Building blocks given with 13 days left, to lift your self confidence. Given below 13 reasons for the 13 tips and strategies.
My hope is you print and review as often as needed. You are worth it.
Way 1
Perhaps the quickest and best way to start your day is smile. It changes so many when seen and yes that first look in your mirror can and will start your day the right way.
Way 2
Create Positive Affirmations
The most powerful two words for affirmations in my opinion is "I AM" with strong positive thoughts and beliefs that follow. These affirmations speak to the universe and your internal belief system that you have arrived and will continue to grow.
Way 3
Slow the cadence and tempo of your conversation
This can help you think before you speak and give more confidence and feeling to each word spoken. It works with the words you speak to others and more importantly to yourself.
Way 4
The way you stand and the way you walk speaks volumes to others and even more it speaks volumes to the person within you. Stand up straight, heads up, slow your walk with purpose and direction and you will develop a better you.
Way 5
Develop you EGO
The EGO and in my heart I believe ego stands for "Edging God Out". You have been created perfect and yes outside factors can effect you. Where you lived, how you were raised, health issues from nutrition or poor self care. But know this yo were created perfect by your creator. You have all you need. So don't let your ego push that away. Don't edge God out. The ego needs to recognize this and it starts with our very own ego.
Way 6
Eat and drink better
Garbage in leads into an over abundance of garbage to your own storage system. Everything in moderation perhaps but drink water instead of sugar water soda.
Drink natural juice or better yet eat your juice from the apple and obtain the fiber your body needs.
Way 7
Limit mind altering substances
Not everyone but many intake alcohol to escape, to numb the stresses of the day. I myself enjoy a glass of wine or a beer every other month. I just stopped one day. I did not need the feeling of loss of control. I never wanted to lose control of myself. Self is all we got and I would rather be in control and grow instead of deadening the senses or running from the stress.
Way 8
Hobby development
Read or write or color or draw. Find what you enjoy pick up your phone and enjoy the capabilities of your phone to take amazing pictures. Find a free software to even make those pictures more amazing. Find your passion and allow your mind to embrace your hobby. Make the most of the time you allocate to create something you will be proud to have created.
Way 9
Learn something new
Maybe its about the new hobby or maybe you want to learn about your surroundings. Learn something new, it truly is at your fingertips. The Internet or the public library or museums are out there waiting to share their resources. Grab the opportunity to learn and make your mind work for a better cause, you are that cause.
Way 10
Invest in yourself
You are worth that new outfit, shoes, vacation that you have been putting off. Invest in yourself. Start to learn about investments in bonds, or money markets or mutual funds. Understand more about your 401k. Learn and earn a better rate of investment on your biggest investment and that is you.
Way 11
Seek approval from yourself not others
Happiness starts from within. If you are happy with your growth, your posture, your health and your ego then move forward with it. Be happy, be curious and be in love with what makes you unique. So much to wrap your mind on this tip and its worth every hug you give yourself.
Way 12
Be grateful
When I wake up each day I say a simple prayer to God. "Thank you"! I do the very same thing at night. I speak the message "Thank you". That is my simple prayer. It works for me. I also walk into the day with gratitude in my essence and spirit. Do things go wrong yes they can and they will go wrong. It is called life. Life happens. But one persons storm can be another persons motivation to move forward. We are all different and perception on a event is different for each one of us. Embrace the gratitude for life and for a chance to alter your direction with a simple thought. Thoughts become things. Never forget that, Thoughts become things.
Way 13
Focus on solutions
What you focus on develops further. Focus on the problem the problem is enhance. Focus on the solution and the end in mind you seek. Focus on where you want to go not where you were. Focus on the solution means the way you are seeking your perception at this moment and what you want to change about this moment. Seek the solution and execute your plan.
This whole month is about developing a better self confidence. It is about thinking a better way about your day and about yourself. I hope you come back to these 31 days and I hope you enjoy the power to rise up each day, to a better you.
Rise up my friend.
Rise up!
Dream big, love always and rise up forever.
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
07 / 19 / 2020
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