Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday Taking Over your Spirit

The importance of your spirit is often undervalued.  It is often taken for granted, like the overwhelming power of a camp fire that heats us but when we don't have this fire the cold soon reminds us what we wish we had.

Same with the spirit.

To define the spirit:

  1. 1.
    the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
    "we seek a harmony between body and spirit"
    synonyms:soulpsyche, (inner) self, inner being, inner man/woman, mindegoid;
    "harmony between body and spirit"

    So protect your spirit, protect it with meditation, with the joy and peace found in the quiet times that true meditation can bring you.

    Protect your spirit from the energy vampires, from the negative people who will indeed try to suck the energy out of your spirit.  Limit the time you give them and with what ever cost maintain your spirit at a high level.

    So in summary forgive them, be kind to them, be honest and sincere with them.  Be creative, be happy and do good.  Give your best, and know it was always up to you.  It always is : )  Smiles sent your way!

    Take over your Tuesday and keep your spirit on high octane energy and faith!

    Victor V. Yakin

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