Today this is written for that one person who doesn't feel fixable, who may states in silence the despair that no one hears.
Have you ever said, and only you would know this, 'but you don't know my life, I can't it is a struggle everyday', maybe you have maybe you feel like you can't get that self confidence you need. I am writing this for you because you can.
First a disclaimer, I am no expert, not a doctor or a psychologist or anything with initials at the end of my name. I am just a guy in his late 50's who believes in the power of kindness, in the power of sharing and caring and one who believes in the human spirits ability to believe and achieve.
I also believe people want even at the basic core to be happier, secure and alive with the possibility to achieve dreams and goals.
If you believe in that then read on.
If you believe I that rise up and silently or loudly state your intention to rise up, to be happier no matter what the environment presents to you. Rise up you will.
Believe and achieve.
Rise up every time
Rise up and believe always that there is a better way
Dream big and press on and achieve, just believe that you can and you will!
Your past does not equal your future, and your future starts today
One of my favorite songs is sung by the artist Meatloaf titled Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are. To me it is indeed in the lyrics advises that very thought that we do indeed give much power to the past. But it is indeed the past and the past deserves to maybe not be forgotten but to be left in the past, and further left behind. Great lyrics indeed. and at least worth the listen once. Maybe more.
The time is now, don't wait, you can start small but one small step forward can and will change your future. Take the time to take this small step.
Believe and Achieve.
Step on start with your desired end in mind and work towards that end in mind.
Believe and Achieve.
Believe in yourself and write down your goals. Now take those goals and develop a plan with something you can do right now.
Take that step, make it one that you can achieve right now.
Believe and Achieve
Meditate on these things, quiet your mind, find that safe space that has no interruptions
Make that time your own. A gift each day for you.
The work is worth doing and you are worth the time.
Stand on that firm ground that you deserve to be happy.
Learn a little each day, Laugh a little each day, find something to make you think in deep thought each day and always make time to be kind to someone each day.
First be kind to yourself and then to another.
What a world we could develop if we practiced that each day.
What a wonderful world indeed.
Dream big, love always and rise up forever.
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
07 / 23 / 2020
Love those teenie tiny cells in your brain kicking the negative out and Settling on these very posts of yours.