Welcome to Monday : ) My hope is to inspire a better Monday for you and share a smile or two, or three or four.
Just another day, but for some a day from a weekend that means back to work. Everyday is a Monday some say, lol, Oh they say that trust me.
But I am here to say you are able to achieve what you believe. You can smile through the worst snowstorm, or the roughest storm, it all starts with faith and hope and understanding that this too shall pass. It will, it always does.
A farmer goes out on takes care of business no matter what day it is. He does because he knows the consequences.
We all have the same problems, some may be more significant than others but how we face these problems can and will make all the difference.
A smile can change your attitude when your looking in the mirror.
It will help the next thought, the next action.
Thoughts become things.....
Choose them wisely
Self talk can mean everything to the path you take along lifes journey.
Its your journey
Try stating things in the positive manner for the next 30 days and see if you don't see and feel a difference. Try it you may find you like it. What harm would that be?
Life is a journey, your journey.
I said a few days ago the destination is finite the journey has so many twists and turns.
Mastery is doing the same thing over and over til it's a habit.
Just make sure the things you do over and over empower you not limit you.
Have a great day, a great Monday : )
It is up to you after all.
Share kindness and share a smile
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
06 / 15 / 2020
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