Friday, October 21, 2011

So what of this word Virtue?

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so

virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from

a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of

human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.


Maybe we should define this word virtue. From

vir·tue   [vur-choo] noun

1. moral excellence; goodness; righteousness.

2. conformity of one's life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness;

3. chastity; virginity: to lose one's virtue.

4. a particular moral excellence. Compare cardinal virtues, natural virtue, theological virtue.

5. a good or admirable quality or property: the virtue of knowing one's weaknesses.


I for this like to look at the first, second and last definition to work with and strive for.

To have in our hearts a virtue of moral goodness, righteousness sounds so high and mighty but if you tone it down a bit moral goodness sounds so direct and front of the line it goes.

We also must understand our values and what we place in order, our love for the soul and spirit.  Values should help us stand upright in this world that seems to thrive on putting others down.

Why do you think so many worry about the 1% that have so much?

They feel smothered, overwhelmed and feel less in control.

We need a leader with values and the desire to stand on those values and not be lead by special interest groups or lobby's.

That leader is not just the President but all of Congress and our Statewide leadership.

Knowing thine weaknesses.  Working on them, sharpening the saw but using that skill to improve upon said weakness.

Sharing that smile.

Caring for another.

Even when your light may not be at its brightest.

The uncommon individual the person that strives to care and share their love and kindness.

The value of virtue.  Has a great value indeed.

So today..... establish that list of values, and apply them to making a difference in this world.

Sharing laughter

Sharing a kind word

Sharing love

Sharing comfort

Sharing a Smile


Make a difference today and as always Smiles sent your way : o )


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