Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Self Confidence ~ Patience

Confidence in self and the glide of the patience needed to maintain and grow the very skill.

In the age of technology that has given us speed of knowledge, speed and entitlement.

Entitlement almost drains away the very patience of daily routines.

Somehow it always comes back to your perception of an event or process. Your attitude in dealing with the moment and development of self.

Confidence of self allows growth and progress to move forward more unimpeded,  attitude makes it more enjoyable or dreadful when the attitude is bad.

Allow your life to be more enjoyable.  Promote the smile from within, promote joy throughout.

It indeed all about you.

Your attitude

Your patience

Your permission given by you for you to live a life with unlimited possibilities.

INHALE and EXHALE, leave the bad, grasp the good in life.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  08  /  2020

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