Monday, July 20, 2020

Motivation Mastery on a Monday

Most of the time motivation is about running towards an action. Today we talk about fear and maybe it is time to face it.

Fear a four letter word that stops people in their tracks.  A quick video I found on the topic.  Enjoy it.

Facing fear and understanding it has limited powers.  Powers that we give it and none that it has earned on its own merit.

Our power to overcome is unlimited.

Believe it, practice facing your fears 

Practice gives confidence

It is always important to practice within safe measures understand that without wings we can't fly.  Just a quick disclaimer. : )

But truly we should dream big, develop a goal, share a plan and execute the plan.

Review the results and adjust and move forward again. Even if the plan fails, failure is an education and we move forward again with a fresh outlook.

Some good thoughts in today's uncertain times.

Fear will never win if we face the fears intelligence.

Rise up! Face those fears and know your unlimited power to conquer and move forward.

Believe and Achieve.


Dream big, love always and rise up forever.

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  20  /  2020

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