Thursday, June 25, 2020


You're never truly alone when you have the universe around you, cheering you on.  You are never alone when you love yourself.

Growth comes from inner strength.

Inner strength comes from working the muscles of loving oneself.

Loving oneself comes from looking in the mirror and into the windows of your soul and expressing love for what you see.

What you see is everything to how you believe in the true you.

You are a child of the creator.

You are unique

There is only one like you

Respect that

Own that

Fight with the gusto your creation deserves

Actions speak louder than love songs

~John Legend

Sadly recently a famous producer/creator in California jumped 27 stories to his death.

All reports were he suffered from depression and extreme loneliness especially during the pandemic.

Never in the history have so many people been feeling alone during this event in history.

I urge you if look at all the accomplishments in your life.

Count your blessings

Focus on what you have given the contributions and the efforts made to lighten the load for another.

You will never feel alone.

Live with what you have, what you have given and what you still have to give.

Live everyday with love for yourself and most importantly, pay it forward.

Your smile may just be what IS needed for another soul.

We are all in this together.

Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

06  /  25 /  2020

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