Friday, May 15, 2020

That's Life

That's what all the people say

Lyrics sung by Frank Sinatra that we could and probably should live by each and every day 

I encourage you to read the lyrics and listen to the music that comes with it.

Further on down the lyrics read:

Some people get their kicks, stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'Cause this fine old world it keeps spinning around

Don't let anyone ever get their kicks stomping on your dream.  Finalize your path and your goals and forge ahead.  Don't quit. Don't ever quit.

Keep looking up that's where the stars are.
Keep looking ahead what's behind you does not control your future

Keep pushing forward standing still just won't cut it.
Keep smiling even when you don't want do it anyway.

Share kindness
Share love

Abandon hurtful words and deeds.  They only get power over you if you let them.

Don't let them!

Arrive on time even if it means leaving earlier.
Get enough sleep so you can function better.

Eat breakfast and take care of your health.  These are hard times no doubt about it.

But hard times don't last but you will.  You with the right attitude, the right smile and the right skip in your step.

Keep on .. keeping on : )

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V. Yakin

05 / 15 / 2020

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