Saturday, July 18, 2020

Self Confidence ~ Your Why

Remembering your why will always help with the how.

Don't forget your why ever, it will take you

 higher and you will serve better.

So what is my why?  How did I get to share words and thoughts with you. My why starts with the day I was born. As a small child we explore, we hear the word no as we get older, we hear the words you can't, don't touch, don't run to fast. Our natural instinct to explore diminishes quite quickly.

My young childhood til the day I got my drivers license was suppressed, having two parents that abused each other both physically and mentally taught me to learn more about staying out of the away and keeping my head low more than being allowed to grow and develop friendships.

It was not a pleasant life it was mentally suppressing and tore down trust and belief and didn't truly show much love.  But yet I grew and served.

My entire life was built around service in management careers in retail and in automotive retail in sales.   I grew and served and learned about others quite quickly.

So my why is to help others with their growth and bring about more kindness and  increased sharing of love and making the world a bit better.

I am not an expert, these are my opinions inspired by a still and quiet voice that moves my fingers across a laptop.  I type with my belief that this world can be better, one smile at a time.  One person at a time and one post at a time.

When I type you can, I truly believe you can.  My disclaimer is don't allow the world to sour your belief in yourself or in what truly matters.  Believe in yourself and study yourself.  Learn a little each day.  Laugh a little more each day.  Be moved to tears just a little each day.  You will find a balanced set of emotions will guide you away from anger, disbelief and hurt using that formula.

Thats part of my story.  I share just to explain my why.  

Back to the post ...this is it. : )

Be great : )

See love

Grow always 


Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  18   /  2020

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing some of your story., and coming out of it in a loving way. That is a bold “Silver Lining”.for which I am grateful.
    Axios Axios Axios!!! He is Worthy is pronounced during ordination of a priest in our faith. I say “Axios!!!loudly; ”to you and your work.
