Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Acceptance is good

Acceptance of what has happened is the

first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

~William James

Life happens.  Heard that one before?  Ok, maybe the first word began with an 'S' - - ended with a 'T'... LOL But we have heard it ... probably said it an hundred times as well.

That is a form of acceptance and it helps to let it go.  That event or misfortune that happens to us.  Sure it is easier to say to the person that this happened to but how many times have you said it to the reflection in your mirror?

Life happens.  Think about it, we say it to others so easily but when its us we tend to dwell on the negative event.

A misfortune that has consequences is never easy to get over.  It annoys us at best and it overwhelms us at worst.  Plain and simple it tries to derail us for an extended period of time.

But wait who defines how much time is enough?

Is there a rule book any where?

So we lose our favorite (fill in the blank)....  who defines how much we grieve?

Plain and simple answer here... we do.  We choose how long.  We say we want closure but we choose.

The classic is the damage we feel early in life from our family.  You know the dysfunctional family.  Those that feel the pain long after they leave home.

They instead of accepting the consequences and move on they blame everything on the past.  Those people you know.

It reminds me of the quote in the movie 'The Breakfast Club' (1985) when Andrew tells Allison played by Ally Sheedy:

Everyone's home life is unsatisfying.

If it wasn't, people would live with their parents forever.

Ok, some can say life was the Brady bunch I am sure but if it truly was it was still necessary to move on and get a life of their own.  True?

Yes we need to move on from things that hurt us, try to derail us and even stop us.  We need to move on....

But first we must accept.. acceptance is key.  For if we don't accept we will blame others and others will never give us final closure.  Only we can do that.

We must do that.  Acceptance that life happens and we can't change the past on the present and we are in control of that.

The art of acceptance is the art of making

someone who has just done you a

small favor wish that he

might have done you a greater one.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

That is the focus on something good, sure bad things will befall us.

But even then we need to accept it and move on.

Accept it and move on and understand bad does not always happen and we truly do decide how quickly we look for that next gem that makes us smile, makes us laugh, makes us understand that good does triumph over evil.

We decide how to perceive the world.

Always have had that power, always will.

Move on to that simple act of prayer.  Giving thanks to the one who created it all.

Move on to that simple act of love.  That look in the mirror with the affirmation that you do love that reflection and that reflection is going places.

Move on to that simple act of sharing a sincere smile. Be random, look for that person who just seems like they need it the most. They may have ran out of their smiles temporarily and they so need one of yours.  Share it!  Watch the magic of that share happen.

Acceptance is very good.  We need to practice it more often with more speed.

Smiles sent your way and everyday..... Oh yeah this smiles is for you  : o )



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