Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dreams inspire and goals brings those dreams to life

“The unreal is more powerful than the real,

because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it.

because its only intangible ideas,

concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last.

stone crumbles. wood rots. people, well, they die. but

things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.”

~Chuck Palahniuk

Starting to listen to the latest biography written by Walter Isaacson titled simply 'Steve Jobs'.  A great listen or read thus far.  The story of a dreamer and a doer that thought different and dreamed and did.  I strongly recommend getting a copy of the hard copy or audio book at

Steve had magic in what he created.  He was a master at getting others to believe in the doing.  In working towards a goal and completing it when they thought the could not get it down in time.  He made them work harder, faster and have pride in the product they created.

Adopted his parents trained him to believe that he was special and chosen by them.   A feeling and sense of greatness that he had early on that would define his belief system that he could become successful and he did.

Make the time to dream each day.  Make those dreams into goals and write your story.  Choose the words with care that will define your dream into a reality.

Choose words that will enhance your dream and help reframe it into real action and watch that dream turn into a goal and a plan.  Watch it come to life.

Steve Jobs indeed was a legend.  As was Edison, the Wright brothers and Einstein. They made things come to life from the dreams they dreamt.  They made our lives better because the knew their ideas would make life better.

And their ideas and actions and inventions did make our life easier.

We light up our world, we fly across and around the world.  We understand our world better.  We have been enhanced because of these legends.

You are a legend.  Just one like you.  Your dreams, goals and aspirations await the future.  The history of your life will be written.

Dream Big ~ Laugh Often ~ Smile and Love Always.

Smiles from me sent your way.... today and always : )


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