Monday, June 1, 2020

Real Change

Happens when we become the light, a bright light the gives life. Darkness can process light but it is not very transparent.

Real change happens with love and kindness, not hate and violence.

Think of the plant that is grown for food, it must be given proper care, the right soil, the right light, the right nutrients in the right soil.

Think of how a child grows.  It must be given the right care, the right home life, a school that natures a child not by the zip code they live in but by the basic need of any child that lives in any community.  It must be given life and attention through love by a real touch not just a touch of a video game console or music.  Nothing bad about either music is powerful for change but we have to also have the human touch of a parent.

We need to love, help and be kind.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help another.  We are living in unsettling times, times of amazing technology to send two astronauts to a space station in a commercial rocket. Incredible amount of time, and listening and interaction to get this to come to pass and it did.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.  We have people unemployed in record numbers as never seen before by real time sources, social media, 24/7 live TV and live streaming on social media.  WE need to listen to these voices of pain and suffering.  WE need the same focus and intent as a two man space rocket.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.  We the People in Order to form a more perfect union.....

Some times it is better to read the preamble of the US Constitution.

We the people of all colors, all backgrounds. This US Constitution is a living documents
want to read more about the change that has happened over time then click here.

A great resource indeed.

We have so much information at our finger tips but we also have a greater responsibility to use it for good. To be kind in the process of "real change" not any change with hate.

Real change with communication to help others and do know harm along the way.

If we can send a rocket to the moon, or use human plasma to mend a broken body faster then certainly we can use this same attention and implementation to save a crumbling planet in the middle of a pandemic, in the hopefully end of racial hatred and over bearable by the 1% or less of police who don't do the right thing.

It is time to look at what we have done over time and to apply those principles to fix a broken condition.

If you want to make a difference then start with the person in the mirror each day.

You have that power to be kind, to be lead by love and solace.
You have that power ever day in every way to make a difference.

A random act of kindness.
A smile with the eyes and words sent from your own lips.

A simple gesture of love.

We need to nurture our youth.
We need to nurture our poor and weary.

We need to practice grace and humility.

We need and must start today with each new movement of our mind, our heart and our body.

Won't you begin today?

A new month a new beginning.......

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” 
― Leo Tolstoy

Be aware
Be strong
Be diligent

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

06 / 01  / 2020

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