Sunday, July 5, 2020

Self Confidence ~ Always. be for your desired Outcome, Never against

Never forget the world, everything in it is energy.  Some call it frequency, some call it ebbs and flows.  Just know its real and embrace the power.

Utilize this energy, this flow to work for you.  Don't pull or push to obtain what you want let it flow.  Be positive to obtain what you want and shed what you don't

Allow the energy, the frequency to know your desires.  The world will indeed conspire to give you what you desire when you speak and expect it.

What comes your way will come your way.  If you live with negativity you will notice it will follow and be within your grasp at all times.  When you live in the positive it will encircle you and allow you to grasp it and obtain it at will.

Grasp the Good
Let go of the Bad.

I know this sounds simplistic, and it is.  We often put a dock and plenty of rope to tie the negative forces into our harbor of life.  That may sound silly and if you look at all the past empty trends in your life you will indeed see that you grasped and obtained the negative at will.

The bad job
The bad marriage
The bad living arrangements 
The bad friendships

Shed them and never look back.

A favorite song of mine 

Burn the chance of going back
Drift into waters that are meant for you

I AM statements use them
Create them
Repeat them

Repel the negative self talk and watch your spirit and your life climb higher

Lift yourself up
Embrace what has be great in your life

Rise up

Achieve and Believe

You Got This !!!


Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

07  /  05  / 2020

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