Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the weekend. Some really nice comments yesterday as I am very grateful that you took the time to stop by and focus on what can be done for Haiti. All of play a role however large or small. We are one human race and when we take time to look after each other, whether it be a donation or a act of kindness we all benefit.
Often we fear taking action, getting involved, what will they think or say. What if I do something nice but they take it the wrong way.
I don't want them to think badly about my kind deed, etc etc and on the excuses come and go.
In reflection back to my older posts I wanted to share one that I thought would fit with this theme.
From April 28 the topic Will Power
Often we all face challenges and obstacles that at times seem formidable.
We all need to simplify each and every problem we face and break them down to what is real and what is unreal.
Everyone has read about the acronym of
FEAR which is
False Evidence Appearing Real.
Many times we are wary of situations where we need not be. A couple of quotes worthy at this point.
The oldest & strongest emotion of mankind is fear.
H.P. Lovecraft
Fear is only as deep as the mind allows
- Japanese proverb
Both of these speak to us in clear terms. Focus on what is real and on what you can do yourself. Believe in your own power and the power of human spirit to overcome fear. The strongest weapon we all have against fear is our conscientious thoughts and our beliefs.
The human mind is the most powerful organ in our body. Here is an interesting article about the mystery's of the mind, click here.
All of us have heard of stories where in the depths of third world countries, 'Witch-doctors' or Shamans as they are called can through the power of the mind and the belief of their followers. can will or convince the mind to behave a certain way with physical reactions.
The smile and laughter have also been proven to heal the sick and improve the overall health of many. The human spirit is and will always have the most power to overcome the evil in the world.
Another quote here:
"Human potential is the same for all. Your feeling, "I am of no value", is wrong. Absolutely wrong. You are deceiving yourself. We all have the power of thought - so what are you lacking? If you have will power then you can change anything. It is usually siad that you are your own master."
Dalai Lama b 1935, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize
Face your fears with a smile, understand and focus on what is real. We all face challenges everyday, but understand we are one and we need not face them alone.
Power Action Thought Number 159 - - Believe and understand what a smile can do to conquer challenges, fears and worry.
Worry not, tomorrow is another day and above all Smile. :)
www make me smile online dot com
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