May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous,
leading to the most amazing view.
May your mountains rise
into and above the clouds.
~Edward Abbey
A wish for you today, this day that your day be amazing!
Lets define amazing; From the Online Dictionary
causing great surprise or sudden wonder.
Every step in life can be amazing if you use that definition you would have to agree.
The nightly news is amazing.
The person next to you driving by texting, reading, multitasking along who seems oblivious to anything around him. That is amazing as well.
The world is full of amazing things.
Amazing - great surprise and wonder......
Watch this video....
Now that is amazing, wanted to share something that was shared by another.
The last line in the video
If you don't get a miracle.....Become one
We all can become amazing, we all have had that moment of surprise, awe, wonder when we became that amazing moment in the life of another.
Be that smile that lights another persons day
Be that laughter that is shared with another, lifts their spirit higher.
Be that change agent that makes a gloomy day something more, just because you were in it.
We can be all that and more, for ourselves, our family, and those around us. Something More....
A quote that I will leave you with a Chinese proverb
I hear: I forget / I see: I remember / I do: I understand
Do something more...
Dream ~ Smile ~ Laugh~ Love always
and as always smiles sent out to you! : )
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