Step one ---> Thoughts from night before "Oh no not another Monday"
Step two ---> Go to bed with this thought in your mind, and your expecting a great nights sleep
Step three ---> Alarm goes off, you hit snooze or you don't you crawl out of bed and think and speak "I hate Monday"
And you believe that you can suffer through the day and maybe it will get better. LOL!
A new way of thinking about Monday.
Step one ----> Enjoy and have gratefulness that you are enjoying your Sunday and have a deep sense of gratitude that you have a new week to enjoy with self and those you love.
Step two ---> Go to bed with the above thought in mind and truly expect and know the next day is going to be a great one! Smile on you face and your pillow in place!
Step three ---> You wake up rested and wake up minutes (5 -10) with out the alarm, say your "Thank You" prayer and place your feet on the floor with gratitude.
Which one just might work better? Just a new way to think about what you think on a Monday.
It all starts with letting go of old ways and being creative enough to change and embrace change!
Today, this day is going to be a great day !
I can and I will handle anything with a smile and gratitude and purpose!
I act and create and I improve upon my day by my actions!
What are you growing in that mind?
Your planting thoughts everyday and until you truly look at those seeds your planting you truly should not be surprise at what grows from your efforts. You truly reap what you plant and sow in your mind!
Don't be surprised when you get more weeds!
Plan and execute a better thought process!
Inspect your self talk and truly respond with better words that empower you.
What you think and what you say
Its your choice in those thoughts and words
Sending Smiles and Happiness your way : ) Today and everyday : )
Victor V. Yakin
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