Saturday, July 4, 2020

Self Confidence ~. Thoughts on this and every 4th of July

Imagine if you would the self confidence that our founding fathers had.  Some thoughts about how they handled this uprising.

A positive idea for you today and everyday.  The power of a firework show, to ooo and ahhh too.  Bright colors, sounds all packed into a shell, a mortar, a paper wrapped tight that when lit it explodes and soars color and sound for all to behold.

You can be that impact that a firework has.  All the power and imagination wrapped into your mind and spirit.  Knowledge forged to share positivity with yourself and those around you.  Energy enhanced and ignited by two simple words.  I CAN!  Another two simple word. I WILL!  With grace and inspiration and confidence the last two simple words, I MUST!  The fire is lit and progress and oooooo's and aaaah's materialize.

America's birthday some 244 years ago. Perhaps Dr Seuss says it best.

Today America you are you and in fact. no country alive is you-er than you.

Shout loud that we are lucky to be what we are.

Yes we have are faults 

A pandemic raging wild

A country divided 

Hate that can only be defeated by love

America the land of the free and the home of the brave

Stand beside her and guide her is our mission for you and me.

Successful people 244 years ago rose above fear and doubts.

They didn't worry the marched on and signed documents and
 celebrated independence for this great land,

They didn't let fear or doubts or worry stand in the way.

Nor should you!

Stand up and celebrate the firecracker within you.

Stand up and rise up against racism.

Stand up for this country we all love.

America 244 years of challenges and freedoms.

 Believe and achieve for her!

Believe and achieve for you!


Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  04  / 2020

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