Sunday, June 21, 2020

Power Words

For ourselves and for others power words can be the start of something much better for both sides.

The biggest two words to start are:

The chaser words that follow continue the journey.

I AM loving - I AM able - I AM confident - I AM growing - I AM smart enough - I AM beautiful - I AM strong enough - I AM getting better every day - I AM healthy - I AM wealthy - I AM in one with the universe - I AM ready to have an awesome day tomorrow - I AM enough for anyone - I AM wise - I AM improving by the day - I AM valuable - I AM valued by others - I AM capable - I AM worthy -  I AM born with all I need for greatness.

You would be correct with all of these power words.

Belief is the beginning but execution daily is the continuance.

Allow the river of words flow with you not just today, but everyday.

Get to the point where they flow subliminally and watch the impact on your inner spirit.

Achieve and Believe and own your thoughts for they are all yours.

No one has permission to walk into your thoughts or beliefs about you unless you allow them to do it.  Don't give permission away it has always been yours to allow or disallow.

Choose wisely, it is your life after all.

Always we are responsible and it always starts with you.


Share kindness and share a smile

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

06  / 21 /  2020