To rest, to restore and replenish the spirit and the mind, this day is for that very thing.
To understand how our beliefs, thoughts and internal dialogue effect our life is key to a better you.
The better you, is essential for the better family, the improved health, and the improved social condition of our society. Truly when we get the importance of rest, the importance of replenishment of the spirit we will alter our path and the path of those around us.
Indeed, our world is controlled by the minds of many, but the single candle that flickers
can change the light in a dark room.
I am rested!
I am replenished!
I am well!
I am loved!
I am changing each and every day for the better!
I am a change agent for good!
If you can live these words above, if you can smile at the world, the world will smile back!!
To all of you a smile is sent : )
Victor V. Yakin
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