Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday *New* June 30, 2011

Happy Thursday to you all! The last, yes the very last day of June 2011. How was June for you ?  Did you enjoy the month? More smiles than frowns, more joy, did you accomplish what you intended to ?  Questions we should ask each time the month ends because the month is about to end and reflection for at the very least for a moment before it becomes history.
I hope your month went well but wait there is more, July 2011 is right around the corner. It awaits us and all we need to do is step into it. Eyes wide open, thoughts on improving our intentions and smiles locked and loaded and ready to share..
So lets take this journey into the last day of June and take some time to perhaps be kindler and gentler not only to others but ourselves.

This day each week I want to share with you the importance of being thoughtful towards each other.

Taking the time to make a difference and share the fact that kind people do exist on this planet.

But first a quote on being thoughtful that I chose to share with you today:

The shoe that fits one person pinches another;
there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
~ Carl Jung
While we all seem to be so much the same, living in a world created by God, all of the surroundings alive with color and splendor.  We all are different and not all views are the same.
The fact is no two walks in life are the same and neither are the fixes.  But there are many ways to help another and to me the power of the smile is a simple and sincere first step.
Other steps are listening, the fact that we have two ears and one mouth shows how the master designer/creator felt about this.  We just need to step out of our ego and care more about listening to another than always being that person who is trying to fix things for them.  Take the time to listen and ask the simple 'HOW' and 'What' questions than can draw out more information from the person in need to maybe just be heard more than talked at in the first place.
Another way is to show empathy, let the person know you understand from what they have said how they feel and gently take the time to share from your own experience how things like gratitude, meditation, prayer and faith have impacted your life.
The number one step is belief and faith that things can get better and the best place to always start is with prayer and really taking the time to listen in our quiet places for answers and that still voice that says what our next step just may be.
Lastly another way to help another is to really enable them to think with more positivity and try not to enable them to stay in a less resourceful state of mind and spirit.  We need to enlighten the energy and not let it continue to drag the moment.  Give hope not allowing the disturbance and negative energy to overwhelm the conversation or sense of being. Sounds easy its not.
It takes time, it takes uplifting words of encouragement and baby steps to start to explain what gratitude will really do for another persons spirit and life.
Express what taking time to pray and listen to God really means to you and how it has effected your life.
Express in actions that you care and explain how you have gone through bad times but never stopped, you kept on walking through them till you reached the other side.
It takes time to be thoughtful but indeed we are all in this thing called life together and when we take the time to reframe and lift a burden with a smile, a kind word and a gentle conversation with more listening then speaking, our world starts to get better.
It improves because we helped another.  We shared our love and made a difference.
Take time to share today and here is wishing you the very best of the month ahead.  Smiles to you today and every day : )


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Walking Through Wednesday *New* ~June 29, 2011

Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome to the middle of the week, some call 'can't wait till this week is over' others call it hump day. Others look at it as what it is another awesome day to make a difference, to share a smile, to care, to live a life with purpose.

Which one of these are you?

What do you choose?

What do you think upon as you take your next step in life?

It is really all about the choices we make each morning and how we choose to walk through our day. One step at a time, one smile and kind word gently place before another.  Don't forget to start this process with you, the person in the mirror, the one who has the power to choose.

Think about this everyday has the same amount of hours, minutes and seconds.  We all get the same amount of time we just choose and decide to use it differently and with different people.

My thoughts for the new format for this post is the word adversity and on Wednesday I set aside the day to inspire you to overcome and focus on a more positive outcome.
This quote will fit this post nicely on this subject:

When life seems too hard to handle,
look around and you'll find
thousands handling problems that
make yours pale in comparison.

How very true, it only takes a trip out into the world, a drive down to the mall, or along city streets.  We all see them, people who have more things that are obviously hindering them but still find a way to smile, to share a kind word.  People who make a difference despite being different.
Hey we all have some struggles, me included.  We all have bills to pay, pains to feel, walls of problems that seem hard to climb over. But climb over we will we just need to put the effort forward.
We just need to have the right attitude.
We just need to have the right thoughts and words that we share with ourselves.
Those eyes in the mirror, the windows to the soul, the person who makes the decision and the choice that today, on my watch I will be kind not only to others but to myself.
Yesterday is history, stop reliving it and start to focus on today.
Not the mystery of tomorrow but today, live right here in the now.
Driving to work yesterday, I heard on the radio this bible verse, from Psalm 19 11-14 (The Message version)

11-14 There's more: God's Word warns us of danger
and directs us to hidden treasure.
Otherwise how will we find our way?
Or know when we play the fool?
Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh!
Keep me from stupid sins,
from thinking I can take over your work;
Then I can start this day sun-washed,
scrubbed clean of the grime of sin.
These are the words in my mouth;
these are what I chew on and pray.
Accept them when I place them
on the morning altar,
O God, my Altar-Rock,
God, Priest-of-My-Altar.
Understand that we can all be sun-washed each day, scrubbed clean of stupid sin, and the grime that comes along with it.
We can all look at today and say I will share joy, not hate.
I will share love and the simple sincere smile.
When we look in that mirror what are the kind words you say about ourself.  Do you look with eagerness the next days step and journey?
Take time to meditate, take time to give thanks for the good things that surround each one of us.
Make time to laugh, to smile, to share, to make a difference.
It all starts with you and so it will ......
Enjoy your day everyone and smiles sent your way : )


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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Take Charge Tuesday *New* ~June 28, 2011

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to another fresh start day, yesterday is history, tomorrow is the mystery and today is indeed a gift that is why its call the present. I know you have heard this before but do you give it the sincere meaning that it portrays?

I write each day around the same time, birds are chirping, and the fresh start of a new day is all around me. I write with the thought of just one person who has that moment of ah ha and it lifts their spirit or puts a smile on their face then indeed this is a success. I hope that one person is you.  I hope that if you found these posts helpful that you will print and share or email and contribute to another persons smile or ah ha moment.

Sunday I wrote about the wasted energy in anger or jealousy and yesterday I typed out the importance of never quitting and staying in motion, moving not just sitting still but putting effort and thought into each move that we make.

Today the post is about taking thought and taking charge of our thoughts and more important our current beliefs of the spirit that embodies us.

First a quote that I hope will start to frame these thoughts:

Only those who look with the
eyes of children can lose themselves
in the object of their wonder.
~Eberhard Arnold

The eye of a child sees purity, no limits, no preconceived notions or thoughts of how this will end.  They look at the world with wonder and awe of the possibility. The crawl to find out whats over there or in there or how far can they go before they find something new.
They of course do stumble and fall but they get right back to the task and continue on their quest. The eyes of a child does not let any history of failure slow down their imagination.  They color and draw with wild abandonment at first until we tell them they should color with in the lines. We show them the color blue is for sky and green is for grass. We teach them the word no and start that ever so slow process that starts to turn of the imagination for fear that another no or yell comes their way.
Why do we do that ? To protect and serve, because our life was built upon those foundations?  Perhaps, but in fact the reason we do this many times is that we don't want them to fail and delay their progress.  We don't want others to think unkindly that they have so much wonder and perhaps be perceived as a lack of focus in their day. Like we should really care what others think or what society has placed within our parenting rights.
Should we close out the wonder of a child?  Never
Do we at times?  Probably
Has that dictated our destiny in any way?
Do we still look through the eyes of a child?
Perhaps the problems of life takes its toll over time and wears us down but indeed the past is history and tomorrow is the mystery so focus on right now.  Right now what are you saying to you?
Right now what do you believe about you?
Right now what can you take charge over that will make a difference for not only you but the others that you care about.
Take charge, not just on Tuesday mind you but take charge everyday for those moments will empower you to not only move in the direction that you choose.  But those moments will perhaps place the eye of the child where is should be with in your spirit and soul.
Look at life with awe and wonder, it awaits you just outside your window or door.  Take that first step and look at all that nature provides for you.  Breathe it in and understand that the gift lies in front of you, the present awaits us all.
Have a great day and as always smiles sent your way : )
A video from Jim Rohn part 3 of Taking Charge, enjoy


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Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Motivational Moment *New* 06/27/11

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to a new week! The very last week of the month and heading towards the July 4th holiday weekend. For some that is quite a bit to be motivated about.
But for those who need that extra cup of coffee this morning well, I hope you have it hand and on with today's Motivational Moment.
This week can be a start of something great for you so welcome to that opportunity.  May you make the most of it. First a quote :

There is progress whether you are going
forward or backward!
The thing is to move!
~Edgar Cayce

In life you can learn quite a bit from sports, both playing them and for most of us the armchair version getting involved as a spectator. I am more the spectator, I do like horseshoes and golf but I do the driving range in golf more than I do the course, just never seem to have the time. Used to play softball but again making time for it when you have other obligations is not always easy.
Last night watching the UFC on Versus a moment became very teachable to anyone if you watched the feature bout with Cheick Kongo vs. Pat Barry.  It lasted just over 3 minutes.  Now for some background on the fighters and UFC.
UFC stands for Ultimate Fighting Championship and it has mostly Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters who use many forms of submission holds to defeat (tap out) its opponents. It also uses forms of grappling or wrestling and boxing with various rules to protect the fighter.  MMA has evolved and not always does the bigger guy win, often it is the guy with the biggest heart.  Two fighters fighting three five minute rounds. It often ends before the judges decide who wins. Last night the Kongo fight ended in the first round.
Back to the fight.
Barry is the shorter fighter by 5 inches, shorter reach and does not put on the appearance of being as fit as the toned and trim body of Kongo.  Kongo would win on appearance every time if you looked at it that way. But to go on Barry with just under 3 minutes left in the first round punches Barry just over the left ear, and Kongo stumbles, wobbles and falls to the floor of the ring.  In MMA/UFC you continue to land punches till the referee stops the fight.  Pat Barry did that and the referee almost seemed to get into position to end it as Barry landed punch after punch.
But Kongo kept moving forward, sideways, kept showing he had some spark left and in seconds stood again, only to get tagged again and fall like a rag doll to the mat again.  It looked to be over. But as soon as you thought its over he moved forward again and kept showing life. It was amazing but wait, he stands up and back peddles all the way to the other side of the ring with knees and legs that wobble and look to let him down any second. Pat Barry moves in for another chance to take him down.  Just moves forward and you think the fight is about to continue in his favor.  But wait... Kongo hits him with a right to the cheek and another direct hit under the chin that puts Barry on his back, right leg/knee awkwardly to the side and its lights out as he took 3 more direct hits from Kongo. Fight over Kongo wins. Now the fight is over with the fans and announcers shocked at how it played out. It was amazing.
The story over but the lingering message is clear.
Never give up
Keep moving
Keep moving forward not only in body but in mind
Believe in yourself
Keep moving always aware of those things around you
Be prepared as much as possible
Never give up
That said, it is easy to give in, just lie down and take the loss. Hope for a better day, a new month, a new chance.  But giving up or giving in is not the best way.  You look to improve your game no matter how close to loss you are, even in those moments where you almost are at your end, you keep moving, thinking, and taking action.
In the end it is not always those who are bigger, stronger, smarter who win, it sometimes is the person who just believes more, tries harder, and stays their course.
Don't ever give in or give up!
May your day be bright and your spirit be brighter!
Smiles to you this day! : )  Have a great day everyone.


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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Staying in Focus on Sunday *New* 06/26/11

Happy Sunday to you all !  Smiles and well wishes sent to all that last week as awesome, and that this week will be even better for you and those you care about.

My focus today will be on the power that we give to thoughts of anger or revenge.  How we allow our mind to pick up more and more thoughts that do not empower anyone much less our selves.
We need to limit those negative thoughts and limit the effect they have on our spirit.
My Sunday posts under the new title will hopefully encourage us to focus during a time when so many distractions can blur our thoughts and our direction. Today the focus is on limiting thoughts and the special focus on anger.
Call it what you will anger, revenge, jealousy, spiteful thoughts are so common in human emotions. It drains imagination and hurts the spirit of love, joy and stops the ability to make a positive difference in another persons life.
Why do we let this emotion run around and frolic in our soul?
The emotion of anger has ruled all they back to biblical times.
Anger has destroyed kings, killed brothers and sisters and harmed innocent.
The perception of anger is from within us and at times that perception of an event is unfounded and not a part of a realistic or factual event.
How often we let anger rule our moments. Why?  What good does it really do to feed into the emotion and let another persons actions determine our state of mind or state of heart.
Some quotes to think upon and perhaps focus on before we allow anger to rule our emotional state.

Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.

~Albert Einstein

Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers,
for each rage leaves him less than he had been before
- it takes something from him.
~Louis L'Amour


Be not angry that you cannot make others as
you wish them to be, since you cannot
make yourself as you wish to be.
~ Thomas Kempis

Take some time to focus on these.  The last one to me speaks volumes.  

We all want to better ourselves, have more time with family, do more for society, become more talented and love more freely.  But yet we struggle, we stumble and we come up short in our goals at times.  It is not our intention to fall short, life happens or we just need to rethink and evaluate our actions and plans. But the point is we fall short and if we can not make ourselves the way we wish us to be, then why get angry and mad and jealous of another who is struggling with his own short comings.

My thoughts are we should not and we must not.

Anger is unhealthy, impractical for future growth and causes more of the same negative energy to flow around us.

So why allow it.

What makes you angry?

Take some time today, and focus on the last few times you allowed anger and jealousy in your spirt and soul.  What good did it do?

How did it make you feel after you overcame the anger?  That is if you indeed overcame it of course.

My prayer is that you can focus on this word and put it in the same pile as hate,

Keep it away from the empowering thoughts and actions that can help you to grow and expand instead of contract.

Live your life, don't get into the game of trying to live the live of another.

Live your dreams, don't let another slow down that process and even stifle your creative thoughts that will allow you to get closer to your dreams.

Live with love, why would you want to live with anything less than love?

Lots of good questions to ask yourself today.  As I have written in the past 'if you ask better questions you will get better answers'.

Have a great day everyone !


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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sizzling Saturday *New* June 25, 2011

Happy Saturday and welcome to the weekend, a day to make memories, spend with family and yes yet another day for me to work..... Life happens right, I am not the only one that works on Saturday. Quite a bit of other awesome and happy people work the weekend.
So of course this is a new post topic, on this day we are going to share with you the power of Sizzling.
Each week I will share with you a new way to look at how we act, interact and hope to get you thinking about whether you are a slow burning ember or a flame that sizzles. Maybe a little bit of both.
When I think of Sizzling of course I think of a very exciting and unique, passionate, exciting experience.  Maybe its an outdoor event, a weekend getaway, a wonderful moment in nature.
The word enhances just an ordinary event or moment into one with great emotion.  To me sizzling is a multi sensory experience.
A sizzling steak on an open flame is much more exciting than cooking a meatloaf in the oven.
A sizzling party is one that is filled with laughter, passion and motion, you almost wish it would never end your having so much fun.
Soon we will celebrate our Independence on July 4th and have fireworks that light up the sky with light and sound.  The air is electric when the grand finale arrives and you can almost hear the crowd and excitement sizzle.
Last Saturday I shared with you the power of words, that can have a sizzling effect on a conversation, or a moment.
Instead of using the word, good as in I feel good, we have the option of saying I feel phenomenal.
Words have power they can pop or sizzle a moment.
We have the power and resources to make life's moments sizzle with our attitude, our laughter, our passion for making a difference.
So today and yeah try it everyday, choose your words carefully.
Think before you just give some mundane and boring response that is almost said like a reflex.  Take time to feel life and its passion that is all around.
Passion in the flowers and trees that we are blessed with.
Passion in the pets that love us with total unconditional energy.
Passion in the family that looks for the same things we all look for in family, love, concern, significance and joy.
Today let it sizzle.
Today and everyday your in charge of your moments, make them sizzling not fizzling.
As always smiles positive energy sent your way. : )

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Fun Filled Friday *New* June 24, 2011

Happy Friday everyone and welcome to the edge of the weekend as I like to say! Yes a fun filled Friday awaits you and perhaps you just need to fill your spirit with some laughter.  : )
This post every Friday will try to add a little fun, some humor, a fun song, a picture or too and today some video that we hope will make you laugh, make you think and maybe even share the power of laughter. : )
Today we are sharing laughter, it is a very contagious thing and when done with energy and joy overflowing well you just have to share it.  
So on with the show:

First we love the laughter of a baby and this is no exception:

Then even as we grow a little older we still enjoy laughter and we love to share it:

So fun in fact laughter can help just about anyone get out of their funk and here are some quick facts.

A video worth the watch from Joel Osteen yeah sure its 13 minutes but you just may learn something or get a new idea just may come from it.  Hope you enjoyed today's video's.
I close with a quote about laughter and then enjoy the video.

What soap is to the body
laughter is to the soul
Yiddish Proverb quotes

Have a great day everyone and enjoy a little laughter along the way! : )


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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday *New* June 23, 2011

Happy Thursday to you all! Cooler weather is on its way for the next few days, and much appreciated here in Pittsburgh.

I hope your week is going well and as we continue on our weekly journey I wanted to share with you some insights as we slide into Thursday.

This day each week I want to share with you the importance of being thoughtful towards each other.

Taking the time to make a difference and share the fact that kind people do exist on this planet.

That is our goal and I hope you take it on as a proposal to help make this world a better place.  Not just for others but for ourselves.

A quote on being thoughtful that I wish to share with you today:

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others,
cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie

Oh the very truth of this statement. When we light the way for a person in need, we also tend to have light shine our own path and  enlighten our view of life.

Being thoughtful, extending a hand for their journey and maybe taking a minute to share genuine concern.  No, we can't solve everyone else's problems, we can't, however we can show concern, being thoughtful is sometimes listening and maybe just maybe lifting an anchor off the bottom of someone else's life.

A story I found on the Internet with a message.  I hope you enjoy:

The mouse trap

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. "What food might this contain?" the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning:

"There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said
"Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the pig and told him "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The pig sympathized, but said "I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."

The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer's wife did not get well; she died. So many! people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness. So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember: when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another. Each of us is a vital thread in another person's tapestry.

I hope you enjoy the day, with a smile shared, with love in your heart, and thoughts that empower you.
Till next time, as always have a great day ! : )


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Walking Through Wednesday *New* ~June 22, 2011

Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome to the middle of the week, some call it hump day as in over the tough part of the week. But really by now you have heard me say everyday is the same its how we allow the day to be viewed and used.
Think about this everyday has the same amount of hours, minutes and seconds.  We all get the same amount of time we just choose and decide to use it differently and with different people.
My thoughts for the new format for this post is the word adversity and on Wednesday I set aside the day to inspire you to overcome and focus on a more positive outcome.
This quote will fit this post nicely on this subject:
Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you 
wanted but getting what you have, which once you have
 got it you may be smart enough to see is what you 
would have wanted had you known.
~Garrison Keillor
So much truth to this quote.  Goes in line with be careful what you wish/ask for because often when you get it, turns out that you didn't really want that in the first place.
Thinking before we take our first step can avert a slew of problems.
When fireman fight a fire, they plan it out and have quite a few weeks of training before they step into that burning building.
A surgeon has quite a few years on applying his skill before cutting into his patients body to cure his sickness.
So should we take some time when we step into our day.  Walk steady but know what you really want from the steps your taking each day, each hour, think and ask what is that I really want from this experience.
Ask better questions you will get a better answer.
It is all in your initial perception and thought about that topic that often dictates YOUR reality.  Noticed I put a strong emphasis on your. Because another person may see that same thing differently.
Now what he/she is wrong, always wrong, really?  No before you try to point that belief of yours out try to look at from a different perception.
Ask better questions you will get a better answer applies here as well.
There is much luck in life, some call it opportunity but you first have to show up and participate in life to take advantage of that luck.
You have to take the first step and show up with the right attitude and preparation.
The right attitude towards life, with an open mind, an open heart and open arms.
The right preparation towards your day/moment with a plan that says today I will succeed, I will prosper, I will plan and execute to the best of my ability and if my plan was not the best, I will adapt and push forward.
Because when we push forward we at the very least don't fall back, we keep moving ahead.  With the right heart and spirit ahead is always a new and fresh opportunity and just may have the 'luck' that brings you a brighter day, and a better life.
For yourself and those around you thats really what we all want!
Have a great day everyone!  Enjoy your walk.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Take Charge Tuesday *New* ~June 21, 2011

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to a new format for this day!

I hope to continue to inspire you and motivate but there are times that even though you are proactive and make things happen they just don't seem to go right. True? Well as I have said before life happens and just as a rose bush has its thorns our road in life will have speed bumps.  We just need to evaluate and keep on moving.
Take Charge Tuesday will speak to our ability to take control of our life, through our thoughts and our goals and dreams that we turn into reality.
A quote to help us remember:
Uncertainty will always be part of the taking charge process.
~Harold S Geneen
Nothing in life will present itself and say this is a guarantee to happiness and fulfillment.  It just will not work that way.  With risk comes reward and in life we must take chances and take charge based on our risk and reward assesment.
Life will have its wins and losses. A farmer will plant his crop and lose it to drought or to a storm, it happens.
A mother will at times for no fault of her own bury her child way before his/her time.  It happens, sadly to many times. It does not seem fair, nor will it ever seem fair but it happens.
A soldier will go into battle and serve and die for his country with honor and courage.  It never seems fair but it happens.
Life is a series of waves, sometimes we are riding the wave and other times it will crash down against us.
But taking charge is taking each wave and learning from it.  No matter how bitter the taste of the lesson.  We will learn and hopefully become a bitter person from it.
It never seems fair, and it really is not.  But it is how we respond that will make all the difference we must learn to take charge.
A video and part 2 from Jim Rohn:

Take charge of your actions and activity.
Take control of your results through reflection and modification of your next step.
Take charge of life and your assets that can and will make a difference for others in your life!
Have a great day everyone!


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