Thursday, January 14, 2010

Giving Thanks on Thursday ~ 01/14/10

Happy Thursday everyone. A day here in Pittsburgh, PA were we should see a high temp of 40 degrees which will be a nice change of pace. The next 10 days look good as far as weather here.

As you know by now I set aside Tuesday and Thursday to share with you what I feel is a very important step in our own personal development and growth. The step is feeling a sense of gratitude and taking time to record it in a journal or blog and share it with others if possible.

So with out further delay here are my 3 for today.

First I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the privileges that we have by living in America. We have so many freedoms and so many rights that we not only need to understand but as always stay focused on protecting these rights and freedoms. Knowledge is power and knowledge about your local and state and federal politics is essential in protecting these freedoms.

My heart goes out to those in Haiti with the destruction and sense of uncertainty that they as a collective nation must feel now. Please include them in your prayers. The difference that we make to aid and assist in any way will go a long way to helping this country get back on their feet.

Secondly my respect and admiration of any law enforcement officer. Every morning they kiss their kids and family and leave with a sense of duty and go out into a battle zone with the only purpose to protect and serve our local communities and go home safely at the end of their shift.

The tragic loss of PA. State Police officer yesterday who leaves behind a wife and children should never be forgotten. State Trooper Paul Richey a veteran of 16 years dedicated service should be included in the same prayers for his family and young children.

Lastly I give thanks for the information age that we live in. Some 20 years ago we had very little connectivity now we have Facebook, Google, Farmville and so many tools that allow us to research, confirm and acquire knowledge and control our finance, shopping experience, confirm product information, and other various tools that the Internet can deliver to our daily lives. Enjoy this tool and use it to make a difference and enhance life and not take away from it.

So many times I read other blogs or new items and find an very strong sense of hatred towards the author and comments. For what ever reason we take the freedom of speech to task anytime we show hatred. If you don't like the article say so with objectivity not hatred or malice.

A quote that I always come back to that I will share here by Eric Hoffer he stated that

The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbor as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves.

We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves.

We forgive others when we forgive ourselves.

We are prone to sacrifice others when

we are ready to sacrifice ourselves.


Enjoy your day everyone! Share that gratitude with yourself today and above all make a difference in someones life today!

Till next time... Smile and start with a smile

meant for you.

www make me smile online dot com

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