Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 01/12/10

Happy Tuesday everyone I hope your Monday set the tone for the week. Today is a day that I like to share what I am grateful for my online gratitude journal entry if you will.

I encourage you to start a journal built around the idea of gratitude.

I know you will see a difference in your spirit when you begin to focus on what you have instead of what you lack.

At the top of my screen I see an ad for a book called The New Frugality by Chris Farrell. In reading the explanation of the book he talks about how we need to be more frugal in these times and start to enjoy what we have and spend less.

My take is we also need to spiritually and mentally take stock and inventory on what we have to be grateful for. Become more frugal in what we think we need and be happy and supportive and protective of what we all possess.

Things that i am grateful for today:

My family. They inspire me everyday to be the best that I can be. My family includes my daughter and son, my partner of 7 years now Missy, and my two dogs, Bear and Bella. You are the greatest and give me much, Thanks!

My inspiration to keep this daily blog alive and growing. You the readers who keep that inspirational fire stoked and burning. Thanks for the comments, the emails and the views here and also on MMSO. Yes 31 members and 21 more to go before March 18, the one year anniversary.

If your not a member it is easy,join at the sign in and join link (click here),enjoy the site, its free and pass along virtually and verbally the nature and purpose of the site.

Click here for the mission statement.

Lastly I thank who ever it was that clicked and watched the 99balloon linkyesterday. I can view in the stats pages what links are getting viewed and that one came up.

You inspired me to watch it again and to share it with all of you.

The story is was shared last year here and on MMSO and I thought I would share it again.

The video :

The video has so much inspiration in it, true love, real faith, dedication so much. To the creator/producer, the family and to God above, thanks for sharing and we can all learn from it.

Is there more to be thankful for in my life.... You bet! Thats what I think on each morning.

Now its your turn, take time to be grateful.

Take time to share your stories.

Take time to share your smile!

Till next time......Smile and make a difference today!

www make me smile online dot com

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