Self talk, self motivation and holding yourself to the fire of growth and positive influence.
Ongoing we are challenged everyday and at times we are faced with deadlines, a ticking clock and opportunity that we must capitalize on.
For me I have inspired my focus with these 3 simple phrases.
I CAN - a call to the obvious belief that I have all I need to accomplish this task.
I WILL - a focus on the simple direct urgency at the forefront of action to complete my task
I MUST - a view from above my consciousness that says get to it. This action is a must.
Collectively these three phrases with the I AM statement gives immediate focus and urgency to the task at hand.
I CAN - I WILL - I MUST and with certainty more times than not at the end of my day I can say one more phrase.
Mission accomplished.
What your mind believes your planned and focused actions will achieve.
This is powerful and with repeated practice they will become habitual with incredible results delivered time and time again.
Your are able today and always
Always we are responsible and it always starts with you.
Share kindness and share a smile
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
06 / 22 / 2020
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