Friday, May 29, 2020

Driven by Purpose

The question will is, are you the driver of your life or are you going along for the ride?  Driven by design, yours or someone else's.

The vision may not be clear but the desire should be.  The desire to be better, healthier, a better human being, willing to make a difference and make something better for not just ourselves.  But better for others, our family our friends and for our world.

Driven by a passion or driven away from a pain or suffering. It is still about the drive

Driven away from the poison that is driving you further away from your needs and wants.

Driven by a purpose, driven down a better path.

Don't be the rider, be a driver.

Design your path and purpose.

Make your plans and your goals come true.

It will take some effort but all good things will.

Be the change in your life, be the message that you will be driven to and want to share.

Don't worry about the nay sayers or the doubters or especially the "friends"  who want you to be part of the "gang" or "group"  Be your own be what you want for those you love.

But most of all "love yourself"

Always be that 

Choose wisely 
Love always.
Dream Bigger and plan and move and adjust and survive.

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

05 / 29 / 2020

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