never give in!

Dream big today my friend

Decide to never again settle for second best for you or the ones you love!

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 07/20/10

A Happy Tuesday To You All!  Smiles sent your way and gratitude, a deep sense of gratitude for you the reader here and on Facebook.

I am on Facebook some of you who don't know that here is the link of if you want to add me as your friend, I would appreciate getting to know you.

A quote from my Facebook actually wanted to share it here and give proper credit:

"EXCELLENCE is the result of Caring more than others think is wise, Risking more than others think is safe, Dreaming more than others think is practical, and Expecting more than others think is possible."

~Cristiana Martinez

Caring more than others think is wise.  Who are we to care what others people think anyway.  Live your life with that deep sense of gratitude and believe in yourself. Another one of my favorite quotes as you know is:

What other people think of me is really none of my business.

We often listen to so many other people who don't even know us. They don't know our spirit, soul and our talents that God has given to us. So if they don't know that information how much credibility should we give them?

Dreaming more that others think is practical.  No one and I mean no one should ever steal away your dream.  Dream big and plan your day with the actions needed to get you another step closer to that dream and by all means evaluate your results but never give up.  So many people give up just before they break through and quit right at the edge of success.

Don't give up, Don't ever give up!

~Jim Valvano (1993 Espy Awards on ESPN)

Enjoy your life, enjoy your dreams and hold them close to your heart.  If you get the chance go to you tube and look up the Jimmy V speech its 10 minutes long but well worth it.

Live your life with gratitude.  Live your life with passion.  Live your life with your head held high and eyes lifted to the sky.

Gratitude, what are you grateful for today?  Me, family, love and the knowledge that what ever I put my dreams to with proper planning and action I can achieve anything.

Love God, you bet I pray everyday and give thanks.

Love Family, you bet they lift me up higher than I would be without them.

Love Self, with out that the first two would be realized.

Share gratitude with someone you care about today and Smile on!

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


Where membership is always free and

so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 07/19/10

Make A Difference Monday, even if it is just with you it will make a difference with others trust me on this one.  How we treat our selves and how we view our possibilities will define how the world perceives our attitude.

Happy Monday everyone and a new week to reach out and touch lives.  Touch others with a simple yet powerful smile, touch others with a kind yet simple gesture like letting someone go first in traffic or a simple comment of gratitude or appreciation towards a co- worker.  We all can have that ability to change another persons state of mind or feeling about themselves even if it is just a moment.

“This very moment is a seed from which

the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grow.”

~Margaret Lindsey

So plant wisely those seeds of happiness.

Share your crop with others as you move about your day.

Today is a new and fresh start, design today with gratitude in your heart, a smile on your lips, love in your eyes, and kind words from the mouth.  Filter the sounds of good and allow not gossip or hatred through your ears, and let no hate linger in your spirit.   Allow the grace of God in your soul, keep him their and your days will be filled with joy.

May your day be richly and deeply blessed and may your smiles touch many lives as you go forth.

Live each day with laughter and love.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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so are the smiles!


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Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference