Choices we call make change the direction and distinction of our lives, forever. Simple choices like what we eat to major choices like who we marry. The all have great impact on our lives. Forever is a big word so choose wisely.
Starting over is indeed a choice, some of you can't even imagine the thought.
Starting over, wait what?
Who me? Starting over, have you lost your mind ?
Starting over the day, starting over how you talk to yourself in your private moments.
Starting over with the meals you plan to eat for the rest of your life.
These moments start in an instant.
Little to large starting over begins with a simple decision, to never again go down the path that limits your life. Your new experience, choice, may just make the next moment a better possibility of amazement, awesomeness.
Stretching your mind, pushing the thoughts outside of the norm will change things forever. A new choice to get a better education, Limit the bad habits down to elimination. Will it be hard, you bet. Will it cost you effort and maybe money, yes.
There are so many free educational video's on the Internet.
From TED Talks to Youtube, to millions of literal books and knowledge just crammed into a computer at your fingertips. Use this to increase knowledge and to motivate.
It starts with you.
Always we are responsible and it always starts with you.
Share kindness and share a smile
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
06 / 17 / 2020
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