Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday Weeding and Identifying Negative Self Talk

What goes on in your mind when it has time to assess you?  What words are you saying to yourself between those two ears?  Are you lifting yourself up or are you holding yourself back? Try this little exercise, get somewhere quiet and just let your thoughts go and start each thought with the phrase " I AM ".   Go on stop for a few minutes and do this now.

What did you hear? 
How did it make you feel?
What would you like to replace those self thoughts with?

How about this

Laughter truly can be the best medicine.  Try finding yourself in a negative thought state when your laughing at your favorite movie, or your favorite comedian.  Almost impossible to think anything else except the words that are making your laugh.  Now I know its hard to find something to laugh about each and every minute and even if you could you would not be very productive or accepted but, to laugh a little each day can make all those negative feelings become smaller to the point of disappearing from your state of thoughts.
Live well, laugh often and love much, I add this to the bottom of this quote.  Smile always!

Weed out those negative self thoughts and self talk.  Pull them out like you would weeds from a garden you cherish.  Because in fact the garden you possess with in you is much more beautiful than any garden on earth.

Pull those weeds.
Love, Laugh and Live well !!!!  Smile Always !

Smiles sent to you always

Victor V. Yakin

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