Friday, September 30, 2011

Something more amazing : )

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous,

leading to the most amazing view.

May your mountains rise

into and above the clouds.

~Edward Abbey

A wish for you today, this day that your day be amazing!

Lets define amazing; From the Online Dictionary


causing great surprise or sudden wonder.

Every step in life can be amazing if you use that definition you would have to agree.

The nightly news is amazing.

The person next to you driving by texting, reading, multitasking along who seems oblivious to anything around him.  That is amazing as well.

The world is full of amazing things.

Amazing - great surprise and wonder......

Watch this video....


Now that is amazing, wanted to share something that was shared by another.

The last line in the video

If you don't get a miracle.....Become one

We all can become amazing, we all have had that moment of surprise, awe, wonder when we became that amazing moment in the life of another.


Be that smile that lights another persons day

Be that laughter that is shared with another, lifts their spirit higher.

Be that change agent that makes a gloomy day something more, just because you were in it.

We can be all that and more, for ourselves, our family, and those around us.  Something More....

A quote that I will leave you with a Chinese proverb

I hear: I forget / I see: I remember / I do: I understand

Do something more...

Dream ~ Smile ~ Laugh~ Love always

and as always smiles sent out to you!  : )


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Being Thankful that storms will always pass in time and so will the pain and discomfort.

“I thank everyone that has caused me to suffer,

without you I would have no reason to express myself.”

~Author Unknown

Imagine all the work that has been done that has been inspired by pain and suffering.  So much of that work, music, movie, books written done be people that have been there, done that.  Because of their experience they could share, they did share.

To give thanks, even to those who hurt you is immeasurable power. For with out that pain and suffering you would not be able to appreciate those who bring so much joy and love to your life.

Pain and suffering will pass, like a raging storm that causes flood and destruction, they both will pass on to the next town.  Sure the clean up will be extensive but the suffering will soon end because of the action and work put forth.  Because of the people who mean so much to you who help to pick up the debris left behind.

Oh sure, you will have to do much of this pick up and clean up yourself.  Others have their own suffering and debris to get rid of.

But no doubt if you can look back in your life and think of the things that have gone wrong, the pain and suffering caused and you can say "thank you" to that event or person, not carry any bitterness, not carry any hate, or thoughts of revenge.  Then your ability to appreciate the full spectrum of life, the good, the bad, the ugly and the awesome will be much more vivid and impactful.

So if the storm is raging in your life now, know it will pass, it is even passing now.  Right now it is moving for nothing stays the same, things change, life has a constant motion.

We of course can aid in the change, how we perceive the current wind.  The rain can be helpful to wash away the dirt, the debris. Our perception will always be important on how we view our pain and suffering.

The constant is always our thoughts and desire to let go of what has caused your discomfort.  Giving thanks and praise to God in our prayers has extreme impact on how we view our growth from said event.

So today, heck everyday, view your moments of suffering, the pain or mild discomfort.  Take time to reflect on the passing of the storm, the clean up of those who helped you carry on.  The person, place or thing that caused the pain or event. Give thanks to all for all played a role in the healing process.

Pain is inevitable as is suffering.

However so is laughter, joy, love and forgiveness.

Share that smile today, pray that prayer, laugh for no good reason but just to feel that lift of the spirit.

Love always and as always smiles sent out to you!  : )


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Aspirations and our faith in them, our view from below that reaches above

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.

I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,

believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.

~Louisa May Alcott

It is far better to aspire, to dream, to strive for what we wish than to ignore our spirit, our love and passion that we all carry within.


That is simply what I believe that so many from past experiences of failure or hurt truly just give in.  They long passed that 'why bother' sign post and they are about to turn on the crowded street called bitterness.

A quiet street for many, as they just hang out and stew. LOL

But know I see beauty in what I aspire to do. So should you.

Have that vivid, clear, colorful and rich picture of what you aspire to.  Make it bright, make it loud, make it fun these aspirations that reach to the sky, and dance in the sunshine.

Sometimes the sunshine of our aspirations blinds us and maybe thats why Louisa mentions that she tries to follow her aspirations where they may lead.  But she always believes in them.  She always had faith.  Faith in her aspirations, her view of the beauty of them.

Yesterday I listened to a audio version of Charles Stanley daily audio message.  Click on this link and you can go to this message.

He talks about our view of faith and how we can fail during the stages of faith in our daily walk.

Worth the listen.

The world is full of struggles.  The news is full of gloom.  The darkest hour can be turned around by the brightest second of faith that lasts first for a minute, then two, then ten minutes, then more.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrew 11:1

Louisa in her quote above had hope, saw beauty, attached faith and even with some doubt ignored it and reached for her aspirations.

So should we.... so should you.

We have the evidence in our heart of what we long for.

Some long for love, for passion.

Some long for comfort, for rest for they are weary.

Some long for hope, for a better time, a kinder gentler time.

The search for all of these start from within.

Love and you shall be loved.

Comfort and comfort will return to you.

Hope, and you will search the sunshine for your aspirations and maybe just maybe you will not reach them, but oh how the beauty of them will warm your soul and spirit.

Believe in them your aspirations and always try to follow where they lead you.  Dream big ~ Laugh often ~ Love Always!

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Take nothing for granted ~ seek its value and you shall find it

To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude

means to take nothing for granted,

but to always seek out and value

the kind that will stand behind the action.

Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course.

Everything originates in a will for the good,

which is directed at you.

Train yourself never to put off

the word or action for the expression of gratitude.

~Albert Schweitzer

Life has many lessons does it not?  You are learning with every step you take, every action made.  You have much success and sometimes so it seems, more failure, but failure is only a learning point if you think of it in that manner.

Take nothing for granted, not the family pet, not the morning coffee, not the love of your family.  Nothing should be taken for granted.  Everything has meaning for good, it is only how we allow are perception to take hold that makes it bad, and only in our mind.

Always seek value in everything that passes through your life and guess what you will always find value, you will always find good, even in the mundane things that seem to come to us.

Nothing is truly mundan, our thoughts make it so.

Train yourself, teach yourself that an attitude of gratitude is your new small still voice inside.  That life, is great, that love is not just a noun but a verb that demands action by you and for others.

Love everything that has been presented.  Not the kind of love that is taken for granted but a love that appreciates the simple and acknowledges its purpose.

None of those material possessions do anything

to make your life any better....

I know a lot of people who have

a lot of everything, and they're absolutely

the most miserable people in the world.

So it won't do anything for you

unless you're a happy person

and can have peace with yourself.

~Lenny Kravitz

Things are just that... things.  They attach themselves to no one, they just exist  as tools to aid and help make our life easier.  But when we start to look at our things, our possessions as extensions to our self or worth we now let them define or effect our happiness.

Never allow anything to define your worth, not anything, never let even a mate define your standard of worth.  But to allow your money, or your possessions is sure destruction to the esteem we carry each day.

Be at peace with yourself, be happy with yourself and the value you come across everyday in some of the smallest of places.

Enjoy life.

Live life.




Not just today.... but everyday......start today, and then continue on your journey of gratitude and acceptance.

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Ocean waves, the power to soothe

“Why do we love the sea?

It is because it has some potent power

to make us think things we like to think.”

- Robert Henri

In general we love the sound, the touch, the smell of the ocean. We enjoy the feeling of being close to the power of the sea.

Never mind that our body is 60% water and our brain is over 70%.

Yes there is a connection to how empowered we feel next to flowing water, albeit the ocean or the river, or a stream that we stand in to fish.

We love to ski through frozen water, skate on a rink of water that is iced over.  We throw snow balls and make snow angels.

We don't cherish the same emotion with saw dust, or gravel, or boulders of stone.  We don't relish the trip to a desert to play in the sand dunes.


But put sand by the beach, and we sit for hours not to soak in the sun but to listen to the waves take more of the land back into the sea.

We love that sound, we enjoy those waves touching our feet.

The sound and touch of water.

We love the long hot baths, we enjoy the soaking in salt for our tired feet.

We embrace the taste of water, iced over on a hot summer day.

"When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come,

I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out

with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise,

and imposes a rhythm

upon everything in me that

is bewildered and confused."

- Rainer Maria Rilke

A wave machine has that effect, so do home videos from the beach trip, oh the sound of the ocean, the touch of the waves.

Oh how we long for thee.

The fall weather is here but the ocean still crashes in to the shore.

Taking back some of the sand dune, but still giving its love for all.

Enclosed or attached a video I hope you can relate to any day of the week....


It almost calls your name...asking you to jump in, to play and share in its beauty.

"For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)

it's always ourselves we find in the sea."

- E. E. Cummings


Have a great day and a awesome week   : )


Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Things hoped for

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

~ Hebrews 11:1

This quote to me defines having that strong, courageous faith in our daily walk.

The faith that knows no limits, knows no boundaries.  The faith in our creator, our God that anything that we truly can see in our heart, know and understand in our mind can come true.  Simple, yet complex faith.

The substance of things hoped for....

Things like security and love for our children and their children.

Things like healing from a disease, that cure that will end our pain or discomfort.

Things like the deliverance for a hurting world, that they may find that making a difference for others, serving others does not only help those we serve but helps us understand our true purpose.

To aid, to assist, to love, to care, to share joy.

It really is that simple.

The evidence of things not seen.....

Just because you can't see it does not mean its not possible.

No one saw anyone breaking a 4 minute mile.  But yet it came.

No one saw a computer the size of a small thin book.  But yet it came.

No one saw a phone that can take messages, search the Internet, help us with directions, display and allow us to read a novel.  But yet it came.

The evidence of things not seen was not as strong as the faith and the conviction of those who wanted to bring it to pass.

We all have that conviction. We just need to access it and push play.

Play, the button with in us that puts thinks into action.

The button that once pushed and activated starts the process of implementation of a plan, a passion, and gives us courage to follow our dream and desires until we have success.

Find your passion.

To me writing these messages and sharing what flows through my fingers is that passion.  The words and messages I leave behind for my children, their children and onward will have impact.  They already have impact on my life.

No pain is too heavy with faith.

No amount of anger is to strong to leave alone by the side of the road.

No doubt  I will love again.  I love now.

I love my children, my friends, my job, my pets, my family, my life.

Faith, you bet I have it.  Faith keeps me grounded.  It keeps me pushing the play button.

Find your button.

Find your passion.

Find, identify and label what you love.  Share those labels.

Share that laughter.

Share that smile.

Share that love.

Dream big every day

Laugh every chance you get

Love forever

Push play

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

To inspire, to give, to share and to love

Sometimes we tend to be in despair

when the person we love leaves us,

but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs,

for they left the only person who wouldn't give up on them.

~ Melai

I write every day to inspire others.  My mission to have one life breathe easier because I lived.  To share in some thought, that may lead to tears, or laughter or just a quick little smile.  Maybe an ah-ha will be let out.  But to write to inspire another spirit is indeed my goal.  I hope I do right by you the reader.

Oh, I know that I try to.

I almost gave up writing the other day, almost wanted to take some time out and put the fingers to rest.  Maybe it was too painful to keep writing when I was hurting as bad as it has been at times.

Not physical pain, but pain from the heart when someone leaves.  My wife left on the 10th of Sept. Have not heard from her since 1pm that day when she got back to Michigan.

Each day I feel stronger, each day I miss 'her' less.  Sure I still miss her, I hear her laugh, still I feel her touch on that wedding day.  Almost a year ago.

But I know I did my best.  I didin't give up on her, didn't ask her to leave, nor did I beg her to stay.  Because when you beg your really giving up on you.

Watched a message the other day on the Internet, a Christian message and the message was clear.  It was like it spoke to me.

The message was that sometimes our God can allow things to be removed form our life so that we can grow.

God heals and with out a doubt removes pain, can remove sickness.  He wants us to be obedient to his word and his plan for us.

So perhaps God also wants us to choose our plan, our partner, our team better.  So we can make more of a difference for other lives.

This message touched me, so I share that with you.

Maybe you have lost someone, maybe just maybe you have been healed in the past from the pain of relationship lost.  Just perhaps you learned from the experience.

I may be BENT, but not BROKEN, everything happens for a REASON. Because if GOD brings you to it, HE will bring you through it.

~ Author Unknown

I write to inspire, but many times what I write inspires me.  I type with little or no research, it just flows from my fingers.  I pray before and pray after to give thanks.

I share this to give some thought, some smiles, some love.  I hope your visit again, I hope you share in the comments below.

May your direction be filled with smiles, with joy, with love and with a passion to make a difference in the life of others.

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Have Fun, live with laughter, love and dream big along the way

Everyone likes to follow fun

but for most there is no fun in always following

Dream Big ~ Laugh Often ~ Love Always

Smile Forever

~ V. Yakin (just me)

Dream Big

Nothing happens with out a dream, a first concept, the ah-ha moment that says this could be possible.

Dreams with out action and a plan are simply day dreams, we need to think out our implementation.

Failure putting our dream into action is not optional, you will fail.  But how do you evaluate your failure.  What notes do you take to keep that failure, in that manner, to only once.

Failure is mandatory when putting our dream into a reality.  It guides you another step closer to success.

Having Fun

When putting your life into motion, make it fun.   Take the time to smile, enjoy the journey.  Taking a journey with out enjoying it makes it too much like work.

Sure life is work, or do you have to work at life?  No matter they both sound right.  However as the old adage goes ....

If its not fun, your not doing it right

Laugh often

What more can be said about the power of laughter.

It heals

It increases our like ability factor

People love to laugh.

Laughter in the morning is perhaps the best.  Just for the heck of it even if nothing is funny right now, and that just may be funny in  Make the time right now to laugh for 2 minutes.  Just about anything....a hearty, from the belly, through the lungs, out the mouth laugh.  If tears come to your eyes you did it just right.  Go on, who cares who is watching.  Ok, if others are asleep in your home....hold off on this or take it outside.  LOL

How did it feel?  Are you smiling, you felt silly, or are you silly....... LOL

Laugh often, you will feel great doing it and you will feel great for a longer period of time.

Just laugh.....  Watch that smile broaden when your down.

Love Always

All you need is love,  Remember that song from the Beatles?  It is so true.

If you forgot the words or the song, well here it is just for you....

: )

Love always, what a wonderful world this could be, should be.

This is not just dreaming here, its one person giving you some options.

Dream Big ~ Laugh Often ~ Love Always and Smile along the way!

Have Fun exploring today and sometimes you will follow but today take the lead.  Make a Difference.  Share your love and your laughter.

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feeling lonely? How living with gratitude and service can end those feelings

The interesting thing is why we're so desperate

for this anesthetic against loneliness.

~David Wallace Foster

In the book of Genesis in chapter 2 verse 18 God spoke these words:

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Perhaps times have changed, it seems more and more people tend to want to live alone.  The world has even changed to promote those who live alone.

Many families even because of work and school demands have the resemblance of single life.  They seldom get to send time together working opposite schedules they pass each other at the door.

So why is loneliness such a drag......

We were designed by God to live a life of service.  Service to each other and to share in our talents to perhaps make another persons life a bit easier.

Thats why some paint, draw, take pictures, write.  Others love to cook, bake, and share in life their skills in the kitchen.

People don't just go out to eat for simplicity they often do this to be connected in a public venue.

Some go out to drink, not just because they are thirsty, or want to numb their pain, but to become more social, relaxed among friends or even perfect strangers.

It is not desirable for man to be alone.

Oh it is ok.... not saying you can't live a productive life alone and single.  It just seems more enjoyable to live with a helper, a lover, or a partner.

Life is so short, you never know when the final buzzer will blow.

Unlike a sporting event there is not game clock we get to look up at.  Their is no two minute warning that says thats prepare for the end of our life.

It just ends one day.

So if you have that special someone cherish them.  Tell them you love them.  Share a funny story about the why.

And if your alone, don't despair.  God has a plan, a creation and a simple unexplainable way of putting love together.

Live your life of service.

Live your life with prayer.

Live your life with laughter.

You will never be alone with these things.  You'll never be alone.

May your day be blessed.

May your gratitude be over flowing!

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Attention, awareness and above all effort to pray, smile and love

The really important kind of freedom involves attention,

and awareness, and discipline, and effort,

and being able truly to care about other people

and to sacrifice for them, over and over,

in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.

~ David Foster Wallace

Yes its a late night post, almost didn't take time out for you today. Almost took a break, a day off, and it bothered me.  I come to look forward to your comments, and I also take great pride in the fact that my words, inspiration may mean something to you.  May help your day, or night breathe a little easier.

Times are indeed hard on many of us, financial, health, family issues, friends bringing problems to our attention.  Employment issues, unemployment, sons and daughters at war.... The list can go on and on.

But we do care, we do have love in our hearts for others, sometimes more than even ourselves.

I stumbled upon this quote by David Foster Wallace.  A great master of letters, and words, an author of sort.  The quote above was taken from the 2005 Kenyon College commencement speech to that years graduation class.

His work and speech for that day prepares many of us for our daily grind to work and back.  Life in the checkout lane at our local grocery store, or life on the highways of life.

So much filled with humor and yes pain for existence.

Another quote I pull from his speech here:

It is unimaginably hard to do this,

to stay conscious and alive, day in and day out.

No, it is very hard, with the many problems this world has to offer to stay focused on joy, smiles, laughter but we must.

We must take the time, make the time to share love.

To share compassion.

To not have to understand everything that happens to us and its meaning (I can't figure out any of this stuff in my life lol), no we need to just BE.

Be confident!

Be happy!

Be prayerful (should be first)

Be content with life as it happens and make the most out of what we truly have to offer.

On a personal note, this moment in time that I tread through is like hard stuff for me.  I miss coming home to someone who really loves me, (I know my kids love me, but Xbox and Disney channel still  I miss that time on the porch listening to crickets or the wind.

Do I miss the person that hurt me, no, just the idea that someone was here and could care.

I will trudge on.... no ..... I will smile on, my heart is to much in love with life and hope and promise.

I will look up, not down.

I will breathe deep, not shallow.

I will not because I have to ..... but because I truly love that in life.

No doors to knock on .... you bet there will be not right away but God has a plan for me.

I know it, I sense.

I thank him in advance for his plans.  I look forward to them.

So tonight I write with only a few of the seconds in this day that remain.

We all get 86,400 more tomorrow.

I will find you there as well I pray.

Good night and smiles sent your way as always.

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gratitude and Love with acceptance

Even after all this time,

The sun never says to the earth,

"You owe me."

Look what happens with

A love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

~ Hafiz of Persia

Wishing you a grateful heart today.  Sending joy and everlasting prayer that when awoken your feet hit the floor with the love and passion for another day alive.  A gift from God.  My wish for today.

Gratitude is a word that when practiced will make your day brighter, more vivid in color and texture and filled with more love for what surrounds you.

True love never says you owe me.  True love accepts what is an tries perhaps to make it better but not through acts of anger or contempt.

What you focus on expands, and when you focus on

the goodness in your life, you create more of it.

Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed

my way when I learned to be grateful

no matter what happened in my life.

- Oprah Winfrey

Having true acceptance is a must when living with gratitude.  Trust that the world is one with you and that the good in your life is more than enough.

Its fine to dream, to seek more, to want but when we are grateful for what we have we no longer have to seek for that next thing.

It finds us.....

Speak well of your moment, your life, your health.

When we speak ill we tend to let it perpetuate in our life.  Like the movie 'Ground Hog Day' .  More of the same seems to get in our cycle over and over.

Live the Gratitude Attitude!

Be thankful for not only being alive this morning but for the things the world freely gives thats all around you.


The wind, the fresh air, the song of the birds, the love of your pets, the sun who never says "you owe me" it just shines freely and with no expectations.

May your smiles be that free for another and for yourself as well : )

Just a few thoughts today.

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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Monday, September 19, 2011

Thoughts before action

Before every minute of action
there should be an hour of thought
~ Henry Ford
Imagine that thought being put into practice.  The outcomes of our lives, our relationships and our families would have much better results.  
If only we took this quote and put it into practice.
My wish for you today.... simple.  
May you take time to pray
Find time to give thanks
Share with someone deep laughter
Always Be Smiling no matter your road traveled
Cherish love
Today make the time for thought, no shallow thought but the type of deep quiet thought about what you want for your life, your family, your week, your day.
Write it down, make the time to write it down.
Take those written down thoughts, be specific and set actions. 
Think about specific things which you could do each day to protect those specific goals.
Take time to think upon them, how important are these specific things in your life.
What treasures do they hold.
Do they hold you heart?
Do they increase your value?
Do they enhance your health? Extend your life?
Do they warm your soul?
Do they fill you with passion?

"Anyone can dabble, but once you've made that commitment,

your blood has that particular thing in it,

and it's very hard for people to stop you."

— Bill Cosby
Find that particular thing that he speaks of here.
Yes, it is different for everyone. But once you find it, get it flowing in your viens, your will to bring it to life will be indeed unstoppable.

Find your list.

Think upon it and narrow it down to specific's

Commit to it!

Bring passion to it!

Live it!

Love it!

Share it!

What is your ' it '?   

Dream Big ~ Love Always ~  Smile Forever

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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