Saturday, July 11, 2020

Self Confidence ~ Believe and Achieve

Why would you not believe in yourself and just accept your place that you are not happy in?

You were created with perfection 

You are in charge of your thoughts

Indeed your not a tree

Move forward and believe and achieve in what you will be.

What are you goals?

What have you written down?

What have you spoken aloud?

What notes remind you on your mirror of your intentions?

You have the answers and you have the solutions.

Believe and Achieve.

This Day

This very Day

24 hours you have the same amount as the next

It is your Day


What are you standards that you are willing to adopt and make real?

Believe and Achieve

Share your talents 

Share your energy to make this world, our world a better place.

Share you smile, a kind word, a random act of kindness.

Don't wait the time, this time is your very own moment

Make a difference 


Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  11  /  2020

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