Happy Monday everyone and here is wishing you the very best this week has to offer!
So how is your gratitude journal? Have you set it up? It is never too late and trust me on this one it should not be a chore.
Remember it is a gratitude journal not something to grumble over.
Think how sad that could be if someone grumbled over setting up a journal which sole purpose would be to post gratitude thoughts. Now that would be sad.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr day and my daughter has the day off. I do not have the day off however. Which is ok I am not complaining however I do miss those days of staying home from school as my dad went off to work. Good days indeed.
Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying:
“The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.”
I thought this quote is fitting for this day. There is still so much hate in the world over differences. Religion, race, gender and even social status discrimination still exists. We have so much to offer as a human race yet we still find it hard to just get along and work among each other to combine forces over evil.
We all have so much to offer each other. We all have so many talents that go wasted because we just can't seem to get it together.
Why? You have to ask yourself that question from time to time? Why can't we just get along, stop the hatred, the prejudice that we always seem to give out and then deny when its noticed. How childish and sad.
No one is better than another because of religion, race, gender, and just because you have more social status or money does that really make it ok to down trod another.
“To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” author unknown.
We all have differences, we all have unique contributions to make to this world that we live in. The fact is when we all put aside petty differences and work towards solving some of the worlds crisis we will all live better lives for it.
I know probably a little to unrealistic huh, a bit of a dreamer am I . Probably so but if we all just take a second this day, today and look into our eyes, into the windows of the soul as they are called and call upon yourself to say Why should I care about the (fill in the blank) of another man or women's (fill in the blank). Then maybe we can start to heal ourselves first and then expand into our family. Expand into our circle of influence. Expand into our neighborhood, our churches, our work place and our community. The true meaning of respect, tolerance over differences and maybe just maybe the words - acceptance and love.
The last quote I leave you with by C. Everett Kopp, former United States Surgeon General:
"The American ideal is not that we all agree with each other, or even like each other, every minute of the day. It is rather that we will respect each other's rights, especially the right to be different, and that, at the end of the day, we will understand that we are one people, one country, and one community, and that our well-being is inextricably bound up with the well-being of each and every one of our fellow citizens."
I wish you the best today and may your week be a great one!
Till next time... Share that smile and make a difference in someone's life.
www make me smile online dot com
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